How to Start VLAN Trunking Protocol Projects Using MATLAB

To start VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) using MATLAB which is a Cisco proprietary protocol that frequently utilised for handing VLAN sets up through several network switches. It helps to control VLANs by means of permitting VLAN configuration modifications for broadcasting over switches within a network. VTP functions by switching VLAN data among the switches and make sure that every switch is in the network effectively conscious of the VLANs.

To start a VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) simulation project using MATLAB, we want to replicate multiple core VTP modules:

  1. Network topology including switches and VLANs.
  2. VTP Operation to broadcast VLAN data.
  3. VLAN Configuration and Management over numerous switches.
  4. VTP Updates Simulation and network-broad VLAN propagation.

Here’s a stepwise approach to start the VTP simulation project in MATLAB.

Steps to Start VLAN Trunking Protocol Projects in MATLAB

Step 1: Understand the Key Concepts of VTP

Following is VTP’s key concept:

  1. VTP Modes:
    • Server Mode: Switches can make, alter, and remove VLANs in server mode. They broadcast VLAN data to other switches.
    • Client Mode: These switches frequently in client mode that inherit VLAN data from VTP servers and utilise those modification however it can’t make, alter, or remove VLANs.
    • Transparent Mode: Switches don’t contribute in VTP updates within transparent mode however it sends VTP data. They can make, change, and erase VLANs locally.
  2. VTP Domain: A collect of switches, which distribute VLAN data with each other. A switch only can be broadcasted VLAN data in their VTP domain.
  3. VTP Pruning: This is an aspect which avoids VLAN traffic from being sent to switches that don’t have any ports which are allocated to VLAN.
  4. VTP Updates: VTP transmits advertisements with VLAN data that has VLAN names, VLAN IDs, and any other set up modifications. These advertisements are periodically transmitted or when changes happen.

Step 2: Define the Network Topology

We want to create network topology for replicating a VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) project. It will normally have numerous switches which are associated by trunks that deliver VLAN traffic. We can design the network to utilise graph objects in which switches are nodes, and the links among them that denote the trunk connections within MATLAB.

Example: Defining a Simple Network Topology with 3 Switches

% Create a network with 3 switches, and define the trunk links between them

% Each switch will be connected to its neighbors via trunk links

adjMatrix = [

0 1 1;  % Switch 1 connects to Switch 2 and Switch 3

1 0 1;  % Switch 2 connects to Switch 1 and Switch 3

1 1 0   % Switch 3 connects to Switch 1 and Switch 2


% Create a graph object to represent the topology

G = graph(adjMatrix, {‘Switch 1’, ‘Switch 2’, ‘Switch 3’});


plot(G, ‘Layout’, ‘force’);

title(‘VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) Network Topology’);

In this case, simple network topology has three switches, which are associated. The adjacency matrix denotes the trunk links in which 1 specifies a direct connection among the switches.

Step 3: Define the VTP Protocol

The VTP protocol handles the VLAN sets up through switches. In the VTP network, every single switch either in server mode, client mode, or transparent mode. We have to signify each switch’s mode and VLAN sets up using a structure within MATLAB.

Example: Defining the VTP Configuration on Each Switch

% Define the VTP configuration for each switch

switches = struct(‘mode’, {}, ‘vlans’, {}, ‘domain’, {});

% Example configuration for 3 switches

switches(1) = struct(‘mode’, ‘server’, ‘vlans’, [10, 20, 30], ‘domain’, ‘VTP Domain 1’);

switches(2) = struct(‘mode’, ‘client’, ‘vlans’, [], ‘domain’, ‘VTP Domain 1’);

switches(3) = struct(‘mode’, ‘transparent’, ‘vlans’, [10, 20], ‘domain’, ‘VTP Domain 1’);

% Display the VTP configurations

disp(‘Switch 1 Configuration:’);


disp(‘Switch 2 Configuration:’);


disp(‘Switch 3 Configuration:’);


In this example:

  • Switch 1 contains VLANs 10, 20, and 30 in server mode.
  • Switch 2 will inherit the VLAN data from the server (no local VLAN configuration) and is in client mode.
  • Switch 3 is in transparent mode that permits it for making VLANs locally however does not broadcast VLAN data.

Step 4: Simulate VTP Advertisements and Updates

Make use of VTP for replicating how VLAN data is broadcasted via network, we can swap VTP advertisements among the switches. The simple idea is that switches are within server mode, will transmit the VTP updates to switches which are in client and transparent modes.

Example: Simulating VTP Update Propagation

% Function to propagate VLAN information from server to client and transparent switches

function propagateVTP(switches, sourceSwitchIndex)

% Get the VLAN information from the source switch (in server mode)

vlanInfo = switches(sourceSwitchIndex).vlans;

% Propagate VLAN information to all other switches in the same VTP domain

for i = 1:length(switches)

if i ~= sourceSwitchIndex && strcmp(switches(i).domain, switches(sourceSwitchIndex).domain)

if strcmp(switches(i).mode, ‘client’) || strcmp(switches(i).mode, ‘transparent’)

% Update VLAN information in client and transparent switches

switches(i).vlans = vlanInfo;

disp([‘VTP update propagated to Switch ‘, num2str(i)]);





% Propagate VTP information from Switch 1 (server mode)

disp(‘Before VTP propagation:’);


propagateVTP(switches, 1);  % Switch 1 is the VTP server

disp(‘After VTP propagation:’);


In this instance:

  • The propagateVTP function mimics VTP advertisement and modernize method by means of replicating the VLAN data from the server switch to the client and transparent switches.
  • Every switch within similar VTP domain that will be inherited VLAN data from Switch 1 after requesting the function.

Step 5: Simulate VLAN Trunking Behavior

VLAN trunking has transmitting VLAN-tagged traffic across trunk link among the switches. We need to replicate it by way of transmitting packets, which are connected with various VLANs and to envision how these packets move through the network.

Example: Simulating VLAN Trunking Across Switch Links

% Simulate sending VLAN traffic over trunk links

function sendVlanTraffic(switches, sourceIndex, destinationIndex, vlanId)

% Check if the VLAN exists on both source and destination switches

if ismember(vlanId, switches(sourceIndex).vlans) && ismember(vlanId, switches(destinationIndex).vlans)

disp([‘Sending packet from Switch ‘, num2str(sourceIndex), ‘ to Switch ‘, num2str(destinationIndex), ‘ for VLAN ‘, num2str(vlanId)]);


disp([‘Error: VLAN ‘, num2str(vlanId), ‘ not available on one or both switches’]);



% Send traffic for VLAN 10 from Switch 1 to Switch 2

sendVlanTraffic(switches, 1, 2, 10);  % Switch 1 to Switch 2 for VLAN 10

sendVlanTraffic(switches, 2, 3, 10);  % Switch 2 to Switch 3 for VLAN 10

In this case:

  • The sendVlanTraffic function confirms as the VLAN occurs on both the origin and destination switches and it replicates the packet transmission through the trunk link.
  • Traffic transmitted for VLAN 10 from Switch 1 to Switch 2 and Switch 2 to Switch 3.

Step 6: Performance Evaluation

Now, estimate the VTP simulation performance:

  1. VTP Convergence Time: Assess the duration for every switch within the domain, inheriting the new VLAN data.
  2. Traffic Distribution: Evaluate how VLAN traffic is delivered through trunk links.
  3. VTP Propagation Efficiency: Measure the VTP updates effectiveness since amount of switches maximizes.
  4. Network Stability: Compute how VTP responds to modifications within the network like inserting or eliminating switches or VLANs.

We will want to monitor the performance indicators such as the duration for each VTP update and the amount of updates that are needed for convergence.

Step 7: Advanced Features (Optional)

We need to prolong the VTP simulation by means of integrating more complex aspects like:

  1. VTP Pruning: Execute the VTP pruning for blocking needless VLAN traffic to be transmitting through trunk links to switches, which don’t require it.
  2. Dynamic VLAN Creation/Deletion: Permit switches to make or remove the VLANs dynamically and replicate how those modifications broadcast.
  3. Fault Tolerance: Replicate the network failures like trunk link failures and then we want to observe how VTP manages these scenarios.
  4. Scalability: Experiment the VTP performance including additional switches and VLANs in larger networks.


Starting a VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) project using MATLAB:

  1. Create the network topology with the support of graph structures and adjacency matrices.
  2. Execute the VTP protocol for handling VLAN data through switches in server, client, and transparent modes.
  3. Mimic VTP updates by means of through switches broadcasting VLAN data.
  4. Replicate behavior of VLAN trunking and envision VLAN traffic over trunk links.
  5. Optionally, estimate the VTP performance and prolong the replication including further aspects of project.

You can discover more comprehensive details and procedure for replicating and analysing the VLAN Trunking Protocol in MATLAB environment. If you know more about its functionality and other advanced aspects, we will send it to you.