How to start GPSR protocol projects using OMNeT++
To create a GPSR (Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing) protocol project using OMNeT++, observe this structured step. GPSR is a geographic routing protocol for wireless networks for frequently used in MANETs (Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks) or WSNs (Wireless Sensor Networks). It uses an associate the greedy transmitting and perimeter routing when greedy transmitting fails.
Steps to start GPSR protocol projects using OMNeT++
- Understand GPSR Basics
- What is GPSR?
- The GPSR used a node positions for packet transmitting.
- It has two modes:
- Greedy Forwarding: Transmit the packets for the neighbour to near the destination.
- Perimeter Forwarding: Used then greedy transmitting fails such as dead-end situation.
- Key Features:
- The Stateless for relying the neighbour tables.
- It efficient for the dynamic networks.
- Applications:
- Applications has involved the Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), WSNs, and MANETs.
- Install OMNeT++
- Download and Install:
- Install the latest version of OMNeT++.
- Install INET Framework:
- INET offers the foundation for wireless communication protocols and mobility models.
- Download and configure the INET framework in OMNeT++.
- Define Project Objectives
- What to Simulate?
- Performance of GPSR in several network environments.
- Associates the GPSR through other routing protocols such as AODV, DSR.
- Metrics to Analyze:
- End-to-end delay.
- Packet delivery ratio.
- Routing overhead.
- Create a New OMNeT++ Project
- Steps:
- Open OMNeT++ IDE.
- Create a new project: File > New > OMNeT++ Project.
- Name the project such as GPSR_Simulation.
- Design the Network Topology
- Network Design:
- Involves the mobile nodes through position-awareness abilities.
- Describe the nodes as wireless devices.
- Example .ned File:
network GPSRNetwork
node[20]: WirelessHost;
connections allowunconnected:
node[*].wlan <–> node[*].wlan;
- Configure GPSR Protocol
- Enable GPSR:
- The GPSR can be executed the INET or alter they modules.
- If using INET, modify the configuration in omnetpp.ini:
network = GPSRNetwork
*.node[*].hasGPSR = true
*.node[*].gpsr.usePerimeterRouting = true
- Custom Implementation:
- Encompass the INET modules we involve the GPSR-specific logic:
- Neighbour discovery.
- Greedy forwarding.
- Perimeter routing using planar graph traversal.
- Encompass the INET modules we involve the GPSR-specific logic:
- Implement Mobility and Traffic Models
- Mobility Models:
- Use mobility to simulate dynamic environments:
*.node[*].mobility.typename = “inet.mobility.single.RandomWaypointMobility”
*.node[*].mobility.speed = uniform(5mps, 15mps)
- Traffic Patterns:
- Configure traffic between nodes using UDP or TCP applications:
*.node[0].app[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”
*.node[0].app[0].destAddress = “node[10]”
*.node[0].app[0].destPort = 5000
- Implement GPSR Logic
- Neighbour Discovery:
- Every node has handled the table of its immediate neighbours’ terms on periodic beaconing.
- Greedy Forwarding:
- The packets are forwarded to the neighbour near to the destination.
- Perimeter Routing:
- Used the planar graphs such as Gabriel Graph or Relative Neighbourhood Graph we traverse around voids then greedy transmitting the fails.
- Failover Handling:
- Execute the logic and we maintain the unreachable destinations or disconnections.
- Run Simulations
- Compile and Execute:
- Generate the project we assure there are no errors.
- Process the replication of follow the packet flows and GPSR behaviour.
- Monitor Metrics:
- Used the follow on OMNeT++’s tools we seizure the scalar and vector results.
- Analyze Results
- Performance Metrics:
- Packet Delivery Ratio: Percentage of packets successfully delivered in the PDR.
- End-to-End Delay: The Time taken for packets we reach the destination.
- Routing Overhead: Number of control packets transmit the routing overhead.
- Visualization:
- Used the visualize for OMNeT++’s in the graphical tools we show the node movements and packet transmitting paths.
- Experiment and Optimize
- Experiment:
- Differ the network density of mobility and traffic load.
- Establish the obstacles or dead zones to test perimeter routing.
- Optimize GPSR:
- Improve the neighbour discovery.
- Enhance the QoS support for delay-sensitive applications.
- Extend the Project
- Energy Efficiency:
- Increase the power-aware routing to GPSR.
- Security:
- Execute the calculation of we avoid the GPSR vulnerabilities such as spoofing or misrouting.
- Comparison:
- Compared the GPSR through protocols such as AODV or DSR below the similar conditions.
we all know the general concepts that can help you to enhance the knowledge about the simulation process for Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing protocol using the tool of OMNeT++. Additional specific details about the Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing will also be provided.
MANETs (Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks) and WSNs (Wireless Sensor Networks) are also areas of our expertise. Should you encounter challenges, will serve as your primary resource, providing exceptional guidance on GPSR protocol projects utilizing OMNeT++. We can assist you in selecting a research topic that is ideally suited to your needs.