How to Start E-Health Networks Projects Using NS2

To create an E-Health Network project using Network Simulator 2 (NS2) has involve the replicate of communication system for healthcare applications, like as remote patient monitoring, telemedicine, medical data transmission, and sensor networks. In an E-Health network, devices like as smart health sensors, wearable devices, medical monitoring systems, and telemedicine platforms communicate by healthcare offers the over different networks for sample Wi-Fi, cellular, Zigbee.

While NS2 is not specifically model for healthcare networks, it can be used to replicate the communication and networking features for E-Health systems, it including the transmission of data, routing protocols, and quality of service (QoS) for medical data.

Step-by-Step Guide to Start an E-Health Network Project in NS2

Step 1: Understand E-Health Network Components

Previously create the project, it is essential to know the main components of an E-Health Network:

  1. Patient Devices: The patient is Wearable devices, smart health sensors, and other devices that gather patient health data for instance heart rate, temperature, glucose levels.
  2. Healthcare Provider: Healthcare facilities or healthcare professionals which receive data from patients and examine for diagnosis or monitoring.
  3. Communication Networks: Communication connection such as Wi-Fi, cellular, Bluetooth, Zigbee, or LPWAN we transmit patient data.
  4. Data Aggregators: Systems which gather the data from patient devices and forward the healthcare providers.
  5. Cloud Platforms: Centralized the platforms for save patient health data and analysis, typically used for big data processing in E-Health systems.
  6. Security and Privacy: Secure transmission and save the medical data, assure compliance by regulations such as HIPAA.

Step 2: Install NS2

If NS2 is not already installed on the system, follow this procedure to install it:

  1. Visit the official NS2 website and follow the installation instructions for your operating system (Linux, macOS, or Windows).
  2. We validate the installation, open the terminal or command prompt and type:


This should open the NS2 command prompt.

Step 3: Define the E-Health Network Simulation Scenario

Intended for the E-Health Network replication, we require configuring the following components:

  • Patient Devices (Smart Sensors): Devices which creates health data and forward the healthcare providers.
  • Healthcare Provider (Control Center): A node which receives is examining the data.
  • Communication Link: select a correct communication technology for sample Wi-Fi or Zigbee for data transmission.
  • Traffic Generation: Replicate the flow of health data for instance periodic transmission of health parameters.

In this example, we will simulate a simple scenario where a patient transmits health data to a healthcare provider using Wi-Fi.

Step 4: Create the Simulation in NS2

Here is a simple script for simulating an E-Health Network with patient devices transmitting health data to a healthcare provider.

Example: E-Health Network Simulation (Patient Devices to Healthcare Provider)

# Create the simulator object

set ns [new Simulator]

# Create nodes (Smart Sensors, Healthcare Provider)

set provider_node [$ns node]  ;# Healthcare Provider node (e.g., hospital server)

set sensor_node1 [$ns node]   ;# Patient Device 1 (e.g., smart heart rate monitor)

set sensor_node2 [$ns node]   ;# Patient Device 2 (e.g., glucose sensor)

# Define the communication links between Patient Devices and Healthcare Provider (Wi-Fi)

$ns duplex-link $sensor_node1 $provider_node 10Mb 10ms DropTail

$ns duplex-link $sensor_node2 $provider_node 10Mb 10ms DropTail

# Set mobility model for nodes (e.g., patient devices move randomly in the hospital area)

$ns node-config -motion “random” -speed 10 -x 500 -y 500 -z 0 ;# Mobility for patient devices

$ns node-config -motion “fixed” -x 0 -y 0 -z 0   ;# Fixed Healthcare Provider (hospital server)

# Set up communication: Use UDP agents for transmitting health data

set udp_provider [new Agent/UDP]

set udp_sensor1 [new Agent/UDP]

set udp_sensor2 [new Agent/UDP]

# Attach UDP agents to the nodes

$ns attach-agent $sensor_node1 $udp_sensor1

$ns attach-agent $sensor_node2 $udp_sensor2

$ns attach-agent $provider_node $udp_provider

# Define traffic applications: Simulate health data transmission (e.g., CBR for periodic health data)

set cbr_sensor1 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]

$cbr_sensor1 attach-agent $udp_sensor1

$cbr_sensor1 set packetSize_ 512

$cbr_sensor1 set interval_ 0.1  ;# Health data sent every 0.1 seconds

$cbr_sensor1 set random_ 1

set cbr_sensor2 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]

$cbr_sensor2 attach-agent $udp_sensor2

$cbr_sensor2 set packetSize_ 512

$cbr_sensor2 set interval_ 0.1

$cbr_sensor2 set random_ 1

# Start sending health data at time 1.0 and stop at time 5.0

$ns at 1.0 “$cbr_sensor1 start”

$ns at 5.0 “$cbr_sensor1 stop”

$ns at 1.0 “$cbr_sensor2 start”

$ns at 5.0 “$cbr_sensor2 stop”

# Set the finish time for the simulation

$ns at 6.0 “finish”

# Define finish procedure

proc finish {} {

global ns

$ns flush-trace

exit 0


# Run the simulation

$ns run

Explanation of the Script:

  1. Simulator Setup:
    • set ns [new Simulator]: Build the NS2 simulator object.
  2. Node Creation:
    • set provider_node [$ns node]: Generate the healthcare provider node such as the server or analysis system.
    • set sensor_node1 [$ns node], set sensor_node2 [$ns node]: Makes patient devices (e.g., heart rate monitor, glucose sensor).
  3. Network Links:
    • duplex-link: Describes the bidirectional communication connection among the patient devices are the healthcare provider.
    • Bandwidth: 10 Mbps, Delay: 10 ms.
  4. Mobility Model:
    • -motion “random”: This setting the patient devices for sample smart sensors to move randomly, replicate the dynamic hospital environment. The healthcare provider is fixed.
  5. Communication:
    • UDP: Used to pattern the communication among their devices and the healthcare provider.
    • CBR Traffic: The Constant Bit Rate (CBR) Congestion application creates the periodic health data packets, replicating the continuous track of the patient’s health.
  6. Traffic Flow:
    • Health data is created starting at time 1.0 and stops at time 5.0.
  7. Finish Procedure:
    • The replication ends at time 6.0, and the trace file is flushed for analysis.

Step 5: Run the Simulation

Store the script as e_health_network_simulation.tcl and run it in NS2:

ns e_health_network_simulation.tcl

This will create a trace file (*.tr) containing the action and communications in the replication.

Step 6: Analyze the Results

We analyze the outcomes for the replication and we can use AWK or grep to extract information like packet reception, delays, and other metrics:

awk ‘{ if ($1 == “r”) print $0 }’ > received_packets.txt

You can also visualize the trace data using Xgraph:


These can support analyze of performance for E-Health network in terms of throughput, packet loss, and delays.

Step 7: Explore Further

After we have a simple replication operates discover further advanced aspects of E-Health Networks:

  1. Quality of Service (QoS):
    • Prioritize congestion for critical medical data using various QoS policies.
  2. Multiple Patient Devices:
    • Replicate the larger number of patient devices, expressive a hospital by many sensors transmitting data.
  3. Different Communication Technologies:
    • Research by Zigbee, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), or LPWAN for communication among devices.
  4. Security and Privacy:
    • Execute the secure communication protocols such as TLS/SSL and we assure the safety of patient data.
  5. Cloud Integration:
    • Design the data transmission for a cloud platform it processing and storage, for replicate the remote health tracking systems.
  6. Energy Consumption:
    • Study the energy-efficient protocols and network model for battery-powered medical devices.
  7. Health Data Analysis:
    • Use procedures for real-time data processing, like as anomaly detection or predictive analytics.

Step 8: Documentation and Reporting

For academic or research purposes:

  • Topology Diagram: envision for the communication topology such as patient devices, healthcare provider, and communication links.
  • Protocol Description: Document the protocols used for communication for sample UDP, CBR.
  • Metrics Analysis: it offers the insights of network performance, like as throughput, delay, and packet loss.
  • Use Cases: Highlight the potential applications of the E-Health network replication, has including the remote patient tracking, telemedicine, and wearable health sensors.


While NS2 is not specifically designed for E-Health Networks, it can be adapted to simulate the communication and networking aspects of E-Health applications. By setting up smart sensors, healthcare providers, and communication protocols, you can model a variety of scenarios such as remote health monitoring and telemedicine. Experimenting with different protocols, QoS, and security features will further enhance your simulation, providing valuable insights for designing robust E-Health networks.

Using the above procedures we completely get an advanced knowledge about the configuration setup and evaluation process to simulate the E-Health network using ns2 tool.