How to Start Password Sniffing Attacks Projects Using NS2

To start executing a password sniffing attack utilising NS2 is a robust platform, we can replicate a malicious node which interrupts and examines the network traffic for sensitive data. Below is a stepwise method to get started:

Steps to Start Password Sniffing Attacks Projects in NS2

  1. Understand Password Sniffing Attacks
  • Password Sniffing Attack:
    • A malicious node seizures and examines the packets for obtaining sensitive information like usernames and passwords in a network.
    • It focuses on application-layer protocols such as HTTP, FTP, and Telnet in which data could be sent within plain text.
  • Key Concepts:
    • Packet Inspection: To remove certain payload information from packets.
    • Network Monitoring: It helps to seize the packets transmission within wireless or shared networks.
  1. Set Up NS2
  1. Install NS2: We should properly install NS2 on the computer.
  2. Verify Installation: Execute a simple TCL script to confirm the functionality:

ns example.tcl

  1. Design the Attack

The attack encompasses to change the node’s behavior:

  1. Intercept Packets: Set a node performing like a sniffer.
  2. Extract Information: Examine packet payloads to obtain sensitive data for credentials.
  1. Implement the Sniffing Logic

Step 4.1: Modify Protocol Files

  • Direct to the protocol directory as /ns-2.35/tcl/lib/.
  • Change the behavior of agent or application layer.

Step 4.2: Create a Sniffer Node

  • Replicate the existing protocol code for executing the sniffer logic.

Example Sniffer Code (C++)

We will need to fine-tune packet processing function to extort the payload:

void PacketSniffer::recv(Packet *p) {

hdr_cmn *cmnh = hdr_cmn::access(p);

hdr_ip *iph = hdr_ip::access(p);

// Check if the packet is TCP/UDP and contains payload

if (iph->sport() == 21 || iph->sport() == 23) {  // FTP/Telnet ports

hdr_tcp *tcph = hdr_tcp::access(p);

char *payload = (char *)p->accessdata();

printf(“Captured packet: Source: %d, Dest: %d, Payload: %s\n”,

iph->saddr(), iph->daddr(), payload);


// Forward the packet to the next hop

send(p, 0);


Step 4.3: Update the Makefile

  • We can integrate new files like to the NS2 Makefile:

cd ns-2.35

gedit Makefile

  • Combine packet_sniffer.o to the OBJ_CC list.

Step 4.4: Rebuild NS2

  • Rebuild the NS2 environment with new sniffer functionality:

make clean


  1. Write the Simulation Script

Make a TCL script for mimicking the network and adding the sniffing node.

Step 5.1: Define Network Topology

Configure the nodes and its roles to describe the network topology:

set ns [new Simulator]

# Create nodes

set n0 [$ns node]  # Client

set n1 [$ns node]  # Server

set sniffer [$ns node]  # Sniffer

Step 5.2: Configure Traffic

Replicate the traffic among client and server:

# FTP traffic

set ftp [new Agent/FTP]

$ns attach-agent $n0 $ftp

set sink [new Agent/TCPSink]

$ns attach-agent $n1 $sink

$ns connect $ftp $sink

$ns at 2.0 “$ftp start”

Step 5.3: Activate Sniffer

Allocate the dynamic sniffer role toward a malicious node:

$ns at 1.0 “$sniffer start-sniffing”

Step 5.4: Run the Simulation

  • We will want to store the tcl simulation script as sniffing_attack.tcl and then run the simulation with NS2:

ns sniffing_attack.tcl

  1. Analyze Results
  • Trace File Analysis:
    • Verify the file for sniffed payloads or sign of intercepted packets.
    • Instance of a trace entry:

r -t 2.0 -s 1 -d 2 -p TCP -c 1 -Payload: username=admin&password=1234

  • Visualize with NAM:
    • Monitor the sniffer node to capture packets using NAM for visualization.
  1. Countermeasures and Validation
  • Experiment the mitigation mechanisms like:
    • Encryption: Defend interaction with the support of protocols such as HTTPS or SSH.
    • Intrusion Detection: Observe for abnormal packet interception.
    • Traffic Filtering: According to the behavior, obstruct the suspicious nodes.
  1. Document the Results
  • Include:
    • Project’s goals and network configuration.
    • Sniffing logic and simulation specifics.
    • Performance parameters like packet interception rate.
    • Countermeasures confirmed.
  1. Resources
  • NS2 Documentation: We can refer the NS2 APIs documentation for packet handling.
  • Packet Analysis Tools: Cross-check the simulation outcomes to leverage Wireshark tools.
  • Books:
    • It offers reference book like Introduction to Network Simulator NS2 written by Teerawat Issariyakul.

Overall, we have concentrated on the simulation and implementation of Password Sniffing Attacks Projects using NS2 platform. You can accomplish this by following the delivered procedure and its coding snippets. Advanced insights and mechanisms will be added later.