How to Start ABR Protocol Projects Using OMNeT++
To start an Available Bit Rate (ABR) protocol project using OMNeT++, we will require creating a custom simulation model for executing and replicating ABR through ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) or other applicable networks. ABR is frequently connected with ATM networks; however the principles can be used to other types of networks too. ABR protocols are normally utilised within networks, making sure that bandwidth allocation whereas sustaining the fairness and flow control.
Below is a detailed technique to making a project for ABR protocol using OMNeT++:
Steps to Start ABR Protocol Projects in OMNeT++
- Install OMNeT++ and Dependencies
- Initially, we should install OMNeT++ on the system. Make sure that contain suitable IDE such as Eclipse or utilise the built-in IDE of OMNeT++ for coding and debugging.
- OMNeT++ environment includes numerous frameworks like INET and MiXiM for network simulation, however we will probably require making custom modules for ABR if not a framework particularly supports ABR.
- Understand ABR Protocol Basics
In ATM networks, ABR (Available Bit Rate) is a kind of congestion-controlled service. It permits to available bandwidth for dynamic adaptation, however their execution can differ. ABR protocol has feedback approaches among the sender and receiver, flow control, and traffic management.
Following is a crucial ABR module:
- Feedback from Network: Feedback messages are transmitted again to the sender to update it regarding congestion levels.
- Flow Control: It makes sure that depends on the available network capacity, sender adapts their transmission rate.
- Rate Adjustment: Sender adapts their rate according to the feedback like modifying their transmitting window.
- Create a New OMNeT++ Project
- In OMNeT++, make a new project. We can begin with a Generic OMNeT++ Project or a Simulation Project.
- Go to File → New → OMNeT++ Project.
- Name it to the project like ABRProtocolSimulation.
- Design the Network Topology in NED Files
- NED (Network Description) files describe the network topology and the interaction structure of the simulation in OMNeT++.
- Make a .ned file describing the network, which will be utilised the ABR protocol. It may have network nodes such as routers, hosts, ATM switches, and any essential interfaces.
Example: Make a basic topology including hosts, ATM switches, and a network backbone:
network ABRNetwork
host1: Host;
host2: Host;
atmSwitch: ATMswitch;
host1.ethg++ <–> Ethernet <–> atmSwitch.ethg++;
atmSwitch.ethg++ <–> Ethernet <–> host2.ethg++;
In this example, we can delineate hosts that are associated to an ATM switch. According to the ABR needs, we can also define the ATMswitch and Host modules.
- Define the ABR Protocol Module
- Make a custom module in OMNeT++ for the ABR protocol. We will be described, which executes the congestion control mechanism and modifies the rate of sender.
- The ABR module responsible to replicate the rate adjustment and manage feedback messages.
Example of a simple ABR protocol module like ABRProtocol:
simple ABRProtocol
double maxRate = 100Mbps;
double minRate = 1Mbps;
input in;
output out;
feedbackReceiver: FeedbackReceiver;
rateAdjuster: RateAdjuster;
- In this case, the ABRProtocol module will be adapted the sending rate from the network depends on the feedback. For congestion messages listens FeedbackReceiver and RateAdjuster consequently modifies the transmission rate.
- Implement the ABR Protocol Logic in C++
- ABR protocols have dynamic feedback and rate control. We will be executed the logic within C++ for rate adjustment, sending feedback, and replicating network conditions like congestion or available bandwidth.
Example of ABR protocol logic within
class ABRProtocol : public cSimpleModule
double maxRate;
double minRate;
double currentRate;
void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;
void adjustRate();
void sendFeedback();
ABRProtocol::ABRProtocol() : maxRate(100), minRate(1), currentRate(50) {}
ABRProtocol::~ABRProtocol() {}
void ABRProtocol::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (msg->isSelfMessage()) {
// Handle feedback message, adjust rate, and send new rate to sender
} else {
// Handle incoming messages
delete msg;
void ABRProtocol::adjustRate()
// Example: Adjust rate based on feedback (simplified logic)
if (networkCongested()) {
currentRate = std::max(currentRate – 10, minRate); // Reduce rate
} else {
currentRate = std::min(currentRate + 10, maxRate); // Increase rate
void ABRProtocol::sendFeedback()
// Simulate sending feedback to sender (e.g., congestion info or available bandwidth)
cMessage *feedbackMsg = new cMessage(“CongestionFeedback”);
send(feedbackMsg, “out”);
bool ABRProtocol::networkCongested()
// Placeholder for network congestion detection logic
return false; // Change this to simulate real congestion detection
- Above instance, the adjustRate function adapts the sending rate rely on some congestion condition that we can design within networkCongested(), and the sendFeedback function transmits feedback to the sender.
- Configure Simulation Parameters in INI File
- After describing the network topology and the ABR protocol logic then set up the simulation metrics for the simulation within the .ini file.
- We can set things such as the simulation duration, module metrics (maxRate, minRate), and other settings using omnetpp.ini.
Example omnetpp.ini:
network = ABRNetwork
sim-time-limit = 100s
**.host1.abrProtocol.maxRate = 100Mbps
**.host1.abrProtocol.minRate = 1Mbps
**.atmSwitch.queueSize = 500
- Build and Compile the Project
- After we have accomplished the NED and C++ code then we can execute the project.
- Be present at the menu and then choose Build or use the command line to execute the project in OMNeT++.
- Run the Simulation
- We need to execute the simulation via OMNeT++ IDE or the command line:
./run -u Cmdenv
- Examine the performance of network, rate adjustments, and congestion feedback to utilise OMNeT++’s simulation result viewer within the ABR protocol simulation.
- Analyze the Results
- OMNeT++ permits to gather simulation outcomes like the sending rate, feedback data, and network conditions such as delay, packet loss.
- Envision how the ABR protocol responds to network congestion utilising OMNeT++’s result tools such as statistical analysis and plots for analysis and modifies the rate.
Additional Tips:
- Realistic Traffic Patterns: Replicating real traffic to utilise various traffic sources like TCP, UDP and then set up its features such as packet sizes, inter-arrival times.
- Network Congestion Modeling: In the network, we can be launched the network congestion by modifying link capacities or launching blockages.
- Custom Feedback Mechanism: We can be improved the feedback approach to utilise explicit congestion notification or other signalling methods.
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