How to Start Distance Routing Projects Using MATLAB

To start Distance Routing using MATLAB which normally utilises routing algorithms in which nodes choose the shortest or least-cost route to a destination according to the distance parameters. This method is basis within routing protocols such as Distance Vector Routing or the Bellman-Ford algorithm. Below is a series of steps to starting a Distance Routing Project in MATLAB:

Steps to Start Distance Routing Projects in MATLAB

  1. Understand Distance Routing
  • Distance Routing determines the shortest path depends on the distance, cost, or latency parameters within a network.
  • Following is a general algorithms:
    • Bellman-Ford Algorithm.
    • Distance Vector Routing (e.g., RIP).
    • Dijkstra’s Algorithm.

Example Application:

  • Pathfinding in transportation systems.
  • Data packet routing within computer networks.
  1. Set Project Objectives
  • Replicate the routing with the help of distance-based algorithms.
  • Equate various routing methodologies.
  • Manage the scenarios such as link failures and topology modifications.
  1. Define the Network Topology

Make use of an adjacency matrix or edge list to denote the network like a graph. Every single edge is allocated a weight to denote the cost, distance, or delay.


% Define adjacency matrix (weights represent link distances)

adjMatrix = [

0 2 0 1 0;

2 0 3 0 0;

0 3 0 1 4;

1 0 1 0 2;

0 0 4 2 0


% Visualize the network

G = graph(adjMatrix, ‘upper’);

plot(G, ‘EdgeLabel’, G.Edges.Weight);

title(‘Network Topology’);

  1. Choose a Routing Algorithm

Choose a routing algorithm for determining the shortest paths:

(a) Dijkstra’s Algorithm

It is effective for non-negative edge weights. Find the shortest route from a single source to every destination.

MATLAB Implementation:

function [dist, pred] = dijkstra(adjMatrix, src)

numNodes = size(adjMatrix, 1);

dist = inf(1, numNodes);  % Initialize distances to infinity

pred = -ones(1, numNodes); % Predecessor array

dist(src) = 0;  % Distance to source is 0

visited = false(1, numNodes);

for i = 1:numNodes

[~, u] = min(dist + visited * inf); % Select the unvisited node with the smallest distance

visited(u) = true;

for v = 1:numNodes

if adjMatrix(u, v) > 0 && ~visited(v)

alt = dist(u) + adjMatrix(u, v);

if alt < dist(v)

dist(v) = alt;

pred(v) = u;






(b) Bellman-Ford Algorithm

It helps to manage the negative weights and identify negative weight cycles.

MATLAB Implementation:

function [dist, pred] = bellmanFord(edges, numNodes, src)

dist = inf(1, numNodes); % Initialize distances to infinity

pred = -ones(1, numNodes); % Predecessor array

dist(src) = 0; % Distance to source is 0

% Relax all edges |V|-1 times

for i = 1:numNodes-1

for j = 1:size(edges, 1)

u = edges(j, 1);

v = edges(j, 2);

weight = edges(j, 3);

if dist(u) + weight < dist(v)

dist(v) = dist(u) + weight;

pred(v) = u;




% Check for negative weight cycles

for j = 1:size(edges, 1)

u = edges(j, 1);

v = edges(j, 2);

weight = edges(j, 3);

if dist(u) + weight < dist(v)

error(‘Negative weight cycle detected.’);




  1. Run the Algorithm

Determine the paths from a source node with the support of selected algorithm.

Example Using Dijkstra’s Algorithm:

% Source node

srcNode = 1;

% Compute shortest distances and paths

[dist, pred] = dijkstra(adjMatrix, srcNode);

% Display results

fprintf(‘Shortest distances from Node %d:\n’, srcNode);


% Function to reconstruct the path to a destination

function path = reconstructPath(pred, dest)

path = [];

current = dest;

while current ~= -1

path = [current, path];

current = pred(current);



% Reconstruct path from Node 1 to Node 5

destNode = 5;

path = reconstructPath(pred, destNode);

fprintf(‘Path from Node %d to Node %d: %s\n’, srcNode, destNode, mat2str(path));

  1. Visualize Results

Envision the determined paths at network graph.


% Highlight the path on the graph

highlightPath = reconstructPath(pred, destNode);

plot(G, ‘EdgeLabel’, G.Edges.Weight);

highlight(plot(G), highlightPath, ‘EdgeColor’, ‘r’, ‘LineWidth’, 2);

title(‘Shortest Path’);

  1. Simulate Dynamic Scenarios

Experiment the algorithm in dynamic scenarios like:

  • Link Failures: Eliminate the links by means of configuring the weights to Inf within the adjacency matrix.
  • Traffic Load: Modernize weights for replicating congestion.
  1. Evaluate Performance

Examine crucial performance parameters like:

  • Path Optimality: Confirm the calculated shortest path.
  • Convergence Time: Measure the performance of algorithm on large graphs.
  • Resilience: Experiment robustness to link or node failures.
  1. Extend the Project

Integrate further aspects of this project like:

  • Execute the multi-path routing for redundancy.
  • Equate Distance Vector Routing including other protocols.
  • Combine with real-time datasets such as road networks.

Complete MATLAB Code Example

Below is a thorough instance to utilise Dijkstra’s Algorithm:

% Define adjacency matrix

adjMatrix = [

0 2 0 1 0;

2 0 3 0 0;

0 3 0 1 4;

1 0 1 0 2;

0 0 4 2 0


% Visualize the network

G = graph(adjMatrix, ‘upper’);

plot(G, ‘EdgeLabel’, G.Edges.Weight);

title(‘Network Topology’);

% Compute shortest path using Dijkstra’s Algorithm

srcNode = 1;

[dist, pred] = dijkstra(adjMatrix, srcNode);

% Display distances

fprintf(‘Shortest distances from Node %d:\n’, srcNode);


% Reconstruct and display path to Node 5

destNode = 5;

path = reconstructPath(pred, destNode);

fprintf(‘Path from Node %d to Node %d: %s\n’, srcNode, destNode, mat2str(path));

% Visualize shortest path

highlight(plot(G), path, ‘EdgeColor’, ‘r’, ‘LineWidth’, 2);

title(‘Shortest Path Visualization’);

We gave a complete stepwise explanation of Distance Routing projects using MATLAB environment that were simulated and executed, with more details and advanced features to be added based on your needs.