How to publish sci paper?

Scholars conduct a premium quality experiment to make contribution to the advancement of the science field. Researchers use their unique way of methodology, their strong data collection and the hypothesis in which they believe, to support their argument and research work related to the topic. Researchers aim to come up with a result which will provide practical and theoretical implications and insights about the topic. And at last the hardest phase which is the submission of paper, it is done using any one of the peer-reviewed journal. The main reason behind the rejection of research paper is due to the limitations in preparation and submission process of your manuscript. Note down these mistakes and try not to do it to get your paper published in the journal, this can also help with your result and career after research.

Pick the Correct Journal

Choose a journal in which you want to publish your paper. While selecting it, consider to choose from a journal which are specified in SCIE, ESCI or SCI by referring the database or from the list of journal given by “Clarivate Analytics”. Before choosing check following criteria like impact factor of journal, related to your area of research, scope and your target audience. Make sure to produce a reputed journal related to your field.

Online Service

For submitting your manuscript online first you have to register as an author and also log in to the website Editorial Publishing System. When entered into the website, go to the journal dashboard and select the option “Browse Journals for Submission” from that select your particular journal. If your journal is not shown in the drop down, it may not be registered in the website for submission of manuscript. If you face this problem contact their office and ask about your manuscript submission process.

Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation

Make sure to check whether you have fulfilled the guidelines provided for the authors for submitting their manuscript and other documents. To know about this check their submission guidelines from their journal page.

  • General requirements:

You should submit your manuscript to the board of editing through any of the means such as through Pleiades Publishing portal or any other way, in which the board tells you to submit. The softcopy of the manuscript of your article should contain elements like text, illustration and table either in PDF or DOC format and the original files representing your technical requirements.

If you are submitting your manuscript via email then you should put all your manuscript and other required documents in single drive. Your manuscript should include every detail about the author including their country, address, zip code and city and also their mail address, because the proof of your submission will be sent to the respective author’s through email, so also try to include their backup mail id. If your manuscript has many authors then include at least two of their mail id.

 Conduct a Thorough Literature Review

Do more literature review related to your field. From them identify any limitations or gaps, or any area which need more research and then work on them. Don’t forget to cite those studies in your manuscript to describe about your clear understanding about the topic.

Design a rigorous study

By considering your research question and the objective of it, find a strong methodology and design for your research. Explain bout the design of your study, methods for collecting data, ethical considerations and statistical analysis. Make sure whether your research will contribute to the knowledge of the scientific field.

Prepare High-Quality Figures and Tables

Try to present your data in a more visually appealing and easy understandable way, with the help of appropriate graphs, figures, diagrams and tables. Make sure to follow the guidelines provided by the journal foe resolution, style and format of figure.

Write an Engaging Abstract

The abstract is the foremost part which a reader notices, so make it very informative, engaging and concise. Your abstract should contain a summary of the purpose of your research, methodology, key findings and the result.

Fill in the Copyright Transfer Agreement Form

When you write a scientific article you should follow the copyright laws because it is protected with intellectual property.

The scholarly publishers of English language such as Pleiades Publishing Ltd., Allerton Press Ltd., Pleiades Publishing, Inc., provided some instructions for authors for preparing manuscript.

1.     The articles which are on English language will be published and distributed only when the agreement of copyright transfer is signed.

2.     You should get copyright from the original authors if you have adopted or borrowed any of their content such as tables, illustrations or quotations.

3.     You should mention about the contents borrowed from others in your manuscript at any instance.

4.     You should consider about the journal policies, authors guidelines, ethical and specific requirement of a journal before submitting your manuscript.

5.     The editorial boards, accept the publication of only new and novel manuscripts which is not submitted in any of the language. If not the publishers can withdraw your article and the authors should pay for their losses.

The agreements are the contracts, when you sign the agreement that means you agree with their conditions and familiarize yourself. Every author should fill the agreement with hand printed or MS word including the copyright holders and co-authors, after signing it should be scanned. The agreement can either be in Russian or in English, but the content will be same for both. When you submit your manuscript, submit the agreement for copyright transfer along with it to the editorial board. Submit it through email or through editorial publishing website, prefer email if the specific journal do not have registered in any system for editorial publishing. Contact the editorial board for any clarifications, their contact information will be available on their website itself.

The selection and rejection of your manuscript to publish will be decided only by editorial board of specific journal only. The agreement for copyright transfer will come to play only when your manuscript is selected for publication in their journal, otherwise it has no use.

Send your Manuscript

Your manuscript should be submitted through the online website portal for a particular journal by following their submission process. Also attach the additional documents, if asked by them. Make sure to verify whether you have attached all the necessary files like cover letter, statement of author’s contribution, disclosure for interest conflicts.

Address Reviewer Comments

If you take any reviews from your peers, note down the suggestions and comments given by them and try to overcome it. Re check your manuscript based on the comments provided by them, and make changes accordingly and highlight the rectified information in your revised paper, and justify them.

Be Patient and Persistent

Use the reviews you collected from your reviewers and use it properly for betterment of your paper. The process of review and then the publication of your paper take time. Generally to get reviews and feedbacks for revision purpose is quite common. Be open minded to accept rejection and make use of the feedbacks you got to improve the paper.

Stay Updated with the Literature

During the time when you get review; be updated regarding the researches going on in related field. It will help you to engage in the advancement of the field and also to refine your work.

Approval Manuscript

If your manuscript got selected to be published in the journal, then it will be put under a particular issue and then your paper will move on to publisher. Then you will get your publication time and issue number from the editor of your journal. Then the publisher will provide you with final PDF format of your article and galley proof.