How to Start SDN-NDN Projects Using NS2
To stimulate a Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Named Data Networking (NDN) project has includes the NS2 (Network Simulator 2) has incorporate the rules for SDN and NDN in network replication, in which need to adjust the capabilities of NS2 and we maintain the together for SDN control and NDN data-oriented transmission.
Steps to Start SDN-NDN Projects Using NS2
Key Concepts:
- SDN (Software-Defined Networking): SDN decouples the network control plane from the data plane, assigning the centralized control the network, typically using a controller we handle flow tables in network switches. The controller communicates through the network devices using the protocols such as OpenFlow.
- NDN (Named Data Networking): NDN is a content-centric networking method, in which the concentrate shifts from host-based transmission to data-based transmission. In NDN, data is classified with name, not through the location such as IP address. The main module of NDN is Interest and Data packets.
Associate the SDN and NDN can delivers a stable and effective for the network structure in which data-driven nature of NDN advanced from the centralized control and system of SDN. Here’s how you can begin an SDN-NDN project using NS2.
Steps to Start SDN-NDN Projects in NS2
- Install NS2
Create a certain NS2 is installed on the system. If it’s not previously installed, we can install it on Linux, macOS, or Windows using various techniques.
For Linux:
sudo apt-get install ns2
Intended for macOS and Windows, we can need to use Cygwin (on Windows) or package managers such as Homebrew for macOS.
Next installation, validate which NS2 is operates through process for simple replication.
- Understand SDN and NDN Concepts
Previously apply this method in NS2; we should be familiar through their main concepts:
- SDN: The centralized controller handles the network, and OpenFlow switches are controlled through the controller. The switches are response for sending the packets according to their flow rules that are installed with the controller.
- NDN: Data is fetched through names rather than IP addresses. NDN routers save the data packets and sending a request for data such as Interests with similar name.
- Integrating SDN in NS2
NS2 don’t have native handle for SDN, nevertheless we can replicate the SDN with controlling the behavior of network switches using a centralized controller and describe the flow tables for manually in the replication scripts.
There is a tool NS2-SDN which can be used to replicate the SDN environments, or we can apply the own controller to handle network flows.
Example of Creating SDN-based Flow Control:
# Create the simulator
set ns [new Simulator]
# Create network nodes (e.g., SDN-enabled switches and hosts)
set switch1 [$ns node]
set switch2 [$ns node]
set host1 [$ns node]
set host2 [$ns node]
# Create links between switches and hosts
$ns duplex-link $switch1 $switch2 10Mb 5ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $switch2 $host1 10Mb 5ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $switch2 $host2 10Mb 5ms DropTail
# SDN controller can dynamically add or modify flows on switches
# Example flow table for OpenFlow switch
# controller sets up flow rules for forwarding traffic
$ns at 1.0 “$switch1 add-flow 1”
$ns at 2.0 “$switch2 add-flow 2”
This script is a simplified sample in which flow tables such as managed by the SDN controller are set for OpenFlow switches for sample which you simulate using regular NS2 nodes.
Designed for a real SDN setting, we would require to communication through an SDN controller for instance OpenDaylight, Ryu with an external interface, nevertheless for a simple replication in NS2; we can replicate the impact of SDN control manually as shown above.
- Integrating NDN in NS2
NDN concentrate on the content-oriented transmission design, in which data is classified through names instead of IP addresses. We replicate the NDN in NS2, it requires designing the Interest and Data packets, and replicating on how data is requested, routed, and retrieved.
Though NS2 don’t natively support NDN, we can use NDN simulators such as ndnSIM, which is built on top of NS3. However, after you are detailed asking about NS2, we would have to customize NS2 or incorporate the NDN behavior manually through executes the relevant mechanisms.
Example of Simple NDN Model:
Here’s a very simple method to replicate the NDN in NS2:
- Interest packets: Nodes forward the Interest packets which request precise data through name.
- Data packets: After the data is reached and data packet is forward the back to requester.
# NDN: Interest packet and Data packet flow simulation
set node1 [$ns node]
set node2 [$ns node]
# Create communication link between nodes
$ns duplex-link $node1 $node2 10Mb 10ms DropTail
# Interest packet generation
set interest_packet [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
$interest_packet attach-agent $node1
$ns at 1.0 “$interest_packet start”
# Data packet response
set data_packet [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
$data_packet attach-agent $node2
$ns at 2.0 “$data_packet start”
This simple sample has includes the built a request such as Interest and a response like as Data among two nodes. We entire the replicate a NDN, it would require to apply the Name-based forwarding and Content caching, that would need a more beneficial customization.
- Simulating SDN-NDN Interaction
Designed for project associate the SDN and NDN, we want to replicate the communication among the SDN and NDN components. This can include the SDN controllers handle the flow tables for NDN routers or maintain on how data is cached and sending the SDN-enabled network.
SDN-NDN Hybrid Simulation:
- The SDN controller can dynamically modify the routing paths for Interest packets according to network environment for sample using SDN.
- NDN routers can cache Data packets based on their names.
- Interest packets may be routed dynamically by SDN-enabled switches based on current network conditions or controller decisions.
# SDN controller managing NDN routers’ flow tables
$ns at 1.0 “$sdn_controller manage-flow $interest_packet”
# Interest packet is sent to a SDN-enabled NDN router
$ns at 2.0 “$router forward-interest $interest_packet”
$ns at 3.0 “$router cache-data $data_packet”
This is a very high-level idea. In practice, we will require a further explain for execute the SDN-NDN hybrid protocols we handle the Interest packet sending the Data packet caching.
- Simulating SDN-NDN Hybrid Protocols
We can incorporate the SDN and NDN in different ways, such as:
- NDN Data Caching: NDN routers can cache data when requested. SDN controllers can enhance the data placement with the network.
- Interest Routing in SDN: The SDN controller can control dynamically the paths for Interest packets according to the network environment or load.
- Network Awareness: The SDN controller can access the feedback from NDN routers and adapt the routing paths in real-time to decrease the congestion.
To execute characterize, we will likely require to write alter the code for together SDN controller and the NDN routers.
- Monitor and Analyze the Simulation
After the SDN-NDN replication is setting, we will create a trace files for packet transmission, forwarding, and caching. We can use AWK or XGraph to examine the core parameter metrics like:
- Packet delivery ratio
- Interest response time
- Cache hit ratio
- Network throughput
- Latency
awk ‘{if ($1 == “r”) print $0}’ | awk ‘{total+=1} END {print total}’
- Extend and Optimize the Simulation
After we have the simple SDN-NDN Settings:
- We can research through further advanced routing protocols for SDN and NDN.
- Execute the network topology changes, like as dynamic node mobility or connection failures.
- Discover the caching strategies and network-wide optimization using SDN-based control.
We initialize an SDN-NDN project using NS2, we will require to:
- Simulate SDN NS2 doesn’t have native SDN help for using the flow control and a centralized SDN controller.
- Implement NDN behavior Data packet modify and launch the caching and content-based routing through modeling Interest.
- Combine SDN and NDN through incorporate the SDN’s centralized flow control through NDN’s content-centric routing.
Though NS2 does not have built-in help for SDN or NDN, through some modify the coding and careful incorporate the concepts, we can replicate the networks effectively in NS2. If you need to get knowledge more about this process let me know!