How to Start Extended Bus Topology Projects Using OMNeT++
To stimulate a project for an Extended Bus Topology using OMNeT++ has includes the designing for a bus network in which several nodes are linked in a linear fashion, nevertheless by extensions or improvements. This topology can have several characteristics like as several segments of the bus, extended transmission among the nodes, or the inclusion of several network elements like as repeaters or hubs.
In this sample, the Extended Bus Topology can contain the nodes are linked by distribute the transmission medium for instance the bus, in which every node can be transfer and receive the communication in the bus.
Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an Extended Bus Topology Project in OMNeT++
- Install OMNeT++
Already proceeding, make certain OMNeT++ is installed on your system. We can install it from the OMNeT++ website, and follow the installation procedures for your operating system.
Moreover, OMNeT++ typically uses the INET Framework we replicate the different network topologies, has involves the bus networks. We can download and install the INET Framework from here.
- Create a New OMNeT++ Project
- Open OMNeT++ IDE.
- Select to File > New > OMNeT++ Project.
- Choose the Simple Network as the project template.
- Name your project for sample ExtendedBusTopology.
- Click Finish we create the new project.
- Define the Extended Bus Topology in NED Files
The next stage is to state the Extended Bus Topology in NED files. In this topology, we will design the bus backbone linked several nodes, by possible extensions such as hubs, repeaters, or extra segments we replicate the larger network.
Example: ExtendedBusTopology.ned
In this Sample, the topology has contains the several nodes are linked to a bus, that can be contain the extension of points for sample like repeaters or hubs.
network ExtendedBusTopology
int numNodes = 5; // Number of nodes
int numHubs = 1; // Number of hubs in the extended bus
// Bus backbone
bus: Bus;
// Hubs (optional, can be extended to multiple hubs)
hub[numHubs]: Hub;
// Nodes connected to the bus or hubs
node[numNodes]: Node;
// Connect nodes directly to the bus
for i=0..numNodes-1 {
node[i].out –>;
// If using hubs, connect them to the bus and nodes
for i=0..numHubs-1 {
hub[i].out –>;
for j=0..numNodes-1 {
hub[i].in –> node[j].out;
- numNodes: Requires the amount of nodes in the network.
- numHubs: Describe the amount of hubs to spread the bus network.
- bus: Denotes the key bus backbone which connects nodes such as and hubs if added.
- hub[]: Signifies the hubs which can be extend the bus through linked the further nodes.
- node[]: Characterize the individual nodes are connected either directly to the bus or through hubs.
This essential model denotes the extended bus topology in which several nodes communicate through a shared bus, by optional hubs for encompassing the network.
- Define the Bus, Hub, and Node Modules
We want to explain the Bus, Hub, and Node modules in NED files. These modules will maintain the communication in the bus, has involves the forwarding a communication and possible further functionality such as message collision maintain or forwarding by hubs.
Example: Bus.ned
simple module Bus
input in;
output out;
The Bus module signifies the shared communication medium such as a linear backbone.
Example: Hub.ned
simple module Hub
input in;
output out;
The Hub modules characterize a device which can spread the bus through connecting additional nodes to it.
Example: Node.ned
simple module Node
input in;
output out;
The Node components classify the individual network nodes which communicate over the bus.
- Define Behavior in C++ (Handling Message Transmission)
In OMNeT++, every component such as Bus, Hub, and Node can be further describe through the behavior of C++ code. Here, we can explain the logic for transmit the communication through the bus or hubs and maintain the movements such as message response or collision.
#include <omnetpp.h>
class Bus : public cSimpleModule
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void Bus::initialize()
// Initialize any necessary parameters if needed
void Bus::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
// For simplicity, just forward the message to the next module
send(msg, “out”);
#include <omnetpp.h>
class Hub : public cSimpleModule
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void Hub::initialize()
// Initialization logic for the hub
void Hub::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
// Forward the message to the next node or bus
send(msg, “out”);
#include <omnetpp.h>
class Node : public cSimpleModule
virtual void initialize() override;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void Node::initialize()
// Initialization logic for nodes if required
void Node::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
// Handle received message (e.g., print or process it)
EV << “Node ” << getIndex() << ” received message: ” << msg->getName() << “\n”;
delete msg; // Clean up the message
- Bus: Sending the received communication to the another module for the bus topology.
- Hub: Forwards communication among the bus and linked the nodes for sample or between the bus and other hubs.
- Node: Simple nodes that can be replicate for receive and process the communication.
- Configure Simulation Parameters in omnetpp.ini
In OMNeT++, the omnetpp.ini file is used to set up the replication of parameter metrices like as transmission delays, packet sizes, and finding the duration of replication.
Example: omnetpp.ini
network = ExtendedBusTopology
sim-time-limit = 100s
**.bus.out.delay = 0.5s
**.hub*.out.delay = 0.5s
**.node*.out.delay = 0.5s
# You can also set parameters like packet size or message generation interval
**.node*.messageInterval = 1s
**.node*.packetSize = 512B
- sim-time-limit: Configure the high duration of replication.
- Delay: Replicates the communication delays among the bus, hubs, and nodes.
- messageInterval: It controls the percentage that nodes forwarding the communication.
- packetSize: Explain the size for the packets.
- Build the Project
Once the NED files and C++ component are and generate the project:
- Right-click on the project in the Project Explorer.
- Choose the Build Project.
- OMNeT++ will compile the project and create the executable.
- Run the Simulation
Next make a project; we can process for the replication:
- Right-click on the project and choose the Run As > OMNeT++ Simulation.
- The replication will initialize, and we will able to follow on the bus topology on how communicate are transmitted in the node to node.
- Visualize and Analyze Results
OMNeT++ offers the tools to envision of network behavior and examine the performance parameter metrics:
- Simulation GUI: Use the graphical replication environment to monitor on how communicate the broadcast in bus among the hubs and nodes.
- scavetool: Use this tool to transfer and examine the outcomes like as packet delivery times, delays, and throughput.
- Extend the Simulation
After we have the basic extended bus topology setting, we can extend the replication through:
- Adding More Hubs: Establish the additional hubs we spread the bus network more.
- Handling Network Failures: Estimate the fault tolerance or node failures for the replication.
- Custom Routing Algorithms: While it is the bus topology, we can research through modify the routing techniques for the optimal packet forwarding.
- Traffic Patterns: Establish the different congestion designs to replicate the several kinds of network load.
To build an Extended Bus Topology in OMNeT++:
- Define the network structure using NED files for sample bus, hubs, and nodes.
- Apply the message forwarding behavior using C++ code.
- Setting the replication by the omnetpp.ini file.
- Build and run the simulation we follow on how the communications are transmitted in the bus.
- Analyze performance using OMNeT++’s envision and outcomes examine the tools.
This setup can be easily extended by adding more hubs, implementing additional protocols, or simulating different types of failures or traffic conditions.
In the end, we all get the knowledge about how to allocate the Extended Bus topology to the network using the OMNeT++ tool. We will give the elaborate additional details on how the Extended Bus topology will perform in other simulation framework.