How to Start LEACH Routing Projects Using NS2

To create a LEACH (Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy) routing project using NS2, follow for this implementation steps:

Step to Start LEACH Routing Projects Using NS2

Step 1: Set Up NS2 Environment

  1. Install NS2:
    • Download NS2 from the NS2 Official Website.
    • Install needs a dependency such Tcl, OTcl, and NAM.
    • Validate the installation:

ns -version

  1. Understand NS2 Basics:
    • Study on how the build nodes, describe the connection, and write replication scripts in Tcl.
    • Discover the sample scripts in the ns-allinone-2.x/examples/ directory.

Step 2: Understand LEACH Protocol

  1. Overview of LEACH:
    • LEACH is a hierarchical routing protocol designed for the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs).
    • Nodes form clusters, by a Cluster Head (CH) in every cluster.
    • Non-CH nodes are transmission through the CH, that forwards data for a base station such as sink.
  2. LEACH Workflow:
    • Setup Phase:
      • Nodes are arbitrarily elect themselves as CHs.
      • Non-CH nodes are joining the close CH.
    • Steady-State Phase:
      • CHs aggregate the data from member nodes and transmitting for the base station.
    • The process are repeats the periodically for energy effectiveness.

Step 3: Design Network Topology

  1. Define the nodes and their roles:

set ns [new Simulator]

# Define nodes

set sink [$ns node]  ;# Base station

set n1 [$ns node]    ;# Sensor node 1

set n2 [$ns node]    ;# Sensor node 2

set n3 [$ns node]    ;# Sensor node 3

# Define node positions

$sink set X_ 50

$sink set Y_ 50

$n1 set X_ 10

$n1 set Y_ 10

$n2 set X_ 20

$n2 set Y_ 20

$n3 set X_ 30

$n3 set Y_ 30

  1. Used a 2D grid or random placement for sensor nodes.

Step 4: Implement LEACH Logic

Option 1: Tcl Implementation (Simplified LEACH)

  1. Setup Phase:
    • Arbitrarily choose the CHs:

proc electClusterHeads {nodes} {

set clusterHeads {}

foreach node $nodes {

if {[expr rand()] < 0.05} {  ;# 5% probability

lappend clusterHeads $node



return $clusterHeads


    • Allocate non-CH nodes for the near CH:

proc assignToClusters {nodes clusterHeads} {

foreach node $nodes {

set minDist 99999

foreach ch $clusterHeads {

set dist [distance $node $ch]

if {$dist < $minDist} {

set minDist $dist

set nearestCH $ch



# Assign node to nearestCH

puts “Node [$node id] assigned to CH [$nearestCH id]”



  1. Steady-State Phase:
    • State the TDMA schedule for cluster transmission.
    • Aggregate data at CH and send to the sink.

Option 2: Custom LEACH Agent in C++

  1. Encompass the NS2’s routing agent to execute the LEACH.
    • Generate a new class such as LEACHAgent through inheriting from Agent.


class LEACHAgent : public Agent {



void recv(Packet* pkt, Handler* h);

void electClusterHeads();

void assignToClusters();


  1. Implement key LEACH functionalities:
    • Arbitrary for the CH election.
    • They formed the cluster.
    • Data aggregation and forwarding.
  2. Recompile NS2 has include the modification for LEACH protocol:

make clean && make

Step 5: Define Traffic Flow

  1. Add traffic sources and sinks:

set udp [new Agent/UDP]

$ns attach-agent $n1 $udp

set sinkAgent [new Agent/Null]

$ns attach-agent $sink $sinkAgent

$ns connect $udp $sinkAgent

# Add application to generate traffic

set cbr [new Application/Traffic/CBR]

$cbr attach-agent $udp

$cbr set packetSize_ 512

$cbr set interval_ 0.05

$ns at 1.0 “$cbr start”

  1. Replicate the data gathering and transmission for the sink.

Step 6: Simulate and Analyze

  1. Store the script as leach_simulation.tcl.
  2. Process for the replication:

ns leach_simulation.tcl

  1. Envision the outcomes using NAM:

nam leach_simulation.nam

  1. Examine the suggest files we calculate:
    • Energy consumption
    • Packet delivery ratio
    • Network lifetime

Step 7: Optimize and Extend

  1. Enhance CH Selection:
    • Used the residual energy or distance to sink as parameter metrices for CH election.
    • Execution for multi-hop transmission among CHs and the sink.
  2. Dynamic Simulation:
    • Periodically re-elect CHs to balance energy consumption.
  3. Performance Comparison:
    • Associate the LEACH through other protocols such as PEGASIS or TEEN.
  4. Scalability Testing:
    • Replicate a larger network through 100+ nodes.

In the above demonstration we deliver the complete simulation process procedures to execute the LEACH Routing that executes in ns2 tool. If you did like to know more details about the LEACH Routing let me know!

For our  expert assistance with your LEACH (Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy) routing project using NS2, please reach out to We offer exceptional implementation guidance tailored to your project’s specific requirements. Our team is dedicated to providing high-quality research support, ensuring optimal project performance and personalized topic recommendations.