How to Start TORA Projects Using MATLAB
To start Temporally-Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA) which is a reactive routing protocol created for extremely active mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). It makes routes only if required and it supports distributed, loop-free, and highly adaptive routing. Following is a detailed guide to get started:
Steps to Start TORA Project in MATLAB
- Understand TORA
- Key Features:
- It has multi-path routing.
- Utilises a directed acyclic graph (DAG) rooted at destination.
- It reduces routing overhead using localizing updates.
- Phases:
- Route Creation: Launch paths to utilise height metric.
- Route Maintenance: Modify paths within reply to topology modifications.
- Route Erasure: Eliminate the invalid routes.
- Set Project Objectives
- Replicate the route creation, maintenance, and erasure phases of TORA.
- Manage dynamic topology modifications such as link failures.
- Measure routing parameters like delay, packet delivery ratio, and routing overhead.
- Define Network Topology
Make use of an adjacency matrix or a graph object for denoting the network.
Example: Adjacency Matrix
% Define adjacency matrix for a 5-node network
adjMatrix = [
0 1 0 1 0;
1 0 1 0 0;
0 1 0 1 1;
1 0 1 0 1;
0 0 1 1 0
% Visualize the network
G = graph(adjMatrix);
plot(G, ‘EdgeLabel’, G.Edges.Weight);
title(‘Network Topology for TORA’);
- Implement the TORA Algorithm
Step 1: Specify the height metric for nodes.
- The height is a tuple (τ,oid,r,δ,id)(τ, oid, r, δ, id)(τ,oid,r,δ,id) utilised for breaking connections and find the route direction.
MATLAB Implementation:
function heights = initializeTORA(numNodes, destNode)
% Initialize heights for all nodes
heights = inf(numNodes, 5); % [τ, oid, r, δ, id]
heights(destNode, 🙂 = [0, 0, 0, 0, destNode]; % Destination node height is 0
- Route Creation Phase
We will need to make a directed acyclic graph (DAG) rooted at the destination.
MATLAB Implementation:
function dag = createRoute(adjMatrix, heights, destNode)
numNodes = size(adjMatrix, 1);
dag = zeros(numNodes); % Directed graph representation
for i = 1:numNodes
for j = 1:numNodes
if adjMatrix(i, j) > 0
% Direction based on height comparison
if heights(i, 1) > heights(j, 1)
dag(i, j) = 1; % i -> j
- Route Maintenance Phase
Manage the link failures by means of modifying the structure of DAG.
MATLAB Implementation:
function heights = updateRoute(adjMatrix, heights, failedLink)
% Adjust heights after a link failure
[nodeA, nodeB] = deal(failedLink(1), failedLink(2));
% Mark link as failed
adjMatrix(nodeA, nodeB) = 0;
adjMatrix(nodeB, nodeA) = 0;
% Recompute heights
numNodes = size(adjMatrix, 1);
for i = 1:numNodes
neighbors = find(adjMatrix(i, 🙂 > 0);
if isempty(neighbors)
heights(i, 1) = inf; % Mark as unreachable
heights(i, 1) = min(heights(neighbors, 1)) + 1; % Update height
- Route Erasure Phase
It helps to eliminate the invalid routes by way of overflowing route erasure messages.
MATLAB Implementation:
function adjMatrix = eraseRoute(adjMatrix, invalidNode)
% Flood erasure messages from the invalid node
adjMatrix(invalidNode, 🙂 = 0;
adjMatrix(:, invalidNode) = 0;
- Simulate TORA Routing
Integrate the phases for replicating the behaviour of TORA.
% Initialize the network and TORA
numNodes = 5;
destNode = 5;
heights = initializeTORA(numNodes, destNode);
% Create routes
dag = createRoute(adjMatrix, heights, destNode);
fprintf(‘Initial DAG:\n’);
% Simulate link failure
failedLink = [3, 5];
heights = updateRoute(adjMatrix, heights, failedLink);
fprintf(‘Updated Heights After Link Failure:\n’);
% Erase invalid routes
invalidNode = 3;
adjMatrix = eraseRoute(adjMatrix, invalidNode);
fprintf(‘Adjacency Matrix After Route Erasure:\n’);
- Visualize Routing
Envision the DAG and actively update it to utilise plotting tools of MATLAB for visualization.
% Visualize the DAG
plot(graph(dag), ‘EdgeLabel’, dag(dag > 0));
title(‘TORA Directed Acyclic Graph’);
- Evaluate Performance
Examine the crucial performance parameters such as:
- Route Optimality: After link failures, we confirm paths stay valid.
- Overhead: Estimate the volume of control messages.
- Convergence Time: Measure the duration of convergent for route updates.
- Extend the Project
- Dynamic Traffic Simulation: Mimic packet flows including source-destination pairs to alter.
- Fault Tolerance: Assess resilience of TORA to numerous link or node failures.
- Comparison: We want to equate the TORA including AODV or DSR such as overhead and delay.
Complete MATLAB Code Example
Below is a comprehensive example for TORA:
% Define adjacency matrix
adjMatrix = [
0 1 0 1 0;
1 0 1 0 0;
0 1 0 1 1;
1 0 1 0 1;
0 0 1 1 0
% Initialize TORA
numNodes = 5;
destNode = 5;
heights = initializeTORA(numNodes, destNode);
% Create routes
dag = createRoute(adjMatrix, heights, destNode);
disp(‘Initial DAG:’);
% Simulate a link failure
failedLink = [3, 5];
heights = updateRoute(adjMatrix, heights, failedLink);
disp(‘Updated Heights After Link Failure:’);
% Erase routes
invalidNode = 3;
adjMatrix = eraseRoute(adjMatrix, invalidNode);
disp(‘Adjacency Matrix After Route Erasure:’);
% Visualize the DAG
plot(graph(dag), ‘EdgeLabel’, dag(dag > 0));
title(‘TORA Directed Acyclic Graph’);
This project has solid basics to replicate and examine the Temporally-Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA) using MATLAB environment. If you want any more guidance to discover extensions such as packet delivery simulation or integration including dynamic traffic models, we will provide it to you.