How to Start SS7 Attack Projects Using NS3

To simulate the SS7 (Signaling System 7) attacks using NS-3, we require to concentrate on replicating their signaling protocols and network setting used in telecommunication systems. Since SS7 has includes the signaling among telecom exchanges and it needs a tailored simulation configuration. Below are step-by-step guidelines:

Steps to Start SS7 Attack Projects Using NS3

  1. Set Up NS-3
  • Install NS-3:
    • Follow the instructions for installation.
    • Install needs and build NS-3.

./waf configure

./waf build

  1. Understand SS7 and the Attack Scenario
  • SS7 Overview:
    • Mobile networks and SS7 is a telecommunication protocol suite utilized for signaling in Public Switched Telephone Networks (PSTNs).
    • General SS7 attacks:
      • Location Tracking: Utilizing their SS7 messages we observe the mobile users.
      • Call/SMS Interception: Overhearing on calls or intercepting SMS.
      • Fraudulent Billing: We manipulating the SS7 messages for unauthorized billing.
  • Key SS7 Messages:
    • MAP (Mobile Application Part): Designed for place updates and SMS delivery.
    • ISUP (ISDN User Part): Intended for call setup and teardown.
    • SCCP (Signaling Connection Control Part): Used for routing signaling messages.
  1. Define the Network Topology
  • Build a network topology which implement a telecom network:
    • The Nodes characteristics their Mobile Switching Centers (MSCs), Home Location Registers (HLRs), and Base Stations (BSs).
    • Attacker Node replicating their malicious activities.
  • Example NS-3 Topology:

NodeContainer telecomNodes;

telecomNodes.Create (5);  // MSCs, HLR, VLR, and Base Stations

PointToPointHelper p2p;

p2p.SetDeviceAttribute (“DataRate”, StringValue (“1Gbps”));

p2p.SetChannelAttribute (“Delay”, StringValue (“2ms”));

NetDeviceContainer devices = p2p.Install (telecomNodes);

  1. Simulate SS7 Protocols
  • Although NS-3 does not natively support SS7 protocols, we can:
    • Utilizing their custom headers, we replicate they SS7 messages.
    • Build an application which implement the SS7 signaling.
  • Define Custom SS7 Header:

codeclass SS7Header : public Header



uint32_t messageType;

uint32_t sourceNode;

uint32_t destinationNode;



void SetMessageType (uint32_t type) { messageType = type; }

void SetSourceNode (uint32_t src) { sourceNode = src; }

void SetDestinationNode (uint32_t dest) { destinationNode = dest; }

uint32_t GetMessageType () const { return messageType; }

uint32_t GetSourceNode () const { return sourceNode; }

uint32_t GetDestinationNode () const { return destinationNode; }

static TypeId GetTypeId () { /* TypeId registration */ }

virtual uint32_t GetSerializedSize () const { return 12; }

virtual void Serialize (Buffer::Iterator start) const { /* Serialize data */ }

virtual uint32_t Deserialize (Buffer::Iterator start) { /* Deserialize data */ }

virtual void Print (std::ostream &os) const { /* Print message details */ }


  • Simulate SS7 Messages:
    • Replicate a SS7 message kinds such as MAP_LocationUpdate, MAP_SendRoutingInfo.
    • Utilized their UDP or TCP to mimic SS7 transport.
  1. Implement the Attack
  • Location Tracking:
    • Replicate an attacker transfer a MAP_SendRoutingInfo message to an HLR.
  • Call Interception:
    • Transfer an unauthorized MAP_ProvideSubscriberInfo we overhear on calls.
  • Fraudulent Billing:
    • Utilizing their ISUP_InitialAddressMessage inject fake call configuration messages.
  • Sample:

void SendSS7Attack (Ptr<Socket> socket, Ipv4Address dstAddr, uint16_t dstPort)


Ptr<Packet> packet = Create<Packet> ();

SS7Header ss7Header;

ss7Header.SetMessageType (1);  // E.g., MAP_SendRoutingInfo

ss7Header.SetSourceNode (1);  // Attacker Node

ss7Header.SetDestinationNode (2);  // Target HLR

packet->AddHeader (ss7Header);

socket->SendTo (packet, 0, InetSocketAddress (dstAddr, dstPort));


  1. Traffic Monitoring and Attack Detection
  • Utilized their FlowMonitor or packet tracing we seizure traffic and examine the effect of the attack.
  • Sample:

FlowMonitorHelper flowmon;

Ptr<FlowMonitor> monitor = flowmon.InstallAll ();

  • Enable PCAP tracing:

p2p.EnablePcapAll (“ss7-attack”);

  1. Run and Analyze the Simulation
  • We compile and run the simulation:

./waf –run ss7-attack-simulation

  • Examine the PCAP files utilized their tools like Wireshark we validate the SS7 messages and attack effects.
  1. Optional: Countermeasures
  • Processing the security mechanisms such as:
    • Filtering the unauthorized SS7 messages.
    • Improve the firewalls to block suspicious traffic.
    • Observing the uncommon signaling patterns.
  1. Output Metrics
  • Estimate the effect of the attack:
    • Percentage of intercepted messages.
    • Further load generated through the attack.
    • Attack messages of success rate.

To Start SS7 Attack Projects Using NS3 we at will guide you with tailored assistance, you can rely on us anytime. we work on signaling protocols and network setting  based upon your research needs.we offer step-by-step guidelines for your research, you can rely on us for best and novel topics.