How to Start ECMP Equal Cost Multi Path Routing in MATLAB

To stimulate the ECMP (Equal-Cost Multi-Path) routing is a method used in computer networks in which the several paths for equal cost are used for routing packets. The knowledge is to improve the network reliability, load balancing, and fault tolerance through allocate the congestion with different paths which have the similar cost or metric.

In this guide, I’ll walk you through the basic steps for implementing an ECMP routing algorithm in MATLAB.

Steps to Start ECMP (Equal-Cost Multi-Path) Routing Projects in MATLAB

Step 1: Understand the Key Concepts of ECMP Routing

In ECMP, several paths among source and destination are used, and traffic is allocate with this path according to some load-balancing mechanism like as round-robin, hashing.

Key components of ECMP routing:

  • Network Topology: A graph demonstration in which the nodes are routers and edges are network connection with linked costs.
  • Shortest Path Calculation: Detect the several paths through the same cost from the source to the destination.
  • Load Balancing: Allocate the packets with this path according to the some strategy.

Step 2: Define the Network Topology

In MATLAB, we can state the network as a graph using graph or digraph objects. Every node signifies a router, and every edge has a cost such as or weight. We can characterize the network using an adjacency matrix, which the value for every entry corresponds to the cost of the connection among nodes.

Here’s how we can state a simple network topology:

% Define the adjacency matrix (cost of links between nodes)

% Example: 6 nodes, with edge weights indicating cost

adjMatrix = [

0  1  0  1  0  0;  % Node 1

1  0  1  0  1  0;  % Node 2

0  1  0  1  0  1;  % Node 3

1  0  1  0  1  0;  % Node 4

0  1  0  1  0  1;  % Node 5

0  0  1  0  1  0   % Node 6


% Create a graph object from the adjacency matrix

G = graph(adjMatrix);

plot(G, ‘Layout’, ‘force’);  % Visualize the network

title(‘Network Topology’);

In this example:

  • We generate a simple 6-node graph which every edge has a cost of 1.
  • adjMatrix is a symmetric matrix where adjMatrix(i, j) characterizes the cost of the edge among node i and node j.
  • G is the MATLAB graph object.

Step 3: Find the Shortest Paths

The following step in execute the ECMP routing to detect all equal-cost paths from the source node to the destination node. MATLAB’s shortestpath performs is useful for detecting the shortest paths in a graph, nevertheless to apply ECMP, we essential to detect all the paths through the similar minimum cost.

We can calculate the shortest path and then find all paths which distribute the similar cost.

% Find the shortest path from node 1 to node 6

[source, destination] = deal(1, 6);  % Source and destination nodes

[dist, path] = shortestpath(G, source, destination);

% Display the shortest path and its cost

disp([‘Shortest path cost: ‘, num2str(dist)]);

disp(‘Shortest path:’);


This will provide the single shortest path and its cost. However, to apply the ECMP, we require discovering all equal-cost paths.

MATLAB doesn’t offer a built-in function to get all equal-cost paths; nevertheless we can change the graph to perform this task. For this, you require to use the graph traversal methods such as Depth-First Search (DFS) or Breadth-First Search (BFS), keeping follow for the paths by the similar cost.

Step 4: Implement ECMP – Find All Equal-Cost Paths

We apply the ECMP; you require detecting all paths which have the similar cost as the shortest path. We will use a simple Depth-First Search (DFS) method detects all possible paths among the source and the destination.

Here’s an example of how you might implement this:

% Depth-First Search to find all paths with the same cost

function paths = findECMPPaths(G, source, destination, cost)

% Initialize path storage

paths = {};

% Perform DFS to find all paths with the given cost

dfs(G, source, destination, [], 0, cost, paths);


function dfs(G, currentNode, destination, currentPath, currentCost, targetCost, paths)

% Add current node to path

currentPath = [currentPath currentNode];


% If destination is reached, check the path cost

if currentNode == destination

if currentCost == targetCost

paths{end+1} = currentPath;  % Store the path if the cost matches




% Explore neighbors

neighbors = neighbors(G, currentNode);

for i = 1:length(neighbors)

neighbor = neighbors(i);

edgeCost = G.Edges.Weight(findedge(G, currentNode, neighbor));

% Avoid cycles by ensuring the neighbor isn’t already in the path

if ~ismember(neighbor, currentPath)

dfs(G, neighbor, destination, currentPath, currentCost + edgeCost, targetCost, paths);




In this code:

  • findECMPPaths detects all paths among the source and destination through the similar number of cost using Depth-First Search (DFS).
  • dfs recursively discover all nodes and edges, enable which only paths through the achieved cost are saved.

Step 5: Distribute Packets Using ECMP

Currently which you have all equal-cost paths, we can apply the load balancing mechanism to allocate the packets with this paths. A simple method is to use round-robin or hash-based packet forwarding.

Here’s a sample on how you might execute the load balancing through choosing the path using round-robin:

% Distribute packets across equal-cost paths (round-robin load balancing)

paths = findECMPPaths(G, source, destination, dist);

% Example packet distribution

numPackets = 10;

disp([‘Distributing ‘, num2str(numPackets), ‘ packets across ‘, num2str(length(paths)), ‘ paths.’]);

for i = 1:numPackets

% Select the path using round-robin

pathIndex = mod(i-1, length(paths)) + 1;

disp([‘Packet ‘, num2str(i), ‘ is forwarded via path:’]);



In this example:

  • Paths save all the equal-cost paths after the source to the destination.
  • Round-robin distribution enable which every packet follows one of the accessible equal-cost paths in a rotating method.

Step 6: Visualize the Paths

Envision the paths can support you improved understand on how traffic is distributed with the various equal-cost paths. MATLAB’s plot function can be used to envision the paths.

% Plot the network graph


plot(G, ‘Layout’, ‘force’);

title(‘Network Topology with ECMP Paths’);

% Highlight each ECMP path

for i = 1:length(paths)

path = paths{i};

hold on;

% Plot the path (edges between consecutive nodes in the path)

for j = 1:length(path)-1

highlight(G, path(j), path(j+1), ‘EdgeColor’, ‘r’, ‘LineWidth’, 2);



This will envision the network topology and highlight the paths which the packets take.

Step 7: Evaluate the Performance of ECMP

In conclusion, we should estimate the performance for the ECMP technique. General performance parameter metrics we calculate the ECMP has includes they are:

  1. Load Balancing Efficiency: Enable which congestion is evenly allocated with the paths.
  2. Packet Delivery Time: Execute the time taken for packets we reach the destination.
  3. Throughput: Calculate the overall throughput for the network with ECMP.
  4. Network Reliability: Assign the effect of failures such as when an edge fails for the network performance.

You can add code to measure these metrics and visualize the results.

From this procedure, you can get to know more about the simulation process regarding the Equal-Cost Multi-Path projects using MATLAB including sample snippet codes. We have to evaluate its performance to enhance the performance. If you need any details about this topic, we will provide it.