How to Start Flow Based Routing Projects using OMNeT++
To stimulate a Flow-Based Routing project in OMNeT++ has includes the execution or modification a routing strategy in decisions are based on the features of data flows, like as bandwidth requirements, latency sensitivity, or priority levels.
Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Steps to Start Flow-Based Routing Projects using OMNeT++
- Understand Flow-Based Routing
Key Features
- Routing decisions are based on flow characteristics such as:
- Demands for bandwidth.
- Necessary in latency.
- Kinds of congestion such as video, audio, bulk data.
- General in Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and QoS-aware networks.
Use Cases
- Enhance the network utilization.
- Enable the quality of service (QoS) for exact applications.
- Set Up the Environment
Install OMNeT++
- Download OMNeT++ from the official website.
- Install and validate through process the sample replication.
Install INET Framework
- Download the INET framework compatible through your OMNeT++ version.
- Build it:
make makefiles
INET offers the essential models and protocols for routing and replication for the congestion.
- Plan the Simulation
Define Objectives
- Execution for flow-based routing where:
- Routing paths are chosen according to the flow properties.
- Kinds of congestion are differently prioritized.
- Calculate the performance parameter such as:
- Bandwidth utilization.
- Flow completion time.
- QoS adherence.
Define Network Topology
- Select the number of nodes, connection, and traffic sources.
- Allocates the connection properties such as bandwidth and delay.
- Create a New OMNeT++ Project
- Open OMNeT++ IDE.
- Go to File > New > OMNeT++ Project.
- Name the project such as FlowBasedRouting and click Finish.
- Implement Flow-Based Routing Logic
Custom Routing Module
- Build a new .cc file for the flow-based routing logic such as
- Encompass an previous module from INET for instance inet::NetworkProtocol.
Example Flow-Based Routing Logic
class FlowBasedRouting : public cSimpleModule {
std::map<int, double> linkCapacity; // Available capacity per link
std::map<int, int> routingTable; // Next hop for each destination
virtual void initialize() override {
// Initialize link capacities and routing table
for (int i = 0; i < gateSize(“out”); i++) {
linkCapacity[i] = par(“linkBandwidth”);
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
auto packet = check_and_cast<FlowPacket *>(msg);
int flowId = packet->getFlowId();
// Determine the best route for the flow
int nextHop = selectRoute(flowId, packet->getFlowBandwidth());
if (nextHop != -1) {
send(packet, “out”, nextHop);
} else {
EV << “No available route for flow ” << flowId << “\n”;
delete packet;
int selectRoute(int flowId, double requiredBandwidth) {
for (const auto& [link, capacity] : linkCapacity) {
if (capacity >= requiredBandwidth) {
linkCapacity[link] -= requiredBandwidth; // Reserve bandwidth
return link; // Return the next hop
return -1; // No suitable route
- Define Network Topology
Create a .ned File
Describe the network structure and flow-based routing:
network FlowNetwork {
node[5]: StandardHost {
routingProtocol = “FlowBasedRouting”;
node[0].pppg++ <–> { delay = 10ms; datarate = 10Mbps; } <–> node[1].pppg++;
node[1].pppg++ <–> { delay = 5ms; datarate = 5Mbps; } <–> node[2].pppg++;
node[2].pppg++ <–> { delay = 15ms; datarate = 10Mbps; } <–> node[3].pppg++;
node[3].pppg++ <–> { delay = 20ms; datarate = 2Mbps; } <–> node[4].pppg++;
- Configure Simulation Parameters
Edit omnetpp.ini
Setting the replication by flow the properties and network parameters:
[Config FlowRoutingSimulation]
network = FlowNetwork
**.node[*].linkBandwidth = 10Mbps
**.node[*].app[0].typename = “UdpApp”
**.node[*].app[0].flowId = uniform(1, 100) # Random flow IDs
**.node[*].app[0].flowBandwidth = uniform(1Mbps, 5Mbps)
simulation.timeLimit = 100s
- Run the Simulation
- Open Tkenv (GUI) or Cmdenv we process the replication.
- Observe:
- Packet flow among nodes.
- The process utilized the bandwidth.
- Analyze Results
Metrics to Evaluate
- Bandwidth Utilization:
- Calculates the percentage of connection capacity used.
- Flow Completion Time:
- Time taken we deliver the overall packets for the flow.
- QoS Metrics:
- Percentage for flows meeting their QoS necessary for the metrices.
- Used the envision for OMNeT++ tools we visualize congestion flows and connection utilization.
- Distribute the replication of data for advanced examine in MATLAB, Python, or Excel.
- Extend and Optimize
Dynamic Flow Management
- Execute the admission control we reject the flows which cannot meet QoS the needs.
Support for Flow Prioritization
- We Prioritize the complex flows such as video, voice over non-critical flows.
Simulate Network Dynamics
- Establish the connection failures, traffic, or mobility scenarios.
Compare with Other Approaches
- Associates the flow-based routing by standard routing protocols such as OSPF or RIP.
In this demonstration we clearly learned and gain knowledge on how the Flow based routing project will perform in the simulation process using the tool of OMNeT++ and also, we deliver the sample snippets to complete the process. A dedicated manual will be shared to handle further queries about this project.
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