How to Start XY Routing Projects Using MATLAB
To start XY Routing using MATLAB which is a deterministic routing algorithm that frequently utilised in mesh networks or NoCs (Networks-on-Chip). It transmits packets initially through the X-axis (horizontal) and then sends through Y-axis (vertical). XY routing is simple, deadlock-free, and broadly utilised within grid-based network topologies.
Steps to Start XY Routing Project in MATLAB
- Understand XY Routing
- Routing Rule:
- Initially, transmit packets horizontally (X-axis) waiting to attain the destination column.
- Then send vertically (Y-axis) toward the destination row.
- Topology: Normally it is used in 2D mesh networks.
- Advantages: Deterministic, deadlock-free and basic execution.
- Set Project Objectives
- Replicate the XY routing within a 2D mesh network for packet delivery.
- Envision the routing paths.
- Measure performance parameters such as hop count and routing delay.
- Define the Network Topology
We need to denote the network using 2D grid in which every single node contains coordinates (x,y)(x, y)(x,y).
Example: 2D Mesh Topology
% Define network dimensions (e.g., 4×4 mesh)
rows = 4;
cols = 4;
% Create a graph to represent the mesh
G = graph();
% Add nodes
for i = 1:rows
for j = 1:cols
G = addnode(G, sprintf(‘(%d,%d)’, i, j));
% Add edges for horizontal and vertical connections
for i = 1:rows
for j = 1:cols
if j < cols
G = addedge(G, sprintf(‘(%d,%d)’, i, j), sprintf(‘(%d,%d)’, i, j+1));
if i < rows
G = addedge(G, sprintf(‘(%d,%d)’, i, j), sprintf(‘(%d,%d)’, i+1, j));
% Visualize the mesh network
title(‘2D Mesh Network for XY Routing’);
- Implement the XY Routing Algorithm
Make a XY routing function for computing the XY route among two nodes according to its coordinates.
MATLAB Implementation:
function path = xyRouting(src, dest)
% Extract coordinates
[srcX, srcY] = deal(src(1), src(2));
[destX, destY] = deal(dest(1), dest(2));
% Initialize the path with the source
path = [src];
% Route along the X-axis
while srcX ~= destX
if srcX < destX
srcX = srcX + 1;
srcX = srcX – 1;
path = [path; [srcX, srcY]];
% Route along the Y-axis
while srcY ~= destY
if srcY < destY
srcY = srcY + 1;
srcY = srcY – 1;
path = [path; [srcX, srcY]];
- Simulate Routing
Determine the paths among source and a destination nodes to utilise XY routing function.
Example Simulation:
% Define source and destination coordinates
srcNode = [1, 1]; % Top-left corner
destNode = [4, 4]; % Bottom-right corner
% Compute the XY routing path
path = xyRouting(srcNode, destNode);
% Display the routing path
fprintf(‘XY Routing Path from (%d,%d) to (%d,%d):\n’, srcNode, destNode);
- Visualize Routing Path
Envision the calculated path on the network graph using MATLAB.
% Convert path coordinates to node names
pathNodes = arrayfun(@(i) sprintf(‘(%d,%d)’, path(i, 1), path(i, 2)), 1:size(path, 1), ‘UniformOutput’, false);
% Highlight the path
highlight(plot(G), pathNodes, ‘EdgeColor’, ‘r’, ‘LineWidth’, 2);
title(‘XY Routing Path’);
- Evaluate Performance
Examine crucial performance parameters such as:
- Hop Count: Measure the volume of hops within the path that must have length of the path is minus 1.
- Routing Delay: Evaluate duration according to the fixed delay for each hop.
- Scalability: Experiment the scale on larger grids.
- Extend the Project
- Dynamic Traffic Simulation: Integrate traffic generation and routing for numerous packets.
- Fault Tolerance: Change the algorithm for managing node or link failures.
- Optimization: We need to equate the XY routing including adaptive or load-balanced routing algorithms.
Complete MATLAB Code Example
Below is a comprehensive instance:
% Define network dimensions
rows = 4;
cols = 4;
% Create a graph for the 2D mesh network
G = graph();
% Add nodes
for i = 1:rows
for j = 1:cols
G = addnode(G, sprintf(‘(%d,%d)’, i, j));
% Add edges
for i = 1:rows
for j = 1:cols
if j < cols
G = addedge(G, sprintf(‘(%d,%d)’, i, j), sprintf(‘(%d,%d)’, i, j+1));
if i < rows
G = addedge(G, sprintf(‘(%d,%d)’, i, j), sprintf(‘(%d,%d)’, i+1, j));
% Visualize the mesh network
title(‘2D Mesh Network’);
% XY Routing Function
function path = xyRouting(src, dest)
[srcX, srcY] = deal(src(1), src(2));
[destX, destY] = deal(dest(1), dest(2));
path = [src];
while srcX ~= destX
if srcX < destX
srcX = srcX + 1;
srcX = srcX – 1;
path = [path; [srcX, srcY]];
while srcY ~= destY
if srcY < destY
srcY = srcY + 1;
srcY = srcY – 1;
path = [path; [srcX, srcY]];
% Define source and destination
srcNode = [1, 1];
destNode = [4, 4];
% Compute and display the routing path
path = xyRouting(srcNode, destNode);
disp(‘XY Routing Path:’);
% Highlight the routing path on the graph
pathNodes = arrayfun(@(i) sprintf(‘(%d,%d)’, path(i, 1), path(i, 2)), 1:size(path, 1), ‘UniformOutput’, false);
highlight(plot(G), pathNodes, ‘EdgeColor’, ‘r’, ‘LineWidth’, 2);
title(‘XY Routing Path Visualization’);
From this project demonstration, we learnt the simulation process on how to execute and replicate the XY routing for a 2D mesh network using MATLAB. We equipped to extend the fault tolerance or dynamic traffic handling as required.