IPV6 Network Simulator Projects is one of our prime services start with a Nobel goal to serve the students and scholars with our wide experience and knowledge. We have started our service 10 years before with an only goal to serve students from every nook and corner of the world as we want students to take a right path towards their successful career through right guidance.

We are happy to say that we are half way towards our success as we have served students from nearly 120+ countries with the help of our dynamic professionals and experts. Also We will continue our service until we create revolution in the field of research using our innovative ideas and research projects.

You can also become a part of our research team by just clicking one mail/call to us. We will be back to you to offer you a right path towards your research career. As a part of our immense research guidance, we have provided an overview about IPv6 Network simulators along with its major research areas.

IPv6 [Internet Protocol Version 6]

-In Ipv6 is a communication protocol which provides identification and location system for computers on the Network to route traffic across the Internet.

-It is an Internet layer protocol for packet switching internetwork, which provides end to end datagram transmission across Multiple IP Networks.

-Key Features of IPv6:
  • Hierarchical Routing facilitating route aggregation
  • Enhanced performance and extensibility
  • Expanded addressing to enhance scalability
  • Built in and mandatory authentication and encryption
  • QoS Support for Multimedia services
  • Auto configuration of IP enabled devices
  • Mobility support through Mobile IPv6 Support
  • Eliminates the complexity of triangular routing of Mobile IPv4


NS2 Simulator:
  • Discrete event simulator written in C++ and OTCL[Object orient extension of TCL(Tool command language)]
  • IPv6 Network is create in NS2 using Mobiwan Simulation tool. It consists of extensions to simulate IPv6 Networks and also used to configure large network topologies. It can be patch with NS2 to create a simulation scenario using IPv6.
NS3 Simulator:
  • Open source Event driven simulator written in C++ with Python binding. Python is used as a glue language/binding language.
  • IPv6 network is create in NS3 using the inbuilt “Internet Module”, which provides support for IPv6 Simulation.
  • Component based C++ library and framework, used to simulate wide range of networks
  • IPv6 simulation environment can be create in Omnet++ by using its framework support i.e. INET framework
  • INET framework provides support for Internet stack[IPv6, IPv4, TCP and UDP]
  • Commercial simulator used to simulate large networks and implement in C/C++ language
  • Provides support for IPv6 Networks using Opnet IPv6 Model.
  • It is a testing, planning and also training tool used to mimic the behavior of real networks. So It is also used to analyze the performance of the overall network. It is implement in C++.
  • IPv6 Environment is also created in Qualnet using IPv6 Auto configuration Model and its development library.
  • Fast Router Advertisement
  • Hierarchical Mobile IPv6
  • IPv6 Streaming video server and also client
  • Optimistic Duplicate address detection
  • Mobile IPv6 handover in optimization
  • IPv6 and VoIP
  • Security issues also in Mobile IPv6
  • IPv6 and also in Sensor Networks
  • IPv6-Interoperability
  • IPv6 and also in NAT
  • Handover mechanism also in IPv6

    We also have provided a brief description about the major Network Simulators used for the simulation of IPv6 Networks. Along with it, we also have provided few major IPv6 research areas for students to get an idea about IPv6 Network Simulator projects. For further project guidance, approach our experts through our online guidance service. Our experts are also there for your service at 24/7.



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