How to Start Birthday Attack Projects using OMNeT++

To stimulate a Birthday Attack is a cryptographic attack that exploits the mathematics for the birthday paradox we detect the collisions in hash functions. Though OMNeT++ is typically utilized for the network simulation, we can adjust to replicate the network-level environments in which the birthday attacks are relevant, like as verification mechanisms or cryptographic hash-based protocols.

Here’s how to create a Birthday Attack Simulation Project in OMNeT++:

Steps to Start Birthday Attack Projects using OMNeT++

  1. Understand Birthday Attacks
  • Definition: A birthday attack leverages the probability for hash collisions negotiation to cryptographic systems. In networks, it might goal:
    • Digital Signatures: Exploiting the hash collisions for forge signatures.
    • Authentication Systems: Bypassing the hashed identifications for the verification system.
    • Message Integrity: Generate two various communications through the same hash.
  • Objective:
    • Replicate a birthday attack in a network.
    • Estimate the success probability according to the hash space size and network conditions.
    • Apply for the defense such as maximizing the hash size or enhance the salting mechanisms.
  1. Set up OMNeT++ Environment
  • Install OMNeT++: Download and install OMNeT++ from the official website.
  • Extend with a Custom Module: Enhance the cryptographic behavior and hashing mechanisms then INET don’t involve through default.
  1. Define the Project Scope

Step 3.1: Goals

  • Replicate a protocol such as authentication or digital signature verification which uses a hash function.
  • Replicate an attacker trying we detect the collision in a hash function.

Step 3.2: Metrics

  • Hash Collision Probability: Success rate for the birthday attack in a hash collision.
  • Time to Collision: How long it takes the attacker we detect a collision.
  • Impact on Communication: Examine the disruption produced through the attack.
  1. Design Network Topology

Describe the network in which nodes transmission using the hashed verification or integrity mechanisms.

Example .ned File:

network BirthdayAttackNetwork {


attacker: StandardHost;     // Attacker node

server: StandardHost;       // Server using hash-based protocols

client: StandardHost;       // Legitimate client

router: Router;             // Router connecting all nodes

connections allowunconnected:

client.ethg++ <–> EthernetLink <–> router.ethg++;

server.ethg++ <–> EthernetLink <–> router.ethg++;

attacker.ethg++ <–> EthernetLink <–> router.ethg++;


  1. Implement the Birthday Attack

Step 5.1: Define a Simple Hash Function

Generate a basic hash function we replicate the hash collision vulnerabilities.

#include <omnetpp.h>

#include <string>

#include <unordered_map>

using namespace omnetpp;

class SimpleHash {


int hash(const std::string &input) {

// Simulate a hash function with a small hash space

int hashSpace = 100; // Adjust for birthday paradox demonstration

int hashValue = 0;

for (char c : input) {

hashValue = (hashValue + c) % hashSpace;


return hashValue;



Step 5.2: Implement the Attacker

The attacker generates random messages to find a hash collision.

class BirthdayAttacker : public cSimpleModule {


SimpleHash hasher;

std::unordered_map<int, std::string> hashMap; // Stores hash values and messages

int collisionCount = 0;


virtual void initialize() override;

virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;

void attemptCollision();



void BirthdayAttacker::initialize() {

scheduleAt(simTime() + uniform(0.1, 0.2), new cMessage(“attemptCollision”));


void BirthdayAttacker::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {

if (strcmp(msg->getName(), “attemptCollision”) == 0) {


scheduleAt(simTime() + uniform(0.01, 0.05), msg);



void BirthdayAttacker::attemptCollision() {

std::string randomMessage = std::to_string(rand() % 10000); // Generate random input

int hashValue = hasher.hash(randomMessage);

if (hashMap.find(hashValue) != hashMap.end()) {

EV << “Collision found! Hash: ” << hashValue

<< “, Messages: ” << hashMap[hashValue] << ” and ” << randomMessage << “\n”;


} else

hashMap[hashValue] = randomMessage;



Step 5.3: Configure the Server

Replicate the server using the similar hash function for verification or integrity checks.

  1. Configure the Simulation

Example .ini File Configuration:

[Config BirthdayAttackSimulation]

network = BirthdayAttackNetwork

# Attacker configuration

**.attacker.numApps = 1

**[0].typename = “BirthdayAttacker”

# Legitimate client configuration

**.client.numApps = 1

**[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”

**[0].destAddress = “server”

**[0].startTime = 1s

**[0].sendInterval = 2s

# Simulation time

sim-time-limit = 100s

  1. Run the Simulation
  • Launch the Simulation: Used the OMNeT++ IDE we initializes the replication.
  • Observe Behavior:
    • Logs display the hash collisions found through the attacker.
    • Effect on the server or client transmission.
  1. Analyze Results

Metrics to Evaluate:

  1. Collision Count:
    • Amount of successful hash collisions during the replication count.
  2. Collision Rate:
    • Rate of communications by collision for comparative to the number of attempts.
  3. Network Performance:
    • Calculate the delays or disruptions produced through the attack.
  1. Enhance the Project

Step 9.1: Simulate Larger Hash Spaces

  • Maximum the hash space size we follow the effect on collision probability.

Step 9.2: Implement Countermeasures

  • Salting:
    • Improve the unique arbitrary data to every hash input we avoid the predictable collisions.
  • Use Cryptographic Hashes:
    • Exchange the simple hash performance by cryptographic hashes such as SHA-256 for improved the security.

Step 9.3: Add Legitimate Traffic

  • Replicate the normal client-server interactions alongside the attack.

Step 9.4: Scale the Network

  • Enhance the further nodes we replicate the distributed attacks or larger-scale systems.

Example Output

  • Before the Attack:
    • No collisions in hash values before the attack.
  • During the Attack:
    • Attacker detects the hash collisions, disrupting verification or integrity.
    • Logs for successful collisions and effect the communications.

Would you like assistance with specific parts, such as implementing the hash function, configuring the simulation, or visualizing the results?

In this simulation setup, we had clearly explained the simulation process and the installation procedures to execute the Birthday attack using the OMNeT++ environment. We will explain the techniques employed in executing the Birthday attack with several simulations.