How to Start Epidemic Protocol Projects Using OMNeT++

To start an Epidemic Protocol project using OMNeT++ which encompasses to replicate the data dissemination or message spreading mechanism within networks that are stimulated by the dynamics of disease spread. For robust and scalable data transfer, these protocols are frequently utilised for Delay-Tolerant Networks (DTNs), Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs), and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Below is a sequential approach to get started:

Steps to Start Epidemic Protocol Projects in OMNeT++

  1. Understand Epidemic Protocols
  • Epidemic protocols depend on the gossip-based message dissemination in which nodes simulate and transmit the messages to other nodes they met same to how diseases broadcast.
  • Use Cases:
    • IoT data dissemination.
    • Disaster recovery and emergency networks.
    • Delay-tolerant communication.
  1. Set Up OMNeT++
  • Download and Install OMNeT++:
    • We need to download the new version of OMNeT++ on the system.
    • Confirm the configuration and execute the sample simulations.
  • Install INET Framework:
    • INET framework offers support for mobile and wireless networking, which is necessary for epidemic protocols.
    • Copy GitHub repository link to download INET framework.
    • Execute and connect INET with OMNeT++.
  1. Create a New OMNeT++ Project
  • Go to OMNeT++ IDE.
  • Create a New Project:
    • Select File > New > OMNeT++ Project.
    • Name it to the project like EpidemicProtocolProject.
  • Connect the project to the INET framework:
    • Right-click on the project, then choose Properties > Project References, and confirm the framework INET.
  1. Design the Network Topology
  • Utilise a .ned file to create the network topology:
    • Example for a basic mobile ad hoc network:

network EpidemicNetwork {


node1: AdhocHost {



node2: AdhocHost {



node3: AdhocHost {



connections allowunconnected:

node1.wlanRadio++ <–> node2.wlanRadio++;

node2.wlanRadio++ <–> node3.wlanRadio++;



  1. Configure Epidemic Protocol Logic
  • Basic Configuration:
  • Make use of INET’s AdhocHost like a base replicating the mobile nodes.
  • Custom Epidemic Module:
    • In C++ classes, we execute the epidemic protocol:
      • Make a custom module as, which manages the message forwarding.
      • Core logic:
        • In a buffer, save the messages.
        • Opportunistically forward messages once nodes met each other.
        • Sustain a history of seen messages avoiding redundant forwarding.
      • Mobility Models:
        • Insert node mobility replicating the dynamic encounters:

*.node*.mobility.mobilityType = “RandomWaypointMobility”

*.node*.mobility.speed = uniform(1mps, 10mps)

  1. Simulate Data Dissemination
  • Traffic Generation:
    • Set the application-layer traffic for data dissemination:

*.node1.applications[*].typename = “UdpBasicApp”

*.node1.applications[0].destAddress = “node3”

*.node1.applications[0].startTime = 5s

  • Message Replication:
    • In the protocol module, we need to execute the replication logic.
  1. Run and Debug
  • Run the Simulation:
    • Monitor message dissemination through the network.
  • Enable Logging:
    • Debug to utilize verbose result, monitoring the message exchanges:

*.node*.verbose = true

  1. Analyze Performance
  • Metrics to Measure:
    • Resource utilization like buffer size, energy.
    • Message delivery ratio.
    • Overhead (number of duplicate messages sent).
    • End-to-end delay.
  • Transfer outcomes into external OMNeT++’s built-in analysis tools such as Python or MATLAB for visualization and analysis.
  1. Extend the Project
  • Advanced Features:
    • Prioritized Forwarding: Integrate the priority levels to messages.
    • Buffer Management: Execute the buffer constraints and replacement policies.
    • Energy Efficiency: Mimic energy-aware message dissemination.
  • Scalability:
    • Experiment with larger networks and diverse node densities for scalability.
  • Hybrid Protocols:
    • Integrate the epidemic routing including other hybrid protocols such as Spray-and-Wait or Prophet.
  1. Document and Present
  • It offers in-depth insights containing simulation configuration, protocol design, and performance analysis.
  • Visualize the outcomes and protocol behavior with the support of graphs and animations.

OMNeT++ supported an in-depth simulation process that contains essential concepts, enabling us to replicate and analyse the Epidemic Protocol Projects and expand it as further demands arise.

Contact, and we will assist you with your Epidemic Protocol Projects Using OMNeT++ by providing you with thorough guidance. We have a strict policy against plagiarism, ensuring that your final thesis will be completely original. We specialize in Delay-Tolerant Networks (DTNs), Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs), and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Share your details with us, and we will help you.