PhD Guidance Help is a measure taken by group of scholars in order to help the budding scholars who need guidance. It is a novel idea which is started to help the scholars in order to avoid the hurdles we have faced while completing our research. As we have completed our research , we know every hurdle a scholar will face while doing research and we dont want such difficulties to be faced by our scholars.
We were unable to get such guidance support which is the motivation why we have started PhD Help. It is all round help for scholars who feel it difficult to take up a research. Everyone has the potential to do research, the only problem is we dont get proper guidance.
From childhood, we get some guidance in home or in school to adopt good behavior. Today people who have did great works surely would have got any good guidance. We always expect anybody to support us to achieve something big in our life. In this hope, we have started PhD Guidance Help for our budding scholars. We believe we can create a researcher and a young scientist to this world with our guidance.
HOW IT IS POSSIBLE, YOU MAY THINK..Nothing is impossible if we think everything is possible. We are fully equipped with positive thought which gave us this position today. Positive Hope is the best support; we can give to our scholars. Your hope will soon change to reality by our support; this is true promise by us for our scholars. Our experience and vast knowledge in this field, will make our scholar to get their success easily.
We dont only share knowledge with our scholars, we share our experience which everyone cannot give. People who take it as business will never share their experience, as we take it as service, we share every important aspect of research to make our scholars full fledge at the same time finish their research soon.
Lets take an example of Journal special issues, after reading it, think whether anybody have suggested you all the following points before:
Journal Special Issues(ex. general IEEE paper time-1 yearOffer time period-6 months)
International and national conference dates
Fast acceptance Journal list
Peer review journal list
Non paid journal list
Like these, we will focus on special issues for all the stages (Thesis, coding etc)of PhD. For each stage of Phd, we have experts for particular stage who will guide you about the special issue and this will make you to complete your Phd early with less risk.
PhD Help is not a pass time for us. It is a passion and zeal for us due to our service mind. We provide guidance support for both kinds for scholars i.e nascent scholar who doesnt know anything about research to scholars who are in the advanced stage and need only some part support.
We provide following support:
Topic guidance
Paper collection and literature review
Thesis support
Questionnaire design
Statistical data collection
Data collection help
Synopsis support
Editing and formatting support
Research article publication support
Viva voice preparation support
These are few supports we have enumerated above. But we provide every support a scholar expects in their research.
Topic guidance:
It is one of our major focus due to its significance. If we start well, we end well. So , it is the major cause for our success which need guidance and our guidance is focused on:
Provide Well researched and potential topics
List of topics given
Customized topic selection
Modification of topic or new topics accepted
Scholars should select their topic keeping three things in mind that is Passion, Interest and knowledge. If you cannot, dont feel panic, we are there to support you.
Paper collection and literature review:
We have experts working in this field for past years and have read at least 10000 papers which have made them well versed in every domain. We follow the following steps to study the literature which include:
Know the topic and act accordingly
Study all the related paper and define problem
Perform literature synthesis
Develop rough draft and perform peer review
Thesis support:
We support our scholars in every aspect of thesis. Our thesis will have following features:
transparency and terseness
Fully formatted and grammatically correct
Customized topic selection
Focused on complete requirement
Supported with verifiable facts
Clear cut result with comparison result
Questionnaire design
We prepare question keeping following thing in mind as it is one of the most important aspect of research.
Confusing and unrelated questions
Technically vague
Lengthy question with unclear idea
Statistical data collection
Scholars generally feel it difficult to collect statistical data, we support them as it is the most risky part of research. We provide:
Quantitative and Qualitative study
Software usage
Tutoring support
Synopsis support:
It is a additional support which we give to our scholars to make them fully satisfied. According to the scholars need, we provide them synopsis with precise content.
Research article publication support
It is one of the prime support scholars expect. We provide the journal list and topic list for scholars reference. If scholars have their own topic, we suggest them relevant journal and publish it.
Viva voice preparation support
We provide this support as an additional support as it is one of the most critical stages of the research. Scholars get problem in their final viva voice as they fail to understand the expectation of the reviewer. We train you in the following aspect:
Analyze research issue
Complete subject knowledge
Make you to reflect your true potential
In-depth research focus
Tackling every question with critical thinking power
All the above support, in short time will create a true researcher. We assure you for your successful research career.

1.How you get updated about Special issues of each journal?
Many journal reviewers of top journals are in contact with us, through them we update our self with the special issues of the journal.
2.What are the tools you use for phd guidance in Image processing?
We use the following tools:
3.Can I know your overall Phd guidance support?
We will explain every stage of the Phd and our support for it, initially as a guidance support.