Internet of Things Research Topics

Internet of things (IoT) is a network which keeps the devices connected to it securely. It mainly focuses on security and privacy. You can now go through this research if you want to learn more about this technology.

  1. Define IoT Environment

IoT is a technique which is used for giving protection for IoT devices and to the network in which they are connected. The main motive if this technique is to provide privacy and security of data, devices and other infrastructures of users and to maintain a smooth functioning of the system.

  1. Where IoT Environment is used?

In the fast growing technology of IoT and the need for connectivity it has now been used in many industries. The need for IoT has increased in industries such as Agriculture, Healthcare, Health Devices, Consumer IoT, Logistics, Transportation, Industrial IoT, Energy management, Smart cities, Environmental IoT, Wearable’s.

  1. Why IoT Environment is proposed? Previous Technology Issues

This technology is very important than any other method because of many reasons. This method is mainly used for transmitting sensitive and personal information like health data, so privacy is a crucial thing in it. If those data’s are not securely managed it may lead to misuse, unauthorized access and loss of individual privacy.

The issues faced by this technology previously are: Botnets, DDoS attacks, Data integrity, Firmware, Software vulnerabilities, Privacy concerns, lacking standardization, unauthorized access, Encryption and Weak authentication.

  1. Algorithms / Protocols

The algorithms provided for IoT security to overcome the previous issues faced by it are mentioned here: “Advanced Encryption Standard” (AES), “Crypto Hash Seal”, “Differentially Averaged Federated Learning technique” (DAFL), Fine-tuning, “Role-Attribute Based Access Control” (RABAC), “Multi-factor authentication” (MFA) and “Secure Multi-Party Computation” (MPC).

  1. Simulation results / Parameters

The approaches which were proposed to overcome the issues faced by WBAN in the above section are tested using different methodologies to analyze its performance. The comparison is done by using metrics like “Number of communication rounds Vs. Loss (%)”, “Time vs. Encryption effectiveness (%)”, “Time Vs. Energy Consumption”, “Time Vs. Latency (ms)”, “Time Vs. Success rate (%)”, “False negative rate (%)”, “False positive rate (%)”.

  1. Dataset LINKS / Important URL

Here are some of the links provided for you below to gain more knowledge about IoT technology which can be useful for you:

  1. IoT Environment Applications

The applications of IoT have increased in many areas and business. Some of the areas in which it is widely used are mentioned here: Agriculture, Energy management, Healthcare, Industrial IoT, Supply chain and Logistics, Smart grids, Smart homes, Wearable’s and Water management.

  1. Topology

Topology refers to the structure of an IoT network. Here in this section some of the commonly used topology for IoT technology is listed: Cluster, Fully connected, Low-power with wide-area Network and Point-to-point topology.

  1. Environment

IoT networks are working in several sectors where protection of data, devices and their infrastructure are important. This device is used in various locations which have security issues.

  1. Simulation Tools

Here we provide some simulation software for previous works, which is established with the usage of NS 3 tool with version 3.36 or above version, to enhance the performance of IoT devices.

  1. Results

After going through this research based on IoT Technology, you can understand in detail about this technology, how it is connected, applications of this technology, different topologies of it, algorithms followed by it and also about the limitations of it.

Internet of Things Research Ideas

  1. (DEMO) EDICT: A Simulation Tool for Performance Metrics Datasets in IoT Environments
  2. Data Security Testing for Sensor Networks in IoT Environments
  3. Design and Development of SEMS – An IoT-based Smart Environment Monitoring System
  4. MQTT protocol in IoT environment: Comparison with CoAP and ZeroMQ protocols
  5. DDoS Attack Detection in a Real Urban IoT Environment Using Federated Deep Learning
  6. Smart Device Localization under Generic α-κ-µ Shadowed Fading IoT Environment using signed Gradient Method
  7. AI-enhanced context-aware optimization of RPL routing protocol for IoT environments
  8. Design of a Distributed Intrusion Detection System for Streaming Data in IoT Environments
  9. Hybrid Deep Learning based Attack Detection and Classification Model on IoT Environment
  10. Edge Computing-based Adaptive Machine Learning Model for Dynamic IoT Environment
  11. Efficient Data Encryption and Signature Generation Scheme for Resource-Constrained IoT Environments
  12. towards Enhanced Attack Detection and Explanation in Intrusion Detection System-Based IoT Environment Data
  13. The performance of smart supply chain management within Cloud and IoT environment
  14. IoT & Vision Based Environment Monitoring System
  15. ACKE: Asymmetric Computing Key Exchange Protocol for IoT Environments
  16. Distributed Phase Calibration for Massive OAM Backhauling in 5G IoT Environments
  17. Utilizing Computer Vision Algorithms to Detect and Classify Cyber-attacks in IoT Environments in Real-Time
  18. Toward Green Access Management for IoT Environments Using eBPF
  19. Intrusion Detection System for IoT Environment using Ensemble Approaches
  20. A Secure Cloud-Based Infrastructure for Virtual Sensors in IoT Environments
  21. Comprehensive Analysis of Various Attacks in the IoT Environment
  22. Blockchain based Secure Communication in IoT Environment
  23. Optimizing Logging and Monitoring in Heterogeneous Cloud Environments for IoT and Edge Applications
  24. Advanced Irrigation and Cultivation System Based on Machine Learning in IOT Environment
  25. Challenges in Spoofing Bluetooth Low Energy Devices in an IOT Environment
  26. Blockchain-based Resource Registration in Constrained IoT Environments
  27. Blockchain Technology in IoT and IIoT Environments
  28. Design of a Distributed Intrusion Detection System for Streaming Data in IoT Environments
  29. RINA sense: A prototype for implementing RINA networks in IoT environments
  30. CorrFL: Correlation-Based Neural Network Architecture for Unavailability Concerns in a Heterogeneous IoT Environment
  31. Harris Hawks Feature Selection in Distributed Machine Learning for Secure IoT Environments
  32. Dynamic and Effect-Driven Output Service Selection for IoT Environments Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
  33. Dynamic Secure Access Control and Data Sharing Through Trusted Delegation and Revocation in a Blockchain-Enabled Cloud-IoT Environment
  34. Deep Learning Approach for Intrusion Detection and Mitigation in IoT Environment: A Comprehensive Study
  35. Partition Placement and Resource Allocation for Multiple DNN-Based Applications in Heterogeneous IoT Environments
  36. Real-Time IoT-Based Environmental Station for Hospital Safety and Efficiency
  37. DLICA: Deep Learning based novel Strategy for Intelligent Channel Adaption in Wireless SDN-IoT Environment
  38. Performance and Security Analysis of Distributed Ledger under the Internet of Things Environments with Network Instability
  39. Machine Learning Approach for Mitigating Security Threats in IoT Environment
  40. Security Governance in IOT Environment: A State of Art
  41. Bibliometric Analysis on Security of Different Layers in Internet of Things (IoT) Environment
  42. Comparative Evaluation on Various Machine Learning Strategies Based on Identification of DDoS Attacks in IoT Environment
  43. Development of Smart Medicine Box using IoT Environment
  44. Locate UAV: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Location Estimation via Contextual Analysis in an IoT Environment
  45. SQuBA: Social Quorum Based Access Control for Open IoT Environments
  46. Mitigating Denial of Service Attacks in RPL-Based IoT Environments: Trust-Based Approach
  47. Developing a visual IoT environment analysis system to support self-directed learning of students
  48. Trust Evaluation Model in IoT Environment: A Comprehensive Survey
  49. Intrusion Detection Technology of Natural Resource Information System in the Internet of Things Environment
  50. A Hybrid Accuracy- and Energy-Aware Human Activity Recognition Model in IoT Environment