Blockchain Authentication Research Topics

Blockchain is an evolving technology which stores the transaction history with ensuring security, transparency and integrity. By reading this paper you can further understand more regarding this technology.

  1. Define Blockchain

Blockchain follows a digital ledger technology that stores the record of transactions into blocks which are connected to each other in a chronological manner. In a particular network the data will be stored in various blocks, in an encrypted way. The goal of blockchain is to maintain security, immutability and transparency of data which is being stored in the blocks to make it tamper proof and to avoid fraud. This technology is majorly used in cryptocurrencies industry for Bitcoin and also in other sectors like finance, healthcare and supply chain.

For the future ecosystem of 6G networks, blockchain will be the key technology used in it, which serve with a technology of decentralized digital ledger. It will store data in blocks which are connected through a chronological chain. This technology is opted for 6G networks to store data in an immutable, transparent, secure way and to provide trustworthiness, privacy and data integrity within the network, without the usage of an intermediate or centralized server.

  1. What is Blockchain?

It is a decentralized technology with digital ledger, the role of this is to store the transaction records in various nodes or computers. It follows a cryptographic algorithm to secure the data. Every data in the blocks are connected to each other in the form of chain. The data will be stored here after lot of verification by the participants present in the network, so alteration of data after storing is very difficult. Other than the cryptocurrencies industry there are many sectors which use blockchain technology such as supply chain management, identity verification, finance, voting system etc.

  1. Where Blockchain is used?

Application of Blockchain is happening in several industries nowadays, from which some of them are listed below:

Crypto currencies: Mainly cryptocurrency industry such as Ethereum and bitcoin uses blockchain.

Financial services: This technology is required in this industry for global remittances, smart contracts, cross border payments and asset tokenization.

Supply chain management: To verify authenticity of products and to know about the goods movement Blockchain is used in this industry.

Healthcare: For maintaining the patient data securely and to share it with other healthcare providers with privacy and interoperability Blockchain is used here.

Identity management: To provide control for their own data and to maintain secure verification and authentication procedure.

  1. Why Blockchain is proposed? Previous Technology Issues
  • This was developed to overcome the limitations occurred in existing technologies related to decentralization, trust and security. Some of the other important problems in earlier technologies are transparency, inefficiencies, security, verification, trust and centralization.
  • This new Blockchain technology will overcome issues related to insecurity, cost, centralization, opaque and security.
  1. Algorithms / Protocols

The algorithms provided for Blockchain to overcome the previous issues faced by it are: Blockchain – “Proof of Work (PoW)”, “Proof of Stake” (PoS) in Blockchain, “Consensus Algorithms in Blockchain” and “Proof of Burn Consensus Algorithm” in Blockchain.

  1. Comparative study / Analysis

Before Blockchain technology there was use of “space-air-ground-underwater integrated network method”. It has some issues regarding secure data sharing. For this method there exist protocols for communication in conventional ground, sea, air and space which restricts this method from working collaboratively with other networks.

  1. Simulation results / Parameters

The approaches which were proposed to overcome the issues faced by Blockchain Technology are tested using different methodologies to analyze its performance. The comparison is done by using some metrics which are mentioned below:

Bandwidth: It is defined as the capability of network to transmit data within certain time period. Usually it is measured either in “gigabits per second” (Gbps) or “megabits per second” (Mbps).

Latency: It is defined as the time delay occurring starting from sending of data packets till receiving it. Usually it is measured in milliseconds (ms) and preferably do maintain a lower latency when doing in real-time.

Scalability: This is more important in data transmission, when working with many devices like 6G networks. It is defined as the capacity of network to manage data traffic without lacking in performance.

Security: It is very important to act against cyber-attacks, data breaches and unauthorized access. In blockchain method the security is more improved with using peer-to-peer verification and cryptographic encryption.

Reliability: This plays a major role in critical applications such as remote surgery, smart grid and autonomous vehicles. This is the capability of any network to provide god quality of connection.

Energy Efficiency: This is tested based on hoe efficiently a network utilizes the available resources. Energy efficiency is more important to reduce the hazard for environment and to reduce power consumption also.

  1. Dataset LINKS / Important URL

Here are some of the links provided for you below to gain more knowledge about Blockchain technology which can be useful for you:

  1. Blockchain Applications

The uses of Blockchain Technology have become more popular in several industries, from which some of them are mentioned here:

Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Nowadays the financial industry is moving towards decentralized applications for lending and borrowing cryptocurrency or exchanges using decentralization also removing the unwanted intermediaries.

Healthcare: Blockchain can be used in the healthcare industry for storing medical records of patients and for sharing it with care, maintaining privacy and interoperability.

Intellectual Property rights (IPR): Owners can protect their IPR with the help of immutable record and provenance which is provided by blockchain.

Energy Trading: Blockchain enables peer-to-peer trading to buy or sell the energy directly without any intermediaries.

Internet of Things (IoT): IoT devices need secure framework for data exchange, interaction and transaction without the involvement of third person.

  1. Topology

Generally topology means arrangement of a network, about the connection and communication between nodes. Some of the blockchain topologies are mentioned here:

Decentralized: In this type of topology all the nodes will be connected to each other and involve in every process which makes it difficult for failures and attacks.

Centralized: This topology has one central control to which all the nodes are connected in a network. To validate a transaction the nodes should communicate to the central server.

Federated: This is the combination of both decentralized and centralized topology. In this a set of nodes called as federation will be responsible for work in the network.

Hybrid: This combines several topologies available in Blockchain based on the requirements, which is useful when different level of securities is needed in different region of the network.

  1. Simulation Tools

Here we provide some simulation software for previous works, which is established with the usage of python software with version 3.11.4

  1. Results

After going through this paper you can now clearly understand about the blockchain working mechanism, algorithms used in it, applications of it also the topologies used in it.

Blockchain Authentication Research Ideas

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  7. Health Care and Management based on Block chain and Machine Learning
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  15. Review Based Analysis with Applications of Blockchain in Food Supply Chain management
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  26. Smart Grid Peer-to-Peer Exchanging Energy System using Block Chain
  27. Credible System for Industrial IoT Networks Using Block Chain Technology
  28. A study of applications of Block-chain in the MANET
  29. Protection Mechanism against Software Supply Chain Attacks through Blockchain
  30. Enhancing Agricultural Supply Chain Management using Blockchain Technology
  31. Blockchain in Indian Agriculture to Disrupt the Food Supply Chain
  32. Edge-Cloud Blockchain and IoT-Enabled Quality Management Platform for Perishable Supply Chain Logistics
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  34. Innovative Exploration of Standard Digital Transformation in the Power Field: A New Mode of Blockchain Cooperation on and off the Chain
  35. An Efficient and Scalable Consensus for Main Blockchain in the Multi-Chain Network
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  37. Development of hybrid technology using Machine Learning and Block chain Technology to prevent from COVID 19 through the proper information gathering
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  43. Performance Analysis of Blockchain Technology using Inter Planetary File System (IPFS) database in comparison with Block chain database
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  45. A Novel Algorithm for Cloud Secure Storage Using Cloud Dispersion and Block Chain System
  46. Blockchain based Enhancement of Digital Revolution in Financial Sector
  47. Role of Block-Chain in Health-Care Application
  48. Indian Automotive Industry Case Study on Block Chain
  49. Climate Intensity Study via the Nutrition Distribution System over Blockchain Deployment
  50. A study of the influence of introduction of block chain into traceability certification on consumer’s acceptance of smart agriculture