Cyber Security & Digital Forensics Research Topics

A Cyber Security Digital Forensics research topic is now widely utilized to detect malicious or unauthorized attacks. Various technologies and parameters were utilized in this research to get a robust outcome. Below we provide some Cyber Security related concepts, applications, techniques and parameters.

  1. Define Cyber Security?

At the beginning we first take a look at the definition of Cyber Security, it is the method that safeguards from the criminal or malicious use of electronic data, or the procedures taken to perform this.

  1. What is Cyber Security?

Next to the definition of Cyber Security we see the detailed explanation of Cyber Security. It is the method that defends complex data and vital systems against digital threats.

  1. Where Cyber Security used?

After the explanation of Cyber Security, we discuss where to incorporate Cyber Security. It is widely utilized to protect electronic systems, network, computers, servers, data and mobile devices from unauthorized exploit.

  1. Why Cyber Security technology proposed? , previous technology issues

Cyber Security is utilized to protect or safeguard the data or system from any unwanted attacks. Cloud computing issues, Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) and Ransomware are some of the previous technology issues. We overcame this previous issue by proposing the attack detection in Cyber Security system by modifying the advanced Cyber Security techniques to improve the protection device and reduce possible difficulties.

  1. Algorithms / protocols

The Cyber Security IDS is proposed in this work and it overcomes the difficulties in this work, here we offer some methods or techniques to be employed for Cyber Security are Deep Reinforcement Learning, Tabu Search, Routing Information Protocol, Hunger Games Search Optimizations are some of the cyber security intrusion detection methods. Principal component Analysis, Elliptic Curve Cryptography, gray box optimization – Multi-Layer Perceptron, Probabilistic feature representation autoencoders, Stochastic Gradient Descent and Advanced encryption standard are some of the techniques used in Cyber Security attack detection in IoT cloud.

  1. Comparative study / Analysis

Following the algorithms or protocols to be utilized in our work, we have to compare several techniques to analyze the corresponding outcomes; here we provide some methods to be compared are mentioned below:

Cyber Security – Intrusion Detection System

  • For reliable interaction paths, we introduce “Tree-based Spider-Net Multipath”. To improve efficiency and adjust to modify network conditions, multipath routing is utilized. For user registration and credential confirmation AES is used. This robust encryption ensures protection and decreases time difficulties.
  • On the basis of user selection based on reliance, energy levels and network conditions the combination of DRL-TS is utilized and to handle lengthy action space in the choice of channel.
  • Continuous examination, path selection improving and consistency, we execute Routing Information Protocol (RIP) technique.
  • We combine the method LDNN-HGS-ROA to identify the intrusion strongly and to find the unusual patterns LDNN employs, and to improve the process of identification HGS-ROA is implemented.

Cyber Security attack detection in IoT cloud

  • By improving the protection utilizing Internet of Things (IoT) cloud computing we employ Elliptic Curve Cryptography with double-gate authentication and this supplements a layer of security by requiring the two various kinds of credentials.
  • BOT-IoT DATASET is used by us and that is segmented into protocols and contains DDoS, DoS, OS, and service scanning, keylogging and assaults in data exfiltration.
  • We manage missing values and implementing Linear Regression is one of the crucial sections of data preparation technique.
  • When protecting the important details by reducing the dimensionality of data we utilize “Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) are incorporated”.
  • Finding and the classifying the cyberattacks in IoT-based cloud computing systems employ Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) with gray box optimization method.
  • To identify irregularities in real time we utilize Probabilistic Feature Representation Auto Encoder.
  1. Simulation results / Parameters

Succeeding the comparative analysis, we have to compare different parameters for the Cyber Security system to obtain the corresponding outcome.

Cyber Security – Intrusion Detection System

For Cyber Security Intrusion Detection system we compare the parameters like Accuracy, Throughput, Packet Delivery Ratio, Attack Detection Rate, and Delay these all parameters were compared with the Number of IoT Devices and the Authentication rate is   compared with the Number of users. These are the parameters that we compared to obtain the best outcome.

Cyber Security attack detection in IoT cloud

Also the Cyber Security attack detection in IoT based research, we employ the parameters like F1 score, and Specificity, Recall, Accuracy, Sensitivity, Precision and Recall are employed.

  1. Dataset LINKS / Important URL

In this the parameters we selected are compared to obtain the best outcomes, and then afterwards here we provide some important links that is useful to overview the Cyber Security uses, application and some additional references for any clarification we go through the following links:

Cyber Security Intrusion detection links

Cyber Security attack detection in IoT cloud links

  1. Cyber Security Applications

We provide some applications for Cyber Security systems like Distributed denial of service attack or DDOs Security, Bots, Antivirus and Antimalware and Threat Management System are some of the applications to be utilized in Cyber Security based work.

  1. Topology for Cyber Security

Cyber Security also provides the topology that defines in what way the things are set up and connected in the IoT ecosystem. The Internet of Things (IoT) combination (Topology defines how the appliances, sensors, and cloud materials are arranged and associated inside the IOT surroundings. Over the grouping of Internet of Things (IoT) devices with cloud Service (IoT) we process, store, and data examining procedure into a simpler) device which employs cloud service to activate.

  1. Environment in Cyber Security

Here we discuss the environment in Cyber Security; in this the cyber threat environment is the online space where cybercriminal carries out the unauthorized cybercriminal activity. The Cyber Security environment consists of network, equipment and procedures which are linked to the internet and are aimed by the cyber attacker as well as the malicious user.

  1. Simulation tools

The proposed system needs the subsequent software requirements. We require that the Cyber Security detection is to implement this work by incorporating the language C++ and it is developed by the tool NS 3.26. The operating system that is required for the work is Ubuntu 16.06 [LTS]. These are all the software requirements that we employed for Cyber Security.

  1. Results

Cybersecurity is utilized to detect any malicious or unauthorized attacks; we proposed this to our research to overcome the previous issues. In this we compared various methods to analyze and employ various parameters to obtain the perfect outcome for this research. The software requirements that need to be implemented the research is C++ and the tool is NS 3.26.

Cyber security Digital Forensics Research Ideas:

Following are the research topics that we suggest to get the ideas from this. This is useful to us by go through the cyber security based concepts, explanations, techniques and methods utilized for that paper.

  1. A Fully Streaming Big Data Framework for Cyber Security Based on Optimized Deep Learning Algorithm
  2. Cyber-security in DSO OT environment using advanced anomaly detection
  3. A Review on Cyber Security and Anomaly Detection Perspectives of Smart Grid
  4. Cyber Security of Smart Metering Infrastructure Using Hybrid Machine Learning Technique
  5. Cyber-security platform for the transparent cyber-attack detection in energy supply infrastructures
  6. CNN based IDS Framework for Financial Cyber Security
  7. Secured Private Network Cyber-Security Application
  8. Innovative Cyber Security Solutions Built on Block chain Technology for Industrial 5.0 Applications
  9. Malware Analysis in Cyber Security based on Deep Learning; Recognition and Classification
  10. Ground Station as a Service Reference Architectures and Cyber Security Attack Tree Analysis
  11. Cyber Security in Blockchain
  12. Intrusion Detection and Prevention Approach in Wlan Using Cyber Security
  13. Cyber Security in Power Systems Using Meta-Heuristic and Deep Learning Algorithms
  14. Recent Advancements on Cyber Security for Smart-Grids: A Survey
  15. Cybersecurity Threats and Vulnerabilities in the Metaverse
  16. Cybersecurity Assessment for a Behind-the-Meter Solar PV System: A Use Case for the DER-CF
  17. Phishing Detection a Predictive Model for Cyber Security
  18. Smart Meters:Cyber Security Issues and Their Solutions
  19. Is Cyber Security Being Taught Correctly?
  20. The Contribution of the European NIS2 Directive to the Design of the Cyber Security Model
  21. The New Frontier of Cybersecurity: Emerging Threats and Innovations
  22. Shedding Light on Inconsistencies in Grid Cybersecurity: Disconnects and Recommendations
  23. How Quantum Computing Impacts Cyber Security
  24. Lessons Learned from Teaching a Maritime Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity Course
  25. Comparing Developmental Approaches for Game-Based Learning in Cyber-Security Campaigns
  26. Artificial Intelligence Based Evolutionary Approach and its Application to Cybersecurity, Program Modification and Function Generation
  27. CyberExpert: Towards an Automated Framework for Cybersecurity Expertise Acquisition and Mastery
  28. Digital Twin for Evaluating Detective Countermeasures in Smart Grid Cybersecurity
  29. Impact of Big Data Analytics and ChatGPT on Cybersecurity
  30. A Concept Enabling Cybersecurity for a Self-Adaptive Avionics Platform With Respect to RTCA DO-326 And RTCA DO-356
  31. Cybersecurity Challenges of Multi-Domain Traffic Management and Aerospace Cyber-Physical Systems
  32. Who will keep the lights on? Expertise and inclusion in cyber security visions of future energy systems
  33. The impact of artificial intelligence on organisational cyber security: An outcome of a systematic literature review
  34. Cyber resilience and cyber security issues of intelligent cloud computing systems
  35. Artificial intelligence enabled cyber security defense for smart cities: A novel attack detection framework based on the MDATA model
  36. Cascading information on best practice: Cyber security risk management in UK micro and small businesses and the role of IT companies
  37. Cyber security of robots: A comprehensive survey
  38. DDoS: Distributed denial of service attack in communication standard vulnerabilities in smart grid applications and cyber security with recent developments
  39. A Comprehensive Survey of Recent Internet Measurement Techniques for Cyber Security
  40. Review on cyber-physical and cyber-security system in smart grid: Standards, protocols, constraints, and recommendations
  41. MAGD: Minimal Attack Graph Generation Dynamically in Cyber Security
  42. Learning from cyber security incidents: A systematic review and future research agenda
  43. Possibilistic–Probabilistic Risk-Based Smart Energy Hub scheduling considering cyber security in advanced metering infrastructures
  44. Study of Word Embeddings for Enhanced Cyber Security Named Entity Recognition
  45. Towards cyber security for low-carbon transportation: Overview, challenges and future directions
  46. IT Governance and IT Compliance in Family Firms – the Special Case of Cyber Security
  47. Perspectives of non-expert users on cyber security and privacy: An analysis of online discussions on twitter
  48. Cyber security in (automated) vehicles and liability: the EU legal framework and (a lack of) compensation
  49. Design and implementation of adaptive network stabilization based on artificial bees colony optimization for nature inspired cyber security
  50. Cyber security in the nuclear industry: A closer look at digital control systems, networks and human factors
  51. From Cyber Security to Cyber Power: Appraising the Emergence of ‘Responsible, Democratic Cyber Power’ in UK Strategy
  52. AI-assisted Cyber Security Exercise Content Generation: Modeling a Cyber Conflict
  53. Raising Cyber Security Awareness to Reduce Social Engineering Through Social Media in Indonesia
  54. Management of enterprise cyber security: A review of ISO/IEC 27001:2022
  55. Cyber Security Maturity Assessment Framework for Technology Startups: A Systematic Literature Review
  56. Integrated, Language Oriented Cyber Security Glossary
  57. Research on Cyber Security Situation Awareness System Based on Knowledge Graph
  58. APTTOOLNER: A Chinese Dataset of Cyber Security Tool for NER Task
  59. A Systematic Review on classification of Cyber Attacks and its Prevention techniques to improve Cyber Security
  60. Research on Power System Cyber Security Defense based on ATT&CK Framework
  61. Analysis Techniques Artificial intelligence for Detection of Cyber Security Risks in a Communication and Information Security
  62. Cyber Security Implementation Issues in Small to Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and their Potential Solutions: A Comprehensive Analysis
  63. IRP2API: Automated Mapping of Cyber Security Incident Response Plan to Security Tools’ APIs
  64. Towards Better Cyber Security Consciousness: The Ease and Danger of OSINT Tools in Exposing Critical Infrastructure Vulnerabilities
  65. Cyber Security and Frameworks: A Study of Cyber Attacks and Methods of Prevention of Cyber Attacks
  66. Role of CISO – Cyber Security & Risk Management
  67. A Survey on Cyber Security Threats in IoT-Enabled Maritime Industry
  68. Enhancing the Cyber-Security of Battery Management Systems for Energy Storage
  69. Cyber Security Controls in Nuclear Power Plant by Technical Assessment Methodology
  70. A Model to Measure Cyber Security Maturity at the National Level
  71. Mitigating Cyber-Security Risks using Cyber-Analytics
  72. Need of Cyber Security, Tools, Uses and Future Research
  73. Air Traffic Control System Cyber Security Using Humans and Machine Learning
  74. An Overview of Implementation Strategies on Cyber Security
  75. A Decade of Studies on Cyber Security Training in Organizations using Social Network Analysis: A Systematic Literature Review Through Keyword co-Occurrence Network
  76. Machine Learning use Case for Cyber Security in Education Industry
  77. A Systematic Literature Review on Cyber Security Education for Children
  78. Enhancing Cyber Security in Industrial Internet of Things Systems: An Experimental Assessment
  79. Experimental Evaluation of Smart Electric Meters’ Resilience Under Cyber Security Attacks
  80. Cyber Security in the Indian Electricity Distribution System: A Review
  81. Gamification Design as Learning Media to Motivate Students to Increase Cyber Security Awareness towards Phishing
  82. Role of Cyber security in Gaming technology
  83. Cyber Security Development and Critical Evaluation About Current Barriers and Opportunities
  84. Navigating the Cyber-Security Risks and Economics of System-of-Systems
  85. Revolutionizing Cyber Security: Exploring the Synergy of Machine Learning and Logical Reasoning for Cyber Threats and Mitigation
  86. Three-level Vertical Cyber Security Protection Architecture Based on Power Grid Node Grading
  87. Cyber Security Tool for Combat Remote Work Vulnerability
  88. Role of Artificial Intelligence based Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer (ChatGPT) in Cyber Security
  89. Analysis of Automotive Security Risk using Cyber Security
  90. The Use of Virtual Private Networks to Facilitate Remote Working: A Critical Review of Cyber Security Implications to Develop Successful VPN Systems
  91. A Comprehensive Study on Cyber Security in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
  92. The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Mitigating Cyber Security Issues and its Impact on FinTech
  93. Railway Cyber-Security in the Era of Interconnected Systems: A Survey
  94. Techniques to Maximize O-Level Cyber Security Protection
  95. A Review on Emerging Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security Applications in IT Industry
  96. Cyber Security Testbed: Keyloggers and Data Visualization on Keyloggers – A Case Study
  97. Cryptographic Ledger for Cyber Security in Smart Grid
  98. Growing Threats Of Cyber Security: Protecting Yourself In A Digital World
  99. Assessment of Cyber Security in Renewable Electricity Market Considering System Reliability Using Machine Learning
  100. New Cryptographic Bent Functions from Permutations and Linear Translator in Cyber Security
  101. The GapApp: Matching Military Occupations and Civil Jobs in Cyber Security for Women
  102. A Systematic Literature Review of Cyber Security and Privacy in IoT Devices
  103. Cybersecurity Education: Understanding the knowledge gaps based on cyber security policy, challenge, and knowledge
  104. Implementing Enterprise Cyber Security with Open-Source Software and Standard Architecture: Volume II
  105. Analysis of the Demilitarized Zone Implementation in Java Madura Bali Electrical Systems to Increase the Level of IT/OT Cyber Security With the Dual DMZ Firewall Architecture Method
  106. Cyber Security and People: Human Nature, Psychology, and Training Affect User Awareness, Social Engineering, and Security Professional Education and Preparedness
  107. Integrating AI With Cyber Security for Smart Industry 4.0 Application
  108. Some Classes of Cryptographic Power Functions and Permutation Polynomials with Low (-1)-Differential Uniformity in Cyber Security
  109. Detection of Cyber Security Threats through Social Media Platforms
  110. An Analysis of Cyber security Risks and Authentication Systems
  111. Key Factors Related to Cyber Security Affecting Consumer Attitude in Online Shopping: A Study in Bangladesh
  112. A Survey on Cyber Security in Smart Grids using Internet of Things
  113. Cyber Security Challenges and Proactive Measures in Education Cyberspace
  114. Cyber Security Integration with Smart New Age Sustainable Startup Business, Risk Management, Automation and Scaling System for Entrepreneurs: An Artificial Intelligence Approach
  115. A Detailed Investigation on Various Cyber Security Models and their Comparisons with the Detailed Performance Analysis for the Application of IIOT Systems
  116. Industrial Internet of Things: A Cyber Security Perspective Investigation
  117. Significance of Cyber Security of IoT devices in the Healthcare Sector
  118. The ways in which Artificial Intelligence improves several facets of Cyber Security-A survey
  119. The Empirical Evaluation of Artificial Intelligence-based Techniques for Improving Cyber Security
  120. Review of Smart Transportation and Challenges: Cyber Security Perspective
  121. A Logical Cyber Security Enabled Methodology Design for Identifying Distributed Denial of Service Attacks Using Enhanced Learning Principles
  122. Cyber Security for Surgical Remote Intelligent Robotic Systems
  123. A Survey of Adversarial Attack and Defense Methods for Malware Classification in Cyber Security
  124. Cyber Security Threats on Multifunctional Devices and Mitigation Techniques
  125. Microgrid Cyber Security Enhancement Considerations
  126. Review Study of the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Cyber Security
  127. Artificial Intelligence based Cyber Security Threats Identification in Financial Institutions Using Machine Learning Approach
  128. Cyber-Security of Embedded IoTs in Smart Homes: Challenges, Requirements, Countermeasures, and Trends
  129. Convolutional Neural Network-Based Anomaly Detection for Cyber Security: A Survey
  130. Review on Penetration Testing Techniques in Cyber security
  131. A Systematic analysis of enhancing Cyber Security using deep learning for Cyber Physical Systems
  132. GNSS Threat Identification and Mitigation, Cyber-Security aspects in Automotive Scenarios
  133. Keep Spending: Beyond Optimal Cyber-Security Investment
  134. Towards Enhancing Cyber Security Awareness Using Gamification Escape Room
  135. Cyber Security System Using Fuzzy Logic
  136. Ace of Cyber Security and it’s Emerging Trends on Latest Technologies
  137. Cyber Security Control Systems for Operational Technology
  138. Machine Learning for Enhanced Cyber Security
  139. An Investigation of Learning Model Technologies for Network Traffic Classification Design in Cyber Security Exercises
  140. Study of Enhancing Usage of Data Visualization in Cyber Security- Quick, Efficient, and Complete
  141. Cyber Security Threat Detection Model Using Artificial Intelligence Technology
  142. Cyber Security in Smart Cities and Its Challenges: A Systematic Literature Review
  143. A Comprehensive Review of Cyber Security Enhancements for PMU Communications in Microgrids
  144. A Survey on Cyber Security Research in the Field of Agriculture Technology
  145. A Robust Stackelberg Game for Cyber-Security Investment in Networked Control Systems
  146. Cyber Security Issues in the Industrial Applications of Digital Twins
  147. Deep Reinforcement Learning for Cyber Security
  148. IOT Management Programmable Telemetry and Machine Learning for Cyber Security
  149. Cyber Security in Fog Computing Using Blockchain: A Mini Literature Review
  150. Autonomic Cyber Security Enhanced with Survival Analysis (ACSeSA)
  151. Cyber Security for Industrial Control System using Deep Neural Network Model
  152. Secure Electronic Banking Transaction using Double Sanction Security Algorithm in Cyber Security
  153. P1711.1/D09, May 2023 – IEEE Draft Standard for a Cryptographic Protocol for Cyber Security of Substation Serial Links: Substation Serial Protection Protocol
  154. Towards Developing a formal model for tracking Cyber-Security Investments in Jamaica
  155. Advancements in Cyber Security and Information Systems in Healthcare from 2004 to 2022: A Bibliometric Analysis
  156. Investment Decisions Reasoning to Increase the Organization’s Cyber Security using Simulation Models
  157. Cyber Security Intrusion Detection Using Deep Learning Approaches, Datasets, Bot-IOT Dataset
  158. A Multi-Objective Hyper-Heuristic Improved Configuration of Svm Based on Particle Swarm Optimization for Big Data Cyber Security
  159. Detection and Classification of Malware for Cyber Security using Machine Learning Algorithms
  160. Identifying the Features of the Various Cyber Dataset for Ensuring Cyber Security using Hybrid Optimization Techniques and Machine Learning (ML)
  161. IoT Implementation in Various Applications: A Detailed Review of Cyber Security Issues and Challenges
  162. Collaborative Robots and Cyber Security in Industry 5.0
  163. E-Commerce Supply Chains with Considerations of Cyber-Security
  164. Cyber Security Flood Attacks and Risk Assessment for Internet of Things (IoT) Distributed Systems
  165. Deep Learning-Based PMU Cyber Security Scheme Against Data Manipulation Attacks With WADC Application
  166. Cyber security in technical education
  167. Design & Development of Virtual Reality Empowered Cyber-Security Training Testbed for IoT Systems
  168. A Human-Centric Cyber Security Training Tool for Prioritizing MSNAs
  169. A Comprehensive Investigation of Blockchain Technology’s Role in Cyber Security
  170. Cyber Security Issues and Challenges Related to Generative AI and ChatGPT
  171. An Experimental Analysis Into Blockchain Cyber Security Attacks
  172. A Review of Cyber Security in Cryptography: Services, Attacks, and Key Approach
  173. MAD: One-Shot Machine Activity Detector for Physics-Based Cyber Security
  174. Necessity and Role of Blockchain Technology in the Domain of Cyber Security and Data Science
  175. Analysis of Cyber Security Threats in Payment Gateway Technology
  176. Cyber-Security Assessment of Power System Digital Components in the Conditions of Hostilities
  177. Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: Review, Cyber Security Considerations, Potential Impacts, Countermeasures and Future Trends
  178. Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Security Goals
  179. Cyber security of an industrial IoT gateway device – a threat model view and security aspects
  180. Analysing Cyber Security Vulnerabilities using Click Jacking and HostHeader Injection
  181. Blockchain Implementation in Financial Sector and Cyber Security System
  182. A Review of use of Artificial Intelligence on Cyber Security and the Fifth-Generation Cyber-attacks and its analysis
  183. Utilizing Bio Metric System for Enhancing Cyber Security in Banking Sector: A Systematic Analysis
  184. Modern Cyber Security Attacks, Detection Strategies, and Countermeasures Procedures
  185. Robustness Assessment of Wind Power Prediction Under Cyber Security Attacks and its Impacts on Power System Operations
  186. Cyber Security Enhancement with an Intelligent Android Prototype
  187. Cloud Computing For Effective Cyber Security Attack Detection in Smart Cities
  188. A Smart Network Intrusion Detection System for Cyber Security of Industrial IoT
  189. Biometric in Cyber Security: A Mini Review
  190. Vulnerability of Cyber Security in Cloud Computing Environment
  191. Wiegand vs. OSDP in Cyber Security
  192. Enhanced capsule generative adversarial network with Blockchain fostered Intrusion Detection System for Enhancing Cyber security in Cloud
  193. Quantifying the Financial Impact of Cyber Security Attacks on Banks: A Big Data Analytics Approach
  194. Computer Networks Cyber Security Via an Intrusion Detection System
  195. A Scalable Cyber Security Framework for the Experimentation of DDoS Attacks of Things
  196. Generative Adversarial Networks for Anomaly Detection in Cyber Security: A Review
  197. A cyber-security testbed for the dynamic operation of transmission power systems
  198. Cyber Security Architecture for Safe Data Storage and Retrieval for Smart City Applications
  199. A Cyber-Security Framework for ST-MPC of State and Input Constrained CPS Under False Data Injection Attacks
  200. Internal and External Threats in Cyber Security and Methods for Their Prevention