How to Start Benes Network Routing Projects Using MATLAB

To start Benes network using MATLAB that is a nonblocking switching network which is frequently utilised for telecommunications and parallel calculating. It is called a generalized network topology, which is equipped routing information among the two input-output pairs including a least amount of switching stages. It is combined two phases of Banyan networks.

Routing decision is created according to the integration of their input/output port and the internal switches for each packet in Benes networks. The primary aim is to replicate the Benes network routing that is transmitting information from input ports to output ports to utilise certain network structure in an effective way.

To start Benes network routing within MATLAB, we’ll want to replicate the network topology, execute routing algorithms, and envision the path taken using packets. Below is a stepwise method:

Steps to Start Benes Network Routing Projects in MATLAB

Step 1: Understand the Benes Network Architecture

The Benes network contains two Banyan networks, each network including certain switching elements structure that is organized within stages. The primary goal for effectively transmitting packets via stages, depends on the input-output pair to utilise a sequence of decision-making processes.

  1. Banyan network: It is a certain kind of network in which the output is found rely on packet address. It utilises a decision tree method for forwarding packets.
  2. Benes network: The Benes network can be made using two Banyan networks, which is organized in a particular form, making sure that it is non-blocking and any input can be linked to any outcome.

Step 2: Represent the Benes Network in MATLAB

We can be denoted the Benes network in MATLAB to utilise a graph-based structure in which every single switch and connection is an edge within the graph. We will be utilised adjacency matrices or edge lists for specifying the network and making graph objects to utilise built-in graph and digraph functions of MATLAB.

Example: Defining a Simple Benes Network

% Define the Benes network as an adjacency matrix

% For simplicity, consider a 4×4 Benes network with a basic structure.

% Example: A basic network with 4 input ports and 4 output ports (Benes topology)

adjMatrix = [

0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0;  % Input 1

0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0;  % Input 2

0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0;  % Input 3

0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0;  % Input 4

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1;  % Output 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1;  % Output 2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;  % Output 3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   % Output 4


% Create a graph object from the adjacency matrix

G = digraph(adjMatrix);

plot(G, ‘Layout’, ‘force’);  % Visualize the network

title(‘Benes Network Topology’);

In this example:

  • adjMatrix is the adjacency matrix to denote the network in which 1 specifies a connection among the two nodes.
  • G is the graph object which is made by adjacency matrix.
  • digraph is utilised for building a directed graph as data flows in one direction.

Step 3: Implement the Routing Algorithm for Benes Network

The routing algorithm normally adheres to the Banyan network structure in which the packet is forwarded via two stages of switches for a Benes network.

  1. First Stage (Routing to the first Banyan network):
    • Find initial routing decision to utilise address bits (usually part of the packet’s destination).
    • In the first Banyan network, packet is directed via one of the paths.
  2. Second Stage (Routing through the second Banyan network):
    • Packet goes in second stage of switches in which the final decision is created according to the destination after the initial stage.

Here’s how we can execute the basic routing logic:

Example: Routing Function for Benes Network

function path = benesRouting(G, source, destination)

% The packet starts at the source

currentNode = source;

path = currentNode;  % Store the path

% First Stage Routing: Routing towards the first Banyan network

firstStageRoute = mod(destination, 2);  % Example logic: determine routing based on LSB of destination

% Second Stage Routing: Further decision-making based on remaining bits

secondStageRoute = mod(destination, 2);

% Example path decisions based on stages (simplified logic for demonstration)

if firstStageRoute == 1

currentNode = source + 1;  % Simulate packet routing in the first stage


currentNode = source + 2;


% Add the current node to the path

path = [path currentNode]

% Continue to second stage

if secondStageRoute == 1

currentNode = currentNode + 1;  % Routing in the second stage


currentNode = currentNode + 2;


% Add final destination to the path

path = [path currentNode];

disp(‘Routing Path:’);



In this case:

  • benesRouting function replicates the routing from the source to the end node.
  • Depends on a basic decision-making process, packet is forwarded via two stages.
  • firstStageRoute and secondStageRoute mimic routing decisions according to the destination node.

Step 4: Simulate the Benes Network

We will want to execute the routing function for several source-destination pairs to replicate the packet transfers within the Benes network, and envision the paths are obtained by the packets.

% Simulate routing of packets from source to destination

source = 1;  % Example source node

destination = 4;  % Example destination node

path = benesRouting(G, source, destination);

disp(‘Packet transferred via the following path:’);


This will indicate the path that is obtained by a packet from the source to the end node.

Step 5: Visualize the Routing Path

We need to envision the routing path by means of emphasising the edges, which the packet passes through in the Benes network.

% Plot the network graph


plot(G, ‘Layout’, ‘force’);

title(‘Benes Network with Routing Path’);

% Highlight the path taken by the packet

hold on;

for i = 1:length(path)-1

highlight(G, path(i), path(i+1), ‘EdgeColor’, ‘r’, ‘LineWidth’, 3);


Above code will envision the path taken using the packet within red in the Benes network.

Step 6: Performance Evaluation

We estimate the Benes network routing performance to utilise the following parameters:

  1. Routing Efficiency: Examine how many hops the packet obtains for attaining the destination.
  2. Network Utilization: Replicate several packets and then examine the overall network traffic distribution.
  3. Latency: Calculate the duration for packets to attain the destination.
  4. Throughput: Assess the network throughput in diverse traffic conditions.

For example, we can compute the volume of hops in the path:

numHops = length(path) – 1;

disp([‘Number of hops taken: ‘, num2str(numHops)]);

Step 7: Advanced Features (Optional)

We can be integrated more advanced aspects to the simulation like:

  1. Dynamic Traffic: Mimic several packets including various source and destination pairs for monitoring traffic patterns.
  2. Fault Tolerance: Execute the fault tolerance by means of arbitrarily inactivating some switches and to experiment the robustness of the Benes network.
  3. Packet Switching Delay: Design the time delay to switch at each node and it contains this within the simulation.
  4. Scalability: Prolong the network for replicating larger Benes networks and estimating the influence over performance.
  1. We can make a Benes network routing simulation within MATLAB in this structure, to learn their performance, scalability, and fault tolerance in diverse traffic conditions.

These steps will help you to start and simulate the Benes Network Routing Projects using MATLAB environment and permit you to extend the project to investigate various aspects.