Assistance With Writing Papers

A comparison analysis is a process of comparing and differentiating two or more subjects in the research. Generally, this analysis is utilized throughout several domains that are ranging from literature and social science to business and science. Get Assistance with Writing Papers from top professionals we also assure that our service is reliable. So, feel free to share with us all your necessities we will guide you towards success by writing a flawless paper.   To write an effective comparison analysis paper, we suggest some common instructions:

  1. Select the Subjects: Initially, we should choose two or more than two subjects which have adequate variations and resemblances. It can be of anything like texts, theories, methods, previous diagrams or figures, etc. Then, it is approachable to conduct a purposeful comparative analysis.
  2. Develop a Thesis Statement: In our thesis, the significance of the comparison process must be explicitly demonstrated. Are we investigating a specific concept or problem throughout various settings or are we intending to present that one particular subject is better when compared to other?
  3. Conduct Thorough Research: It is essential to collect details relevant to every subject. If we are working with complicated topics by incorporating experimental data, an extensive research process must be conducted.
  4. Identify Points of Comparison: For the comparison process, we should establish instructions. Note that these statements must offer proper foundation for comparison and should be crucial and appropriate.
  5. Choose a Structure of the Paper:
  • Block technique: First, all factors of one subject must be described, after that, describe other subject’s factors. When we are comparing completely varied or contrasted subjects, this technique will be more explicit.
  • Point-by-Point Method: Here, it is essential to go through the statements regarding the compared subjects. The viewers will find it simple to understand if we are using this technique to compare the subjects and it is always considered as more transparent.
  1. Write the Introduction: The introduction phase should include our subject description and offer important background knowledge relevant to the study. Mostly, this phase concludes with an appropriate thesis statement.
  2. Comparison Analysis Body: By considering one statement of comparison at single time, compare and differentiate our subjects on the basis of the selected structure. In this section, every paragraph must contain:
  • We should initiate with a topic phrase that demonstrates the comparison statement
  • To justify the comparison, offer instances and proofs
  • It is crucial to examine the comparison and describe in what way it assists our thesis
  1. Discuss the Implications: The importance of our comparison must be emphasized clearly. How is it dedicated to the interpretation of our subjects? What can be studied or learned from the comparison?
  2. Conclusion: In this phase, we should reiterate our thesis and describe the major statements of our comparison process. The entire relevance of our comparative analysis process must be highlighted.
  3. Reference and Cite Sources: At last, it is necessary to make sure whether all the materials we utilized in our study are appropriately mentioned by us on the basis of the instructions of proper academic style such as APA, MLA, or Chicago.

Hints for Efficient Comparison Analysis Writing:

Here, we suggest some important hints for writing effective comparison analysis:

  • Ensure Relevance: The comparison statements related to each subject must be purposeful and based on your thesis.
  • Balance and Fairness: In a proper and stabilized manner, every subject must be handled. It is better to neglect partial approaches or unfairness.
  • Depth of Analysis: You should examine the importance of subject’s variations and resemblances. It is appreciable to consider a thorough explanation.
  • Clarity in Argumentation: It is significant to ensure whether every subject’s statement is justified by appropriate proof and declared certainly.
  • Transitions and Linkages: To explicitly display the connection among various phases of your analysis and to coherently flow from one statement to another subsequent statement, we advise you to utilize some transition or connectable terminologies.

What are some common challenges faced when conducting academic writing research?

Effectively skillful researchers also confront various difficulties when dealing with academic research and the writing process. Below, we list out few general difficulties that are faced during the research and writing work:

  1. Defining a Clear Research Question: Creation of particular, explicit, and attainable research query is considered as a major conflict that would emerge at the beginning stage. Minimization of a wider topic into an efficiently solvable and concentrated research query is a challenging process for many researchers.
  2. Literature Review and Information Overload: You might find it difficult to discover previous studies related to your research domain. When you are provided with extensive details, a thorough review or analysis process is more challenging. It is also difficult to identify valid and suitable materials for your project.
  3. Access to Resources: Specifically, those who are not associating with universities or any other educational academies may find it challenging to acquire permission to use required sources, including some particular research tools, databases, journals, or articles. Sometimes, you may not get a chance to utilize paid materials because of budget restrictions.
  4. Methodological Challenges: For interdisciplinary research, researchers may confront complications in selecting an appropriate technique and research structure. Most of the time, it will be challenging to implement particular techniques or some researchers may struggle to alter them based on a certain research requirement.
  5. Data Gathering Issues: Sometimes, moral aspects may also restrict techniques that are employed for the data gathering process. Gathering of trustworthy as well as credible data is examined as more difficult, especially for experimental studies. It is important to know that from various factors like response rates, sample size, or the target population availability, some problems may emerge.
  6. Time Handling and Deadlines: It is very challenging to stabilize the research process with some other commitments such as individual duties, or teaching work. Researchers may feel stressed when assuring standard work and trying to follow the specified time-frame.
  7. Writing and Presenting Discoveries: Commonly, it is very essential to stick to particular procedures and formats when dealing with academic writing. Mostly, researchers might face complexities in writing an explicit, logically flowed, and properly formatted concept that should express discussions and research discoveries efficiently.
  8. Dealing with Feedback and Disapprovals: Some might experience disappointment when dealing with important reviews, including expert-review suggestions for significant alterations or disapprovals. In the research journey, one of the major phases is learning to accept all the reviews in a beneficial manner.
  9. Maintaining Ethical Standards: When your research work is based on human- or animal-based concepts, university acceptance and meticulous concentration will be examined as important considerations. Getting all the approvals and confirming the adherence of essential moral principles might be complicated.
  10. Staying Motivated and Dealing with Isolation: Remaining inspired and keeping a stabilized work and personal lifestyle can be more difficult but also important to consider. Specifically, for the person who is individually dealing with the work, the research process can be a difficult and alone mission.
  11. Language Barriers: It is significant to know that English is a major language of academic publishing. So, non-regional English speakers may find it difficult to interpret the publishing principles and may also face some complications based on language expertise.
  12. Publication Pressure: In publishing the work rapidly and regularly at the cost of novelty or research standard, the “publish or drop” procedure might cause stress or difficulty in recent academics.

Assistance with Writing Papers

Research Paper Writing Assistance

Being India’s premier writing concern, we have touch with latest and reputable sources so we share leading ideas and topics as per your requirements. A sample of our work are shared below read it and explore or huge range of services and get a flawless service from our team.

  1. The influence of the electric vehicle charging on the distribution network and the solution
  2. A Fast and Secured Vehicle-to-Vehicle Energy Trading Based on Blockchain Consensus in the Internet of Electric Vehicles
  3. Impact analysis of Plug-in Electric Vehicles on an electric distribution network
  4. Fuzzy Logic based Optimization for Electric Vehicle Charging Station in Bangladesh
  5. Optimal Plug-in Electric Vehicles Charging Coordination in Electrical Distribution Networks
  6. Torque Distribution Control Strategy of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Powertrain
  7. A Phase-Shift Controlled Dual Active Bridge-based AC-DC Converter for Electric Vehicle Charger
  8. Electric Vehicle Heating Management Techniques utilizing Drivetrain-Loss-Heating of Refrigerant
  9. Simulated fuel economy and performance of advanced hybrid electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles using in-use travel profiles
  10. A 10kW 97%-efficiency LLC resonant DC/DC converter with wide range of output voltage for the battery chargers in Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
  11. Real-Time Estimation of Inertial Parameter for Lightweight Electric Vehicle Using Dual Kalman Filter
  12. Multiport converters for fast chargers of electrical vehicles – Focus on high-frequency coaxial transformers
  13. The impact of temperature on plug-in hybrid electric vehicle battery performance
  14. Research on Strategy and Algorithm of Lateral Motion Control for Autonomous Driving Electric Vehicle
  15. A Case Study on the Conversion of an Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle into an Electric Vehicle
  16. Siting and Sizing Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles With Coordinated Recharging
  17. Electric Braking Control Methods for Electric Vehicles With Independently Driven Front and Rear Wheels
  18. Cooperation of the Process of Charging the Electric Vehicle With the Photovoltaic Cell
  19. Spinning reserve optimization with wind power output and electric vehicles considering the operator’s risk preference
  20. Design and Implementation of the Software and Hardware System for a Formula SAE Electric Vehicle