How to Start Network Protocol Testing Projects using OMNeT++
To create a Network Protocol Testing project in OMNeT++ has been involves the replicating of, examine, and testing the behaviour for different network protocols below several conditions. This kind of project assure which protocols meet their functional and performance requirements, including the maintaining for edge cases, failures, and high traffic loads.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you start:
Steps to Start Network Protocol Testing Projects using OMNeT++
- Define the Objective of the Protocol Testing
- Protocol to Test:
- Routing protocols such as OSPF, RIP, BGP.
- Transport protocols for sample TCP, UDP.
- Application-layer protocols for instance FTP, HTTP, RTP.
- Alter or proprietary protocols.
- Testing Goals:
- Test the protocol functionality such as correct route selection.
- Calculate the performance metrics like as latency, throughput, packet loss.
- Evaluate fault tolerance and recovery for sample link/node failures.
- Test scalability for instance large networks, heavy traffic.
- Set Up OMNeT++
- Install OMNeT++:
- Download the latest version from the official website.
- Install INET Framework:
- INET offer the support for network protocol replication, has includes the TCP/IP, routing protocols, and application-layer protocols.
- Clone or download INET from the INET GitHub repository.
- We compile and incorporate the INET by OMNeT++.
- Create a New OMNeT++ Project
- Open OMNeT++ IDE.
- Create a New Project:
- Go to File > New > OMNeT++ Project.
- Name the project for sample ProtocolTestingProject.
- Link the project to the INET framework:
- Right-click the project, go to Properties > Project References, and check INET.
- Design the Network Topology
- Build a .ned file we describe the network:
network ProtocolTestingNetwork {
router1: Router {
router2: Router {
host1: StandardHost {
host2: StandardHost {
connections allowunconnected:
router1.pppg++ <–> router2.pppg++;
router1.pppg++ <–> host1.pppg++;
router2.pppg++ <–> host2.pppg++;
- Configure the Protocol to Be Tested
- Used the omnetpp.ini file we setting the protocol:
- For OSPF:
network = ProtocolTestingNetwork
sim-time-limit = 100s
*.router*.hasOspf = true
*.router*.ospf.routerId = “auto”
*.router*.ospf.areaId = “”
- For TCP:
*.host1.tcpApp[0].localPort = 5000
*.host2.tcpApp[0].connectPort = 5000
*.host2.tcpApp[0].connectAddress = “host1”
- Add Traffic for Testing
- Configure the application-layer congestion we replicate the data flows:
*.host1.applications[*].typename = “UdpBasicApp”
*.host1.applications[0].destAddress = “host2”
*.host1.applications[0].startTime = 10s
*.host1.applications[0].packetSize = 512B
*.host1.applications[0].sendInterval = 1s
- Simulate and Debug
- Run the Simulation:
- Follow the protocol’s behaviour using OMNeT++’s replication for environment.
- Debugging:
- Ensure the detailed logging for the protocol:
*.router*.verbose = true
*.host*.verbose = true
- Analyze Performance
- Metrics to Measure:
- Latency: Time taken for packets we reach the destination.
- Throughput: Entire amount of data successfully delivered in the throughput.
- Packet Loss: Number of dropped packets for the packet loss.
- Routing Convergence: Time taken for routing tables we stabilize next a topology modification.
- Distribute the replication outcomes we tool such as Python or MATLAB for advanced analysis.
- Test for Edge Cases
- Fault Tolerance:
- Replicate the connection or node failures and follow on recovery behaviour.
- High Traffic Loads:
- Maximum the congestion intensity we validate the protocol scalability.
- Dynamic Topologies:
- Improve the mobility nodes we validate the protocol performance in dynamic environment.
- Extend the Project
- Custom Protocol Testing:
- Estimate your protocol through extending INET modules in C++.
- QoS Testing:
- Replicate the priority-based traffic handling.
- Energy Efficiency:
- Improve the energy models for resource-constrained networks such as IoT or WSNs.
Example Scenario: Testing TCP Performance Under Packet Loss
- Familiarize the packet loss in the network through improving a delay or loss model to a connection:
*.router1.pppg[0].dropRate = 0.1
- Calculate the throughput, latency, and retransmissions below this condition.
- Combine the outcomes with or without packet loss we examine the TCP robustness.
Overall, we had successfully implemented the network protocol testing in OMNeT++ tool that involves generating the topology that contains the testing and protocol testing and then we analyse the outcome based on these functionalities. Further assistance concerning the project will be provided in another manual.
Our developers focus on edge cases, system failures, and managing high traffic loads. To initiate your Protocol Testing Projects utilizing OMNeT++, we will provide you with customized assistance. Please reach out to our services at by sending your details via email. Our support team will respond promptly.