How to start Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing Using OMNeT++

To create a Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR) project in OMNeT++ has involves the execute or replicating this geographic routing protocol. GPSR is a popular routing technique for wireless sensor networks and ad hoc networks in which the routing decisions are according on the physical positions of nodes.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Steps to start Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing Projects Using OMNeT++

  1. Understand GPSR

Key Features

  • Greedy Mode:
    • Transmit the packets to the neighbour closest to the destination.
    • Stops when no like neighbour previous for instance local minimum.
  • Perimeter Mode:
    • Used the perimeter when greedy forwarding fails such as at a local minimum.
    • Used the mode for planar graph traversal for instance right-hand rule we detect a route around the obstacle.


  • Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs).
  • Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs).
  • Geographic-based routing.
  1. Set Up the Environment

Install OMNeT++

  1. Download and install OMNeT++ from the official website.
  2. Validate the installation through process for example replication.

Install INET Framework

  1. Download the INET framework compatible through your OMNeT++ version.
  2. Build the framework:

make makefiles


INET offers to help for wireless networking and mobility, essential for GPSR.

  1. Plan Your Simulation

Define Objectives

  • Execute or use an previous GPSR module.
  • Replicate the scenarios through obstacles, node mobility, and dynamic topology changes.
  • Estimate the performance parameter such as:
    • Delivery ratio.
    • Packet latency.
    • Routing overhead.

Define the Network Topology

  • Dwelling the nodes in a 2D or 3D space.
  • Allocates the physical coordinates to nodes.
  • Replicate the mobility patterns such as random waypoint, group mobility.
  1. Create a New OMNeT++ Project
  1. Open OMNeT++ IDE.
  2. Go to File > New > OMNeT++ Project.
  3. Name the project for instance GPSRRouting and click Finish.
  1. Implement GPSR Logic

Custom GPSR Module

Build a new .cc file for GPSR logic for sample

Example: GPSR Routing Logic

#include <omnetpp.h>

#include <vector>

#include <cmath>

using namespace omnetpp;

class GPSRRouting : public cSimpleModule {


struct Position {

double x;

double y;


Position nodePosition;

std::vector<Position> neighbors;


virtual void initialize() override {

// Get node position from the mobility module

nodePosition.x = par(“xPos”);

nodePosition.y = par(“yPos”);


virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {

auto packet = check_and_cast<Packet *>(msg);

Position destination = packet->getDestination();

// Try greedy forwarding

int nextHop = selectGreedyNeighbor(destination);

if (nextHop != -1) {

send(packet, “out”, nextHop);

} else {

// Switch to perimeter mode

forwardPerimeterMode(packet, destination);



int selectGreedyNeighbor(const Position& destination) {

double minDistance = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();

int bestNeighbor = -1;

for (int i = 0; i < neighbors.size(); i++) {

double dist = calculateDistance(neighbors[i], destination);

if (dist < minDistance) {

minDistance = dist;

bestNeighbor = i;



return bestNeighbor;


void forwardPerimeterMode(Packet *packet, const Position& destination) {

// Implement perimeter forwarding (e.g., right-hand rule)

EV << “Switching to perimeter mode.\n”;

// Logic to handle perimeter traversal



double calculateDistance(const Position& p1, const Position& p2) {

return sqrt(pow(p1.x – p2.x, 2) + pow(p1.y – p2.y, 2));




  1. Define Network Topology

Create a .ned File

Describe a network topology through physical coordinates:

network GPSRNetwork {


node[10]: StandardHost {



routingProtocol = “GPSRRouting”;

xPos = uniform(0, 100); // Random x-coordinate

yPos = uniform(0, 100); // Random y-coordinate



  1. Configure Simulation Parameters

Edit omnetpp.ini

Setting the replication parameters:

[Config GPSRSimulation]

network = GPSRNetwork

**.node[*].mobilityModel = “RandomWaypointMobility”

**.node[*].routingProtocol = “GPSRRouting”

**.node[*].app[0].destAddresses = “node[9]”

**.node[*].app[0].messageLength = 512B

simulation.timeLimit = 100s

  1. Run the Simulation
  1. Use Tkenv or Cmdenv in OMNeT++ to process the replication.
  2. Observe:
    • Packet forwarding in greedy and perimeter methods.
    • The node mobility and topology modification.
  1. Analyze Results

Metrics to Evaluate

  • Delivery Ratio:
    • Percentage of packets successfully delivered in ratio.
  • Packet Latency:
    • Time taken for packets we reach their destination is the packet latency.
  • Routing Overhead:
    • Number of control packets or mode switches for the routing overhead.


  • Use OMNeT++’s visualization tools to observe packet forwarding and mobility.
  • Distribute the logs for advanced examine in tools such as MATLAB, Python, or Excel.
  1. Extend and Optimize

Handle Dynamic Scenarios

  • Improve the connection failures or obstacles to validate the GPSR’s robustness.
  • Various replication for mobility designs.

Enhance GPSR

  • Execute the improvement such as:
    • Adaptive Greedy-Perimeter Forwarding (AGPF).
    • Energy-aware GPSR for WSNs.

Compare with Other Protocols

  • Replicate and compared the GPSR through protocols such as AODV, DSDV, or OLSR.

Through this procedure, you can completely learn the concepts and the geographic routing protocol the Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing Projects simulation process with the help of OMNeT++. If needed, we will present any details regarding these networks or OMNeT++ simulation process.

Join our research team! Leave the pressure of complex research and writing tasks behind, as we’re here to take care of everything for you. Just share the specifics of your Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing Project, and at, we’ll deliver exceptional support. With our expertise in wireless sensor networks and ad hoc networks, you can trust us to manage your project and maximize its performance.