How to Start Cognitive Radio Networks Projects Using OMNeT++

To start a Cognitive Radio Network (CRN) project in OMNeT++ that needs to replicate the networks in which actively nodes are modify its transmission parameters like frequency, power, and modulation, effectively utilising spectrum resources. CRNs are specifically related within scenarios in which licensed (primary users) and unlicensed (secondary users) distribute spectrum.

Following is a comprehensive method to start such networks using OMNeT++:

Steps to Start Cognitive Radio Networks Projects in OMNeT++

  1. Install OMNeT++
  • Download: Visit official OMNeT++ page to download the new version of it on the computer.
  • Install and Verify: We adhere to the offered installation instructions depends on the OS. Make sure that OMNeT++ IDE is effectively installed.
  1. Install Required Frameworks

We require frameworks for CRNs, which have dynamic spectrum access and wireless interaction aspects.

Recommended Frameworks:

  1. INET Framework:
    • Go to INET’s website to download it.
    • This framework offers wireless protocols, spectrum models, and mobility features.
  2. Custom Extensions:
    • Prolong INET executing the cognitive radio-specific aspects such as spectrum sensing and dynamic spectrum access.

Installation Steps:

  1. Initially, we should install the INET framework.
  2. In the OMNeT++ workspace, obtain it.
  3. We follow File > Import > Existing Projects to import the framework in OMNeT++ IDE.
  4. Make sure compatibility to form the INET framework.
  1. Understand Cognitive Radio Network Concepts

To design CRNs crucial aspects like:

  • Primary Users (PUs): It is also called as licensed users that contain priority access to spectrum.
  • Secondary Users (SUs): This is opportunistic users who use the spectrum as PUs is static.
  • Spectrum Sensing: To identify spectrum holes like unused channels.
  • Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA): Depends on the availability, modify the frequency and other metrics.
  • Interference Management: Make sure to handle minimal interference including PUs.
  1. Define Network Topology

Make CRN topology with primary and secondary users with the support of .ned files.

Example .ned File for CRN:

network CognitiveRadioNetwork



primaryUser[0..1]: PrimaryUser;       // Two primary users

secondaryUser[0..4]: SecondaryUser;   // Four secondary users


secondaryUser[*].radio <–> primaryUser[*].radio; // Secondary users monitor primary users

connections allowunconnected:

secondaryUser[*].radio <–> secondaryUser[*].radio; // Communication between SUs


  1. Implement Cognitive Radio Features
  • Spectrum Sensing:
    • Observing PU activity to identify unused channels.
  • Dynamic Spectrum Access:
    • Actively distribute unused channels toward SUs.
  • Decision-Making:
    • We execute the decision-making algorithms to choose channel switching, transmission power, and other metrics.

Example C++ Code for Spectrum Sensing:

void SecondaryUser::senseSpectrum()


for (Channel ch : availableChannels)


if (isChannelIdle(ch))







  1. Configure Spectrum Parameters

In the omnetpp.ini file, we configure the spectrum access and sensing metrics.

Example Configuration:


network = CognitiveRadioNetwork

sim-time-limit = 300s

# Primary User Configuration

*.primaryUser[*].txPower = 30dBm

*.primaryUser[*].activityPattern = “ON/OFF”

# Secondary User Configuration

*.secondaryUser[*].sensingInterval = 5ms

*.secondaryUser[*].txPower = 20dBm

*.secondaryUser[*].spectrumAccessStrategy = “opportunistic”

*.secondaryUser[*].handoverDelay = uniform(1ms, 5ms)

# Spectrum Model

*.channelModel = “MultiChannelModel”

*.channelModel.numChannels = 10

*.channelModel.pathLossExponent = 3.5

  1. Simulate Mobility (Optional)

Mimic dynamic network scenarios go through mobility models for mobile CRNs.

Example Mobility Configuration:

*.secondaryUser[*].mobilityType = “RandomWaypointMobility”

*.secondaryUser[*].mobility.speed = uniform(1, 5)   # Speed between 1 and 5 m/s

*.secondaryUser[*].mobility.bounds = “0,0,1000,1000”  # Simulation area

  1. Run the Simulation
  • Run Simulation:
    • In the OMNeT++ IDE, we need to run the simulation using omnetpp.ini file.
  • Debugging:
    • Observe the spectrum sensing, channel allocation, and data transmission to exploit logs and visualizations tools.
  1. Analyze Results
  • Metrics to Evaluate: Now, we need to measure the performance parameters such as,
    • Spectrum utilization.
    • Collision rate between SUs and PUs.
    • SU throughput.
    • Interference with PUs.
    • Handover delay for SUs.
  • Tools for Analysis:
    • Built-in tools of OMNeT++ utilized for .sca and .vec files.
    • Transfer information to external tools such as Python, MATLAB, or Excel for further analysis.
  1. Extend the Project
  • Advanced Sensing:
    • We able to execute cooperative spectrum sensing in which several SUs collaborate.
  • Spectrum Trading:
    • Design economic situation in which lease spectrum of PUs to SUs.
  • Machine Learning:
    • Combine ML mechanisms that useful for adaptive spectrum access and decision-making.
  • Security:
    • We replicate the attacks such as jamming or spoofing and then execute the defense mechanisms for network security.
  • Energy Efficiency:
    • Enhance the energy consumption for spectrum sensing and interaction.

Example Use Cases for CRN Projects

  1. Spectrum Utilization Optimization:
    • We need to examine the spectrum usage via primary and secondary users.
  2. Cooperative Spectrum Sensing:
    • Measure the collaborative spectrum sensing methods performance.
  3. IoT with CRN:
    • For efficient spectrum usage, we replicate the IoT networks with CRN.
  4. Security in CRN:
    • Experiment the resilience of CRN versus jamming and other attacks.
  5. Energy-Aware CRN:
    • We able to execute the energy-efficient spectrum sensing mechanisms for CRN.

As we seen earlier, this demonstration will guide you through the simulation process along with example coding for Cognitive Radio Networks projects that were replicated and examined using OMNeT++ environment. We able to extend it further regarding to this process based on your needs.

This demonstration provides you with a complete understanding of the details required to implement and simulate Cognitive Radio Networks Projects using OMNeT++. At, we focus on the configuration and execution of your project, offering support for both licensed (primary users) and unlicensed (secondary users) spectrum distribution throughout the project’s completion.