How to Start Inter Planetary Networking Projects Using NS3

To start an Interplanetary Networking (IPN) project using NS3 has encompasses to replicate the network, which allow interaction across massive distances and IPN is frequently used in space missions. This kind of networking needs to trade with extreme latency, delays, and disruptions because of the huge distances and restrictions within space interaction. Following is a simple instruction to configure and replicate the interplanetary networking scenarios in NS3.

Steps to Start Inter Planetary Networking Projects in NS3

  1. Define Project Objectives and Scope
  • Identify Interplanetary Use Cases:
    • Planetary Rover Communications: We can replicate the data transmission among a rover on Mars and a satellite within orbit, and then to Earth.
    • Satellite Relay Networks: Model a relay system in which information is sent among the in orbit around various celestial bodies.
    • Deep Space Probes: Replicate interaction with probes to move out of our solar system, with ultra-long delays.
  • Determine Key Challenges:
    • High Latency and Delay: Mimic one-way delays of minutes or even hours.
    • Disruption Tolerance: Manage interaction disruptions to utilize delay-tolerant networking (DTN) protocols.
    • Error Handling and Reliability: Intend for data integrity including minimal packet loss within unreliable and long-distance environments.
  • Key Performance Metrics:
    • Latency and Delay: We need to estimate the end-to-end delay with time spent staying for contacts.
    • Throughput: Measure the data rates across interplanetary distances.
    • Reliability: Monitor packet delivery ratio, estimating the data integrity over long distances and disconnections.
    • Buffer Utilization: Evaluate buffer use, knowing the storage requirements in DTN protocols, in the course of long wait times.
  1. Install and Set Up NS3
  • Download NS3: Get the new version of NS3 from its official site.
  • Install NS3: We adhere to installation guide based on operating system, to make sure that dependencies are installed.
  • Verify Installation: Then, execute an example NS3 scripts verifying the configuration is working correctly.
  1. Understand Network Delay Modeling

It is necessary to use for delays triggered by the massive distances among the planets in interplanetary networking.

  • Calculate Delays:
    • In space, light speed is around 299,792 km/s. For instance, a one-way signal to Mars takes regarding 3 to 22 minutes based on the comparative positions of Earth and Mars.
    • According to the orbital positions in which delays alter over time, mimic varying delays
  • Set Up Delays in NS3:
    • Insert delay characteristics for each link to utilize NS3’s PointToPointHelper.
    • Indicate the fixed delays at certain positions or utilize dynamic models to differ delays over time if replicating the orbital movements.
  1. Choose Network Topology and Protocols
  • Topologies for Interplanetary Networks:
    • Rover-to-Orbit: Mimic a basic topology in which a rover on a planet interacts with a neighbouring satellite.
    • Satellite Relay: It associate satellites orbiting various celestial bodies, potentially utilizing an Earth relay.
    • Multi-Hop Deep Space: Mimic a sequence of relay satellites, which transmit data back to Earth for distant probes.
  • Protocol Options:
    • Delay-Tolerant Networking (DTN): Save data and send it using protocols such as the Bundle Protocol (BP), once a connection is obtainable.
    • Custom Queuing: Execute the custom queuing and buffer management to save information whereas stopping for transmission windows.
    • Simple TCP/UDP: TCP or UDP can be utilized with changed metrics however for realistic IPN, DTN protocols are chosen in NS3.
  1. Configure Long-Delay Links
  • Set Up High-Latency Links:
    • Make links including delay attributes to deliberate the distance among the nodes such as 15 minutes for Mars-Earth communication utilising PointToPointHelper.
    • For a multi-hop relay system, allocate individual delays per segment.
  • Varying Delays:
    • Mimic orbital dynamics by different delays according to the modifying distances over time for advanced configurations.
    • We need to execute the custom delay models or a periodic schedule within NS3 modifying the delay of a link on set intervals.
  1. Implement Data Transmission Applications
  • Bundle Protocol Simulation:
    • We replicate the DTN-like behavior to utilize OnOffApplication and packet buffering, simulating storage and forwarding.
    • Configure long-lasting connections, which can manage the bursty data once a contact is launched.
  • Traffic Generators:
    • For controlled data transmissions, simulating bursty, delay-tolerant data transfer using OnOffApplication.
    • We can be used UdpEcho or BulkSendApplication via buffering should be handled to manage the disconnections for constant telemetry information.
  • Error Handling and Retransmission:
    • Set retry mechanisms, which retransmit information for reliability, if lost or unacknowledged after long delays.
  1. Schedule Intermittent Communication Windows

Communication windows including interplanetary nodes are open and close by reason of orbital movement.

  • Set Up Scheduled Connections:
    • Mimic certain windows for each link such as Mars satellite with Earth every 40 minutes using NS3’s Simulator::Schedule.
    • Introduce connections and send buffered data; pause transmission once windows close in the course of an active window.
  • Dynamic Communication Patterns:
    • We execute the logic, which save data in the course of downtime and then sends it once a link turn out to be available again.
  1. Define and Measure Performance Metrics
  • Latency and Delay: We want to monitor the end-to-end time for data packets.
  • Packet Delivery Ratio: In disruptions, assess the data transfers’ reliability.
  • Throughput: During active windows, measure throughput estimating transfer efficiency.
  • Buffer Utilization: Monitor the storage needs for delayed data within DTN scenarios.
  1. Simulate and Analyze Results
  • Run Simulations:
    • Experiment with various sets up like changing link delays, data rates, and contact windows.
    • Mimic several simulation situation, knowing the performance including various distances and transfer frequencies.
  • Collect Data:
    • Log parameters such as delay, buffer usage, and throughput utilising NS3’s tracing and logging tools such as AsciiTrace, PcapTrace.
  • Analyze Results:
    • Finally, we envision data with tools such as Matplotlib or Gnuplot, monitoring the effect of delay and disruptions on data delivery.
    • Measure how well DTN configuration moderates latency and packet loss.

Example Code Outline for an Interplanetary Network in NS3

Below is a simple example structure of NS3, replicating a basic interplanetary relay network with long delays and scheduled data transmission windows.

#include “ns3/core-module.h”

#include “ns3/network-module.h”

#include “ns3/internet-module.h”

#include “ns3/point-to-point-module.h”

#include “ns3/applications-module.h”

using namespace ns3;

// Function to simulate data transmission during active communication windows

void TransmitData(Ptr<Node> source, Ptr<Node> destination) {

uint16_t port = 8080;

OnOffHelper onoff(“ns3::UdpSocketFactory”, InetSocketAddress(Ipv4Address(“”), port));


ApplicationContainer app = onoff.Install(source);


app.Stop(Seconds(1200.0)); // Duration of active communication window


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

// Step 1: Create Nodes

NodeContainer earthNode, marsOrbiter, marsRover;




// Step 2: Configure Long-Delay Links

PointToPointHelper earthToOrbiter;

earthToOrbiter.SetDeviceAttribute(“DataRate”, StringValue(“1Mbps”));

earthToOrbiter.SetChannelAttribute(“Delay”, StringValue(“500ms”)); // Represents a 15-minute one-way delay

PointToPointHelper orbiterToRover;

orbiterToRover.SetDeviceAttribute(“DataRate”, StringValue(“500Kbps”));

orbiterToRover.SetChannelAttribute(“Delay”, StringValue(“10ms”)); // Short delay for local communication

NetDeviceContainer devicesEarthOrbiter = earthToOrbiter.Install(earthNode.Get(0), marsOrbiter.Get(0));

NetDeviceContainer devicesOrbiterRover = orbiterToRover.Install(marsOrbiter.Get(0), marsRover.Get(0));

// Step 3: Install Internet Stack

InternetStackHelper internet;




Ipv4AddressHelper address;

address.SetBase(“”, “”);



address.SetBase(“”, “”);


// Step 4: Schedule Data Transmission Window

Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(500), &TransmitData, earthNode.Get(0), marsOrbiter.Get(0)); // Open window at 500s

Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(2500), &TransmitData, marsRover.Get(0), marsOrbiter.Get(0)); // Reverse window at 2500s

// Step 5: Run Simulation




return 0;


We have learnt and understood how to execute and simulate the Inter Planetary Networking projects using NS3 simulation tool through above sequential methodology with coding snippet. We will furnish more details on this topic in another guide. is dedicated to providing exceptional services aimed at achieving complete customer satisfaction. We prioritize addressing latency, delays, and disruptions. Reach out to us to initiate your Inter Planetary Networking Projects utilizing NS3. We offer a comprehensive guide to assist you in establishing your project. We assure you that your final project will be thoroughly researched and clearly articulated. Allow us to manage your project’s network performance. We deliver high-quality service and prompt delivery, along with outstanding paper writing services that are guaranteed to be plagiarism-free. Contact us for the best guidance.