Cloud Computing Projects, a perfect destination to mould your ideas into your research. It has a major impact in the last few years due to its emerging technologies and needs. Cloud computing provides a platform to access resources in a self service and pay per use manner which makes it cost effective and improves the resource utilization. To work in such an expanding and rapid technology, scholars need an external aid to come up with latest and innovative solutions.

Our expertise and also vast experience can give you perfect platform to accompany your research. You can even get online help from top experts and technocrats to mine best cloud projects for your bright research career. Our cloud-computing projects will change your research perspective to enlighten your career and performance.


  Cloud Computing Projects, a universal research platform for young and budding research minds. In this is one of the emerging fields with its supportive wings giving rise to large research scope. The major factor behind the growth of Cloud computing projects are its advanced features like hardware virtualization, automatic and utility computing and service oriented architecture. Cloud computing has many hidden and unsolved mysteries, which can also be taken as a motivation by scholars and can work upon it.

We also feel that scholars must take up a concept which will shake the grounds of research. To take up such novel and pioneer ideas, you can also approach our experts anytime.


Why Majority of Researchers prefer Cloud Computing:

 Major features of Cloud attracts majority of researchers, which can be Enumerated as:
  • Its advanced features like Disaster recovery, flexibility, Security, environment friendly, also automatic software updates, capital expenditure free etc.
  • Also It provides a platform which also makes it flexible to work from anywhere and increases the collaboration.
  • It supports for overall monitoring, document control and also big data analytics.
  • And It supports GUI (Graphical User Interface) also using Open cloud computing interface.
  • Few cloud databases are Garantia Data, Google cloud SQL, Microsoft Azure, MongoLab, Rackspace, SAP, also StormDB, Xeround etc
  • Common simulators also used-CloudSim, Green Cloud Sim, iCancloud etc
  • Major frameworks also used [Oracle Eloqua Appcloud developer framework, Amazon AWS SDK, Apache jclouds, OpenStack, Google Cloud Platform]
  • Software and tools also used [Eclipse Che, Cloud9, Codeanywhere, eXo Cloud IDE, SourceKit, Orion, Python Fiddle]
Platform Support
General Operating Systems:
  • Microsoft Windows
  • CentOS Linux
  • MAC OS X
  • Redhat Enterprise Linux
  • SUSE Linux
  • Solaris
  • Ubuntu Linux
Cloud browser based OS:
  • Chrome OS
  • JoliOS
  • EyeOS
  • OSW3
  • EasyPeasy
Programming Language and file Extensions Used:
  • Emerged as an alternative also for C++ and java
  • One of the major component of LAMP used also for web applications
  • Open source cross platform runtime environment
  • Used for developing server side web applications
  • Extensible Markup Language[.xml]
  • Used to encode documents
  • Structured query language
  • Used as Cloud SQL also to maintain MySQL on cloud platform
  • Used to develop application software and also makes it platform independent
R[R Math Language]
  • File extensions: .r,.R,.rds,.RData,.rda
  • Used for generating statistics, reports and also graphs
Clojure(Clojure Math Language)
  • Extensions[.clj,.cljc,.cljs,.edn]
  • Purely mathematical programming language also used for data analysis.
Haskell[Haskell Functional Language]
  • File Extensions[.lhs,.hs]
  • Cloud based programming language also used for distributed computing
  • Extensions[.php,.php3,.php4,.phtml,.php5,.php7,.phps]
  • Server side scripting language also used for web developmen
  • Supports multiple programming paradigms
  • Object oriented and also general purpose programming language
ASP.NET[Windows Visual Studio]
  • Extensions- .aspx, .vbhtml,.cshtml
  • Server side web application framework
  • Everleap-load balanced ASP.NET Cloud hosting service
Major Cloud Research areas
  • Cloud solution design patterns and also cloud computing architectures.
  • Data storage and also Cloud analytics
  • Self service cloud portal and also dashboard applications
  • Green cloud computing
  • Security issues, privacy control and also compliance management for private, public and hybrid cloud
  • Cloud workload profiling and also deployment control applications
  • Cloud-Migration and Cloud DevOps
  • Service level agreement and also quality management in cloud
  • Configuration , performance and also capacity management issues in cloud
  • Cloud composition, bridging, federation , bursting also based applications
  • Resource virtualization and also composition in cloud
  • Cloud Orchestration applications
  • High performance issue also in cloud computing
  • Programming models, applications, paradigm also in cloud
  • Mobile cloud applications
  • Workflow management and also automatic business process in cloud.

    We also have enumerated few major concepts and research areas in Cloud computing which will be useful for students undertaking Cloud computing. You can also approach us anytime for more refined concepts to enlighten your research work.


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