How to Start SD WAN Protocol Projects Using OMNeT++

To start Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) protocol project in OMNeT++ which encompasses to model and replicate the network management mechanisms, enhancing the performance of WAN and routing. We will guide you through step-by-step process to get started:

Steps to Start SD-WAN Protocol Project in OMNeT++

  1. Understand SD-WAN Protocols
  • Key Features of SD-WAN:
    • Dynamic path selection depends on the policies like latency, cost, or bandwidth.
    • Centralized control for routing and traffic management.
    • Integration including traditional WAN protocols and MPLS.
    • Enhanced security and Quality of Service (QoS).
  • Focus Areas for the Project:
    • QoS-based traffic optimization.
    • Executing dynamic routing.
    • Security aspects within SD-WAN.
  1. Set Up OMNeT++
  • Download and Install OMNeT++:
    • We should download and install the OMNeT++ environment on the system.
    • Verify the installation including example simulations.
  • Install INET Framework:
    • INET framework offers network protocols and dynamic routing, to create it which is appropriate for SD-WAN projects.
    • Copy its GitHub repository to download INET.
    • Execute and connect the INET with OMNeT++.
  1. Create a New OMNeT++ Project
  • Go to OMNeT++ IDE.
  • Create a New Project:
    • Select File > New > OMNeT++ Project.
    • Name it to the project as  SDWANProtocolProject.
  • Link the project to the INET framework:
    • Right-click on the project, then go to Properties > Project References, and select INET.
  1. Design the Network Topology
  • Utilise .ned file, make SD-WAN network topology:
    • Example:

network SDWANNetwork {


sdwanController: StandardHost {



branchRouter1: Router {



branchRouter2: Router {



customer1: StandardHost {



customer2: StandardHost {



connections allowunconnected:

sdwanController.pppg++ <–> branchRouter1.pppg++;

sdwanController.pppg++ <–> branchRouter2.pppg++;

branchRouter1.pppg++ <–> customer1.pppg++;

branchRouter2.pppg++ <–> customer2.pppg++;



  1. Enable SD-WAN Features
  • Centralized Controller:
    • For dynamic routing, we execute a centralized SD-WAN controller.
    • Prolong the RoutingTable module dynamically communicating with the controller.
  • Dynamic Path Selection:
    • Set the branch routers, depends on the policies to send traffic:

*.branchRouter*.routingProtocol = “SDWAN”

*.branchRouter*.pathSelectionMetric = “latency”

  • Traffic Management:
    • Allow QoS for application-based traffic optimization:

*.branchRouter*.qosEnabled = true

*.branchRouter*.qosTrafficClasses = “high, medium, low”

  1. Simulate Traffic
  • Application Traffic:
    • Integrate the traffic application sources and destinations:

*.customer1.applications[*].typename = “UdpBasicApp”

*.customer1.applications[0].destAddress = “customer2”

*.customer1.applications[0].startTime = 5s

  • Dynamic Routing Scenarios:
    • In traffic demand, replicate the link failures or modifications.
  1. Implement Custom SD-WAN Protocol Logic
  • Prolong the INET components like:
    • Execute a custom SD-WAN controller, which modernizes routing tables dynamically.
    • For instance: In C++, make a SDWANController class which interacts with routers to utilise control messages.
  • Dynamic Path Selection:
    • Make use of performance parameters such as latency, bandwidth, or cost for dynamic path selection.
  1. Test and Debug the Simulation
  • Run the Simulation:
    • Monitor the routing updates and traffic flows for simulation.
  • Enable Debugging:
    • Observe SD-WAN controller communications to utilise verbose logging:

*.sdwanController.verbose = true

  1. Analyze Performance
  • Metrics to Measure:
    • We need to estimate the traffic optimization such as latency, throughput.
    • Calculate the duration in routing convergence.
    • QoS adherence for traffic classes.
  • Transfer outcomes into external OMNeT++’s built-in tools such as Python or MATLAB for analysis.
  1. Extend the Project
  • Advanced Features:
    • Security: Execute the encrypted tunnels or traffic filtering.
    • Integration: We can mimic hybrid WANs to integrate MPLS and SD-WAN.
    • AI/ML Integration: Make use of AI to predict traffic optimization.
  • Scalability:
    • In wide-ranging SD-WAN networks, experiment the protocol.

Example Scenario: Dynamic Path Selection in SD-WAN

  1. Describe several WAN links including diverse latency and bandwidth.
  2. Execute a controller-based dynamic routing method.
  3. Mimic traffic and then estimate how the SD-WAN adjust to link modifications.

The simulation and analysis of the SD-WAN Protocol project were successfully carried out with OMNeT++ using an innovative method, and further details like its specific aspect, coding, or debugging in this project will be provided in the upcoming manual.

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