An example of a well written research proposal

According to the research work we should be very much clear that our research proposal should be unique and to have own style of operating in the research work that we are going to implement.

For making our research work firstly we have to make the research proposal. Let’s discuss in detail about the constrained format of writing the research proposal.


The introduction part of our research proposal should explain about the topic of our research work. Our topic should be precise and should be able to convey the main concept of our research work. We can just start exploring our research proposal with the introduction part.

In the introduction of our research proposal we can clearly mention how this research will be useful. In adequate we can add the information’s of the proceedings of our project work. We can bring out the idea regarding the outcome of this particular research work.

We can bring the importance of referring the research papers. More reference in the field of our research will definitely bring the efficient data collection and promotes to the successful execution of the research work.

We can mention about the planning process and can give an overview of each process in the introduction part to till achieving the overall performance in the research work.

Research aim and scope:

In this section we can write the main scope of conducting the research work. We can elaborately write the benefits of our research works in the corresponding sectors.

We have to strongly specify the actual goal of preceding this research on our topic.  Among them we should list out the benefits of conducting this research in this section.

We must specify the advancement that can be gained by conducting this research in our field of study. The aim and scope of our research proposal should give more expectations and curiosity to the readers.

Research objectives:

We have to analysis the relevant research journals and identify the gaps that has to be developed and explained in our research field. We should be able to bring out the magnifying idea on how this research work is going to work.

In this section the formation of complete management of conducting the research work is written. We have to mainly focus on putting the brief idea of the literature of the existing researches.

We must explain in which aspect our research will overcome the missing development details of the existing researches.

Tips to write research objective:

1. We have to mention the references that are needed to develop the research work.

2. We can write all our findings and identifications from the research reference journals.

3. We have to mention the practicing methods on our research topic.

4. We can write about the handling of the gathered information’s in our research.

Overall problem statement:

In the overall problem statement we have to indicate the problems of the existing researches. The problems of the existing research works can be made to resolve in our research. We should mention that in which the ways we can overcome the problems are specified.

We should provide the correct data with the identified problem spotted in the referred research with the attachment of corresponding research paper for giving the strong proofreading.

We should ensure that our work is exclusive in overcoming the identified problem with no duplicity. We should involve the entire specified problem to produce the challenging result in our research work.

We have to group the problem statements from the referred research to bring the key concept in the overall problem statement demonstration. After this we again have to group the key concepts to the core concept that is found vital in expressing the problem statement.

Specific problem statement:

In this section we have to separately mention the title, concept, problems and solutions of all the referred research journals. We have to identify and extract information from the standard research journals so that our specific problem statement can be distinct.

It is our duty to thoroughly go through the selected journals of the existing technology so as to specify the problem and to display them in this section.

By writing the specific problem statement separately with the collected referrals we ensure the exact information that is missing in the previously researched paper. This section will give the strong benefits of having the proof while reading the research proposal.

Proposed work:

Writing about one solution for the observed problems that we stated in this research proposal is called as the proposed work. Proposed work writing is based on the work flow that we are going to follow in our research work.

We should mention the algorithm that we are going to use in our proposed work to overcome the overall problem statement and to bring the novelty in the research sector.

We write several parameters or the methods that are needed to handle the research work when we start implementing the research work. Parameters for stating each problem statement is written.

Overall architecture:

We can sketch the diagrammatic representation for the proposed solution in our research proposal. This is also called as the architecture of the proposed solution.

We can easily grasp the relation between the research works through the diagrammatic sketch that we draw for our proposed solution. This paves the easy analysis of our proposed solution among the readers of our research proposal.

It is easy for us to compare the data. By doing the schematic representation of the data we can be able to present the data in a neat and organized format.

 Research highlights:

We can write the core ideas that we had gathered from the referred research works and in which are the ways that we are going to implement the gathered important information’s in our research work.

Our research highlights should provide the enough information to the readers of our research proposal and it should make the readers feel satisfied spotting something exclusive that is to be developed in analysis all the mentioned data of research highlights.

Attaching of proofs:

It is necessary for us to bring out the original referred standard articles or the journals of recent years in our research proposal.

It will be good if we mention around twenty reference papers in the Sci research proposal and twelve research papers in the Scopus research proposal.

By following all these instructions we can show case a brilliant result in writing the research proposal.