How to Start Vehicular Sensor Network Projects Using NS2

To create a Vehicular Sensor Network (VSN) project using NS2 (Network Simulator 2) has includes the build a network replication which implement the communication among vehicles such as usually equipped with sensors and the structure about them. These networks are typically used in applications such as Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), in which the vehicles communicate by every other for sample V2V – Vehicle-to-Vehicle through the infrastructure like as V2I – Vehicle-to-Infrastructure and we enhance the safety, traffic flow, and environmental conditions.

NS2, although not exactly model for vehicular networks, can be encompassing by the mobility models and communication protocols to replicate the Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) or Vehicular Sensor Networks (VSNs). Below is a step-by-step guide to help you get started with your VSN project in NS2.

Steps to Start Vehicular Sensor Network Projects Using NS2

  1. Install NS2

Ensure that NS2 is installed on your system. If NS2 is not yet installed, you can install it using the following steps:

For Linux:

sudo apt-get install ns2

For macOS/Windows:

  • On macOS, we can use the MacPorts or Homebrew.
  • On Windows, we may use Cygwin to install NS2 or work in a virtual machine (VM) which process for the Linux.

Next installation, validate configure through process for the basic replication.

  1. Understand Vehicular Sensor Networks (VSN)

VSNs have involve the communication of sensor-equipped vehicles to collect, modify, and process information for intelligent decision-making. In NS2, this typically involves:

  • Vehicle mobility: Vehicles are transfer on roads following traffic patterns and traffic rules.
  • Communication between vehicles: Vehicles are communicated by every other (V2V) or with roadside infrastructure (V2I).
  • Sensors on vehicles: Vehicles are using the sensors such as cameras, GPS, or radars to collect data which can be modified the network.
  • Routing protocols: Routing in vehicular networks various from traditional wireless networks due to the high mobility of nodes.
  1. Extend NS2 for Vehicular Networks

Though NS2 doesn’t offer the built-in support for vehicular networks, it can be encompassing through using previous tools and collection such as:

  • Veins (Vehicle in Network Simulation): The famous extension for NS2/NS3 which supports to replicate the vehicular networks. While Veins was originally model for NS3, it can be adjusted or used alongside NS2.
  • VanetMobiSim: The designed tool was replicating the VANET mobility models that can be incorporate through NS2.

If you do not wish to use this external collection, we can manually set up a vehicular mobility model and communication protocols for your VSN project.

  1. Set up Mobility Models for Vehicular Networks

One of the main challenges for vehicular networks is replicate the mobility of vehicles. NS2 assigns the state of mobility using various models. We will likely use a Random Waypoint Model or a Custom Mobility Model for vehicles.

Example: Defining Vehicle Mobility

# Define the simulator

set ns [new Simulator]

# Create vehicle nodes (e.g., 10 vehicles)

set vehicle1 [$ns node]

set vehicle2 [$ns node]

set vehicle3 [$ns node]

# Set the position of vehicles (X, Y, and Z coordinates)

$vehicle1 set X_ 100.0

$vehicle1 set Y_ 50.0

$vehicle1 set Z_ 0.0

$vehicle2 set X_ 150.0

$vehicle2 set Y_ 100.0

$vehicle2 set Z_ 0.0

$vehicle3 set X_ 200.0

$vehicle3 set Y_ 150.0

$vehicle3 set Z_ 0.0

# Set the mobility of the vehicles (random motion example)

$vehicle1 random-motion

$vehicle2 random-motion

$vehicle3 random-motion

In this example:

  • Vehicles are describing the nodes.
  • Positions for the vehicles are detailed to the 2D plane such as X, Y.
  • Random motion is configure for vehicle mobility, nevertheless we can alter the further realistic vehicular designs such as using roadmaps, lane-changing, etc.

We can also build a further advanced mobility design using SUMO (Simulation of Urban MObility), which can replicate the real traffic environment. This need the incorporate the integrating NS2 with SUMO through a coupling mechanism.

  1. Set up Communication Links

After the mobility design is set, we require defining communication connection among the vehicles and maybe roadside units (RSUs) or other organization. Vehicular networks typically use IEEE 802.11p (the vehicular Wi-Fi standard), DSRC (Dedicated Short Range Communication), or LTE for communication.

For instance, you can set up a basic link between two vehicles or between a vehicle and an RSU:

# Create communication links

$ns duplex-link $vehicle1 $vehicle2 2Mb 10ms DropTail

$ns duplex-link $vehicle2 $vehicle3 2Mb 10ms DropTail

In this example:

  • The vehicles are communicated through every other over a wireless link.
  • The connection properties are defined such as bandwidth of 2Mb and delay of 10ms.

We can encompass the additional involves the various kind of communication for sample V2V, V2I and further realistic models for interference, fading, and congestion.

  1. Define Traffic Applications and Routing Protocols

Now, we can replicate the congestion among vehicles. We might use CBR (Constant Bit Rate), FTP, or other applications that replicate the real-time data transfer or video streaming.

For example:

# Create CBR traffic between vehicle1 and vehicle2

set cbr [new Application/Traffic/CBR]

$cbr attach-agent $vehicle1

$ns at 1.0 “$cbr start”

$ns at 5.0 “$cbr stop”

  1. Routing Protocols for Vehicular Networks

Routing protocols in vehicular networks vary from standard wireless networks for the mobility of nodes. In general routing protocols for VANETs and VSNs has include they are:

  • AODV (Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector): A famous reactive routing protocol.
  • DSR (Dynamic Source Routing): Additional reactive protocol which is often used in VANETs.
  • VANET-specific protocols: Certain protocols are precisely designed for VANETs and vehicular networks, like as Geographic Routing or Position-based Routing.

We can use the standard routing protocols in NS2 (like AODV, DSR, or OLSR) or apply or alter the vehicular routing protocol.

Example with AODV routing protocol:

# Load AODV routing protocol

set routing_protocol AODV

# Set routing for vehicles

$ns rtproto $routing_protocol

  1. Energy Model (Optional)

If we need to replicate the energy usage, we can attach an Energy Model to the vehicles. This is important for Battery-powered devices in the vehicles which require to conserve energy.

Example of energy model setup:

# Create and attach energy model

set energyModel [new EnergyModel]

$ns attach-energy-model $vehicle1 $energyModel

$ns attach-energy-model $vehicle2 $energyModel

We can express transmission and reception power consumption as follows:

$energyModel set tx-power_ 0.5    ;# Transmission power in watts

$energyModel set rx-power_ 0.4    ;# Reception power in watts

$energyModel set idle-power_ 0.05 ;# Idle power consumption in watts

  1. Run the Simulation

After we have setting the network, mobility, routing, and traffic applications, process for the replication using the following command:

ns vsn_simulation.tcl

  1. Analyze the Results

NS2 creates the trace files which we can examine the performance of VSN. We can use AWK scripts or XGraph to process and envision for the outcomes like as throughput, latency, packet loss, energy consumption, and routing performance.

For sample, to analyze the throughput:

awk ‘{if ($1 == “r”) print $0}’ | awk ‘{total+=1} END {print total}’

  1. Extend the Simulation

After we have the simple process for the replication, we can extend it by:

  • Simulating larger vehicular networks through more vehicles and infrastructure.
  • Estimate the more advanced mobility models, like as using SUMO for realistic urban roadmaps and congestion.
  • Execute the different communication models, including V2V (Vehicle-to-Vehicle) and V2I (Vehicle-to-Infrastructure) communication.
  • Validate the different routing protocols like as Geographic Routing, DSDV, or Greedy forwarding.
  • Discovering security protocols for vehicular networks.


We built a Vehicular Sensor Network (VSN) project using NS2, it require to:

  1. Setting the mobility models for vehicles using either simple or more advanced models for sample SUMO.
  2. Describe the communication links and choose the appropriate protocol for sample IEEE 802.11p or LTE.
  3. Execute the congestion applications for sample CBR, FTP and choose the routing protocols suitable for vehicular networks such as AODV or DSR.
  4. Optionally, improve energy models to replicate the power usage.
  5. Process for the replication, analyze the outcomes, and extend for further realistic or complex scenarios.

NS2 may require significant customization to simulate vehicular networks accurately, but with the right mobility, routing, and communication models, it can provide valuable insights into the behavior of Vehicular Sensor Networks (VSNs).

In this demonstration we clearly learned and gain knowledge on how the Vehicular Sensor Networks (VSNs) will perform in the network simulation environment using the tool of ns2 and also we deliver the sample snippets to complete the process. For inquiries about the project, consult the additional manual we will provide.