How to Start CCNA Protocols Projects Using OMNeT++

To start a Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) protocol in OMNeT++, we want to make network simulations for general protocols educated within the CCNA curriculum like IP addressing, routing protocols such as OSPF, RIP, EIGRP, VLANs, and network security methods.

Here’s a detailed process to get started with CCNA protocols in OMNeT++:

Steps to Start CCNA Protocols Projects in OMNeT++

  1. Install OMNeT++
  • Initially, we require installing OMNeT++ environment, a discrete event simulator utilised to design network protocols.
  • We need to download the OMNeT++ IDE through OMNeT++ website and we adhere to the installation guidance based on the OS such as Linux, Windows, or macOS.
  1. Install INET Framework (Recommended)
  • INET framework offers models for networking protocols and devices like Ethernet, IP, routing protocols, and more.
  • We follow these steps to install the INET framework,:
    1. Download the INET framework using GitHub:

git clone

    1. Set the framework to utilise the INET Documentation.
  1. Create a New Project in OMNeT++
  • Go to the OMNeT++ IDE.
  • Choose File > New > OMNeT++ Project to make a new OMNeT++ project.
  • Name it to the project then choose a suitable position to save the project files.
  • Integrate the INET framework to the project by containing it in the build set up.
  1. Design the Network Topology
  • OMNeT++ environment utilises NED files (Network Description Files) describing network topologies. We able to delineate routers, switches, PCs, and connections within these files.
  • In the project, make a new .ned file to define the network with routers, PCs, and other devices.

Example of a Simple Network Topology with Routers:

network SimpleNetwork



router1: Router;

router2: Router;

host1: Pc;

host2: Pc;


router1.eth[0] <–> EthernetLink <–> host1.eth[0];

router2.eth[0] <–> EthernetLink <–> host2.eth[0];

router1.eth[1] <–> EthernetLink <–> router2.eth[1];


In this instance, Router is a module to denote a router, and Pc signifies a computer (host). The EthernetLink module denotes an Ethernet connection among the devices.

  1. Implement or Use Existing CCNA Protocols

OMNeT++ environment and the INET framework offer numerous protocols are utilised within CCNA like routing protocols and Ethernet protocols.

Common CCNA Protocols to Simulate in OMNeT++:

  • EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol)
  • VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks)
  • RIP (Routing Information Protocol)
  • OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)
  • Static and Dynamic Routing

To Use Built-In Protocols:

  • Routing Protocols (RIP, OSPF, and EIGRP): INET framework go together with modules for RIP, OSPF, and EIGRP that can directly set up using NED file or INI configuration file.
  • Example for utilising RIP within a router:

*.router1.routingTableClass = “RIP”

*.router2.routingTableClass = “RIP”

In topology, we can define the routing protocol each router which has same configuration options are obtainable for routing protocols like OSPF and EIGRP.

To Simulate VLANs:

  • By using the appropriate Ethernet switch models, configuring VLAN tags, and defining VLANs, replicated the VLANs in the network. INET framework permits to set the VLAN IDs and mimic intra-VLAN and inter-VLAN routing.
  1. Configure the Routing Protocols in the omnetpp.ini File

Utilise .ini file to set the simulation metrics such as routing protocols, IP addresses, link speeds, and more.

Example for RIP Routing Configuration:

network = SimpleNetwork

sim-time-limit = 100s

** = true

** = true

**.router1.ipv4.address = “”

**.router2.ipv4.address = “”

**.router1.routingTableClass = “RIP”

**.router2.routingTableClass = “RIP”

  • In this instance, RIP is allowed on both routers, and the IP addresses are allocated. Utilise.ini files to allow routing protocols (RIP in this case).
  1. Run the Simulation

After describing the network topology and setting the routing protocols then we can be executed the simulation.

  • In OMNeT++, select Run button to execute the simulation.
  • We need to envision the network’s operation using Canvas in which we monitor packet transmissions, routing table changes, and other network behaviors.
  1. Analyze the Results

OMNeT++ environment offers external tools to examine the network performance:

  • Result Analysis Tool: It is utilized for examining network performance parameters such as packet delivery ratio, latency, throughput, and routing behavior.
  • Canvas: During simulation, a graphical interface supports to envision the node mobility, data flow, and routing protocol behavior.

Instance for routing protocols:

  • We can monitor the performance analysis such as volume of routing table updates, packet transmission times, and routing convergence times for routing protocols like RIP, OSPF, and EIGRP.
  1. Extend Your Simulation
  • Creating simulation more realistic then we can insert additional routers, hosts, and switches.
  • We can be executed further network concepts such as VLAN trunking, ACLs (Access Control Lists), Network Address Translation (NAT), and OSPF area configurations.
  • Also, we can test with more advanced sets up like policy-based routing, subnetting, or routing redistribution.
  1. Experiment with Other CCNA Topics
  • Access Control Lists (ACLs): OMNeT++ environment offers such modules to set the firewall-like devices. We can be executed ACL rules to limit or enable traffic among the devices.
  • Network Address Translation (NAT): We can be mimicked NAT by setting up suitable IP address translations and mappings for routing.
  • VLANs and Inter-VLAN Routing: We need to set the VLANs with the help of INET framework and then replicate the routing among various VLANs to utilize the inter-VLAN routers or Layer 3 switches.

Additional Resources

  • INET Framework Documentation: INET framework Docs to set protocols and network modules for more in-depth guidance.
  • OMNeT++ Documentation: OMNeT++ Docs for data on simulation configuration, NED files, and outcome analysis.
  • Example Projects: OMNeT++ environment go together with a collection of example projects that we can prolong and change to replicate certain CCNA protocols.


We can initiate to replicate and test CCNA protocols using OMNeT++ through these steps containing basic IP networking, routing protocols (RIP, OSPF, EIGRP), or VLANs. OMNeT++ environment is effective and adaptable platform to experiment and examine various networking scenarios. If you need further insights on this project, don’t hesitate to ask.

Are you in need of professional support for CCNA Protocols Projects utilizing OMNeT++? Reach out to us at for tailored assistance. We also specialize in managing routing protocols including OSPF, RIP, EIGRP, VLANs, and various network security techniques. Reach out to us at for tailored assistance.