How to Start Network Security Projects Using NS3

To start a network security project within NS3 that encompasses to configure a network to replicate diverse security scenarios like firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), access control, and defense versus attacks. NS3 environment permits to design and examining the network vulnerabilities, replicate attacks, and experiment the effectiveness of security measures. We walk you through the given steps to get started with network security projects in NS3.

Steps to Start Network Security Projects in NS3

  1. Define Project Objectives and Scope
  • Identify Network Security Use Cases:
    • Intrusion Detection and Prevention: Make and experiment an IDS/IPS system, identifying and to obstruct the malicious traffic.
    • Firewall and Access Control: We replicate firewall rules and according to the IP, port, and protocol to experiment packet filtering.
    • Mitigating DoS/DDoS Attacks: Mimic denial-of-service (DoS) or distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks and then compute mitigation methods.
    • Traffic Encryption and Authentication: Design encrypted channels and authenticate users or devices.
    • Network Segmentation: In a segmented network, experiment separation method to restrict the attack spread and to manage access.
  • Define Key Performance Metrics:
    • Detection and Blocking Accuracy: We estimate the true positives and false positives for IDS/IPS systems.
    • Throughput and Latency: Measure network performance in attack against under typical conditions.
    • Packet Loss and Drop Rate: We want to monitor packets that are dropped because of firewall rules, IDS blocking, or network congestion.
    • Resource Utilization: Calculate CPU, memory, or network resources used by security mechanisms in typical and attack conditions.
  1. Install and Set Up NS3
  • Download NS3: Go to the official NS3 site, we download its new version.
  • Install NS3: We adhere to installation guidelines and confirm by executing example NS3 scripts.
  • Setup Dependencies: If we are incorporating NS3 with external IDS tools or scripts such as Python or C++ libraries for analytics, we install any more libraries as required.
  1. Design the Network Topology
  • Choose a Topology:
    • Star or Tree Topology: For centralized attack or defense testing such as DDoS attack on a central server, these topologies are used.
    • Mesh or Ad Hoc Network: It is optimal for analysing intrusion detection within decentralized and peer-to-peer networks.
    • Segmented Topology: We need to utilize several LANs connected by routers replicating the network segmentation and limited access.
  • Set Up Nodes and Devices:
    • Describe the nodes to denote devices using NodeContainer in the network with routers, firewalls, servers, and clients.
    • Based on the project scope, we install CsmaHelper for wired networks or WifiHelper for wireless networks.
  1. Implement Network Security Components
  • Firewall and Access Control:
    • According to the IP addresses, ports, and protocols, we execute the packet filtering rules.
    • We utilize NS3’s packet filter aspects or describe the custom rules in application logic, permitting or to reject packets depends on its attributes.
  • Intrusion Detection System (IDS):
    • Gather information with the support of NS3’s tracing tools for analysis.
    • Execute detection logic, detecting anomalies, unusual traffic patterns, or signatures, which designate attacks.
    • We can transfer NS3 logs to an external script such as Python to examine the traffic using machine learning or statistical analysis for further IDS functionality.
  • Traffic Encryption:
    • Mimic encrypted payloads utilising custom packet headers and then examine the effect of encryption on metrics like latency and throughput.
    • If analysing the encrypted authentication then we can utilize application-layer protocols replicating handshakes and to access verification.
  • DoS/DDoS Mitigation:
    • For excessive traffic sources, we execute rate limiting, blacklisting, or filtering.
    • Apply traffic-shaping rules and throttle traffic from certain IPs or nodes using TrafficControlHelper.
  1. Simulate Cyber Attacks
  • DoS/DDoS Attack Simulation:
    • Transmit high-rate UDP or ICMP packets to a target node using numerous nodes, to make network congestion.
    • Mimic attacks of different intensities by means of fine-tuning the rate, duration, and volume of attacking nodes.
  • Port Scanning:
    • Replicate a port scan by trying to link to diverse ports at target server node that supporting to experiment the firewall rule effectiveness.
  • Packet Sniffing and Data Leakage:
    • Replicate packet capture utilising NS3’s packet tracing, then we examine data to experiment the encryption or monitoring tools.
  • Malware Spread:
    • Mimic malware by containing infected nodes try to link other nodes, to simulate the self-replicating worm behavior.
  1. Develop and Integrate IDS/IPS Logic
  • Data Collection:
    • Record packet headers, protocols, source and destination IPs, and timestamps to utilize NS3 tracing such as AsciiTrace, PcapTrace.
    • Save record files or transfer data for offline analysis that particularly if utilising machine learning for anomaly detection.
  • Detection Mechanisms:
    • Rule-Based IDS: Detect certain traffic patterns, signatures, or behaviors, which fit the known attack types.
    • Anomaly-Based IDS: Identify unusual behavior like spikes in packet rates or connections from unknown sources using statistical thresholds or machine learning models.
  • Blocking and Mitigation:
    • Set logic dropping packets or detaching suspicious nodes when an intrusion is identified.
  1. Set Up Traffic and Application Patterns
  • Traffic Generators:
    • Make steady or bursty traffic loads to replicate user activities or attacks using OnOffApplication.
    • Configure legitimate traffic in conjunction with attack traffic, computing how successfully security mechanisms distinguish among the two.
  • Packet Sink Applications:
    • Seize incoming packets to permit examining attack impact and defense effectiveness using PacketSink on receiving nodes.
  1. Define and Measure Performance Metrics
  • Detection Rate: For IDS systems, monitor true and false positives.
  • Throughput and Latency: We need to estimate the network performance with and without security mechanisms or in the course of attack scenarios.
  • Packet Loss and Drop Rate: Examine packet loss by reason of attacks, IDS blocking, or firewall rules.
  • CPU/Memory Usage: If executing the CPU/memory-intensive security measures then monitor resource usage, estimating influence over nodes.
  1. Simulate and Analyze Results
  • Run Simulations:
    • Experiment diverse attack scenarios and defense mechanisms monitoring the network resilience and the security solutions efficiency.
    • We equate the performance parameters before and after enforcing security rules.
  • Collect Data:
    • Save packet flow, delay, throughput, and IDS detection data utilising NS3 tracing and logging tools.
  • Analyze Results:
    • Utilize tools such as Matplotlib or Gnuplot, we envision the data for trends within detection accuracy, attack impact, and defense effectiveness.
    • We measure the situations knowing how various attacks impact the network performance and which defenses are most efficient.

Example Code Outline for a Basic Firewall and DDoS Simulation in NS3

Given below is a simple code outline of NS3 replicating a firewall and a DDoS attack in which several nodes transmit the high-rate traffic to a target node, and a firewall blocks suspicious traffic.

#include “ns3/core-module.h”

#include “ns3/network-module.h”

#include “ns3/internet-module.h”

#include “ns3/point-to-point-module.h”

#include “ns3/applications-module.h”

#include “ns3/traffic-control-module.h”

using namespace ns3;

// Custom firewall function to filter incoming packets based on IP address

bool CustomFirewall(Ptr<const Packet> packet, const Address &srcAddress, const Address &dstAddress) {

Ipv4Address srcIp = InetSocketAddress::ConvertFrom(srcAddress).GetIpv4();

if (srcIp == “”) { // Example: block traffic from IP

std::cout << “Blocked packet from IP: ” << srcIp << std::endl;

return false; // Block packet


return true; // Allow packet


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

// Step 1: Create Nodes

NodeContainer attackers, targetNode;

attackers.Create(5); // Five attacking nodes

targetNode.Create(1); // One target node

// Step 2: Configure Point-to-Point Links

PointToPointHelper p2p;

p2p.SetDeviceAttribute(“DataRate”, StringValue(“10Mbps”));

p2p.SetChannelAttribute(“Delay”, StringValue(“2ms”));

NetDeviceContainer devices;

for (uint32_t i = 0; i < attackers.GetN(); ++i) {

devices.Add(p2p.Install(attackers.Get(i), targetNode.Get(0)));


// Step 3: Install Internet Stack and IP Addresses

InternetStackHelper internet;



Ipv4AddressHelper address;

address.SetBase(“”, “”);


// Step 4: Set Up DDoS Traffic from Attackers to Target

uint16_t port = 8080;

OnOffHelper onOffHelper(“ns3::UdpSocketFactory”, InetSocketAddress(Ipv4Address(“”), port));

onOffHelper.SetConstantRate(DataRate(“1Mbps”)); // High-rate traffic to simulate DDoS

ApplicationContainer attackerApps;

for (uint32_t i = 0; i < attackers.GetN(); ++i) {





// Step 5: Schedule Firewall Check (simple IP-based filtering)

Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(1.0), &CustomFirewall, targetNode.Get(0));

// Step 6: Run Simulation



return 0;


This guide covers in-depth simulation approach with sample coding that useful to initiate and evaluate the Network Security Projects in NS3 environment. More innovative concepts and procedure will be made available.

We are here to guide you through the process of setting up and running your project with personalized support. The team at specializes in Network Security Projects using the NS3 tool. We focus on analyzing network vulnerabilities and simulating attacks to provide you with accurate results. Let us help you configure everything effectively, along with a clear explanation.