Big Data Master Thesis

Get your Big Data Master Thesis writing done from our well-trained experts we cover all the major aspects of big data and share with you valuable suggestions. Generally Big data analytics plays a crucial role in contributing crucial perspectives for industries in solving their business-related queries. Accompanied by main focus, research areas and execution process, we provide numerous effective thesis topics in the area of big data:

  1. Predictive Modeling for Healthcare Outcomes


To predict medical results like disease outbreaks or patient readmissions, we should utilize big data analytics by modeling predictive frameworks.

Area of Focus:

  • Machine learning
  • Healthcare analytics
  • Predictive modeling


  1. Data Collection: From sources like public health databases or EHRs (Electronic Health Records), we must collect extensive datasets of healthcare.
  2. Data Preprocessing: For standardizing variables and managing missing values, the data has to be cleaned and preprocessed.
  3. Feature Engineering: Suitable characteristics are required to be retrieved such as treatment logs, medical records and patient population data.
  4. Model Development: Develop predictive frameworks by using machine learning techniques like deep learning, logistic regression and random forest.
  5. Evaluation: Use metrics such as recall, accuracy and ROC-AUC to examine the frameworks.
  6. Deployment: As regards consistent healthcare supervision and anticipation, the model is supposed to be executed in the real-world environment.
  7. Real-Time Fraud Detection in Financial Services


By using machine learning algorithms and big data, illegal transactions should be identified and evaluated in real-time.

Area of Focus:

  • Anomaly detection
  • Real-time data processing
  • Financial analytics


  1. Data Collection: Particularly from credit card firms or banking, we have to gather the data of financial transactions.
  2. Data Streaming: For real-time data consumption, employ tools such as Apache Kafka and for processing, utilize Apache Flink.
  3. Feature Extraction: Characteristics which reflect illegal behaviors like area, transaction amount and rate of occurrence must be detected.
  4. Model Training: As regards outlier detection, machine learning models need to be trained such as neural networks, autoencoders and isolation forests.
  5. Real-time Processing: In real-time, incoming fund transactions ought to be evaluated by implementing the efficient model. Unusual behaviors have to be emphasized.
  6. Monitoring and Alerting: Regarding the probable illegal cases, provide alert messages to investors through executing a monitoring system.
  7. Sentiment Analysis on Social Media Data


On the subject of diverse topics or circumstances, we must acquire the benefit of big data methods for evaluating the public sentiment through exploring the social media data.

Area of Focus:

  • NLP (Natural Language Processing)
  • Text mining
  • Social media analytics


  1. Data Collection: With the aid of APIs, data has to be collected from social media environments such as Facebook or Twitter.
  2. Data Preprocessing: Separate the disruptions to clean the data. For the analysis process, normalize the text in an effective manner.
  3. Sentiment Analysis: To classify text as positive, negative or impartial, NLP (Natural Language Processing) methods ought to be implemented.
  4. Model Creation: Use transformers such as BERT and machine learning techniques like sentiment classifiers.
  5. Evaluation: Among various subjects or conditions, we have to evaluate the sentiment patterns periodically.
  6. Visualization: Visualize sentiment patterns and perspectives through creating efficient dashboards.
  7. Customer Segmentation in Retail Using Big Data


For the purpose of enhancing consumer engagement and marketing tactics, customers are required to be classified effectively on the basis of purchasing records.

Area of Focus:

  • Market segmentation
  • Clustering techniques
  • Consumer activities


  1. Data Collection: Especially from CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems or databases of retail industry, transaction data are meant to be accumulated.
  2. Data Cleaning: Manage missing values and eliminate the imitations to clean the data.
  3. Feature Engineering: Properties such as RFM analysis (Recency, Frequency and Monetary) value of purchase must be retrieved.
  4. Clustering: Classify the consumers by deploying clustering methods such as hierarchical clustering or K-means.
  5. Evaluation: To extract relevant perspectives, the properties of specific segments have to be evaluated.
  6. Visualization: For exhibiting the classification findings and direct marketing tactic, acquire the benefit of  visualization tools.
  7. Energy Consumption Prediction Using Big Data


From sensors and smart meters, make use of big data to anticipate the upcoming patterns of energy usage.

Area of Focus:

  • Time series prediction
  • Machine learning
  • Energy analytics


  1. Data Collection: Generally from public energy datasets or smart meters, we should collect data.
  2. Data Preprocessing: Usage records are supposed to be gathered and standardized by operating the data.
  3. Feature Engineering: Determinants which impact energy usage like user profiles and weather data must be detected by us.
  4. Model Development: For time series prediction, deploy machine learning techniques such as gradient boosting, ARIMA and LSTM.
  5. Evaluation: Apply metrics such as RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) and MAE (Mean Absolute Error) to examine the frameworks.
  6. Deployment: Considering the energy usage tracking and prediction in real-time, an effective model is needed to be executed.
  7. Big Data Analytics for Urban Traffic Management


Particularly in urban regions, enhance the capability of transportation and decrees blockage by evaluating and forecasting traffic patterns through modeling an efficient system.

Area of Focus:

  • Real-time data processing
  • Traffic analytics
  • Predictive modeling


  1. Data Collection: From public transportation logs, sensors and GPS devices, we should collect traffic data.
  2. Data Synthesization: In order to handle and synthesize extensive datasets, utilize big data environments such as Hadoop.
  3. Real-time Processing: To operate real-time data, productive tools have to be implemented like Apache Spark Streaming.
  4. Predictive Modeling: Predict the upcoming traffic patterns by creating frameworks with the help of machine learning methods such as neural networks and regression.
  5. Visualization: For visualizing traffic directions and anticipating overcrowding challenges, dashboards have to be developed.
  6. Execution: Regarding traffic regulation and management in real-time, a productive system is required to be executed.
  7. Analysis of Cryptocurrency Market Trends


  • The determinants which influence cryptocurrency prices should be evaluated and use big data to forecast the market patterns.

Area of Focus:

  • Time series analysis
  • Financial analytics
  • Cryptocurrency


  1. Data Collection: We should gather data from news services, social media and cryptocurrency transactions.
  2. Data Cleaning: For managing the missing and disrupted values, the data must be cleaned and preprocessed.
  3. Feature Engineering: Characteristics are required to be detected such as macroeconomic pointers, market sentiment and business volume.
  4. Model Development: As reflecting on price anticipation, employ machine learning frameworks like LSTM, ARIMA and regression.
  5. Evaluation: Use metrics such as RMSE and R-squared to assess the frameworks.
  6. Visualization: To observe the model anticipations and market patterns, dashboards are meant to be designed.
  7. Predictive Maintenance in Manufacturing


In production platforms, predictive models are intended to be created for predicting the equipment breakdowns and schedule maintenance.

Area of Focus:

  • Predictive maintenance
  • IoT data
  • Industrial analytics


  1. Data Collection: From manufacturing devices, sensor data has to be gathered by us.
  2. Data Preprocessing: For the analysis process, we must clean and preprocess the time series data.
  3. Feature Engineering: Appropriate characteristics like consumption patterns, temperature and vibration should be retrieved.
  4. Model Development: To forecast equipment patterns, implement machine learning frameworks such as SVM (Support Vector Machines) and random forest.
  5. Evaluation: By using metrics such as confusion matrix and F1 score to evaluate the authenticity and accuracy of models.
  6. Deployment: As a means to plan maintenance dynamically, the model should be executed in a predictive maintenance system.
  7. Big Data for Supply Chain Optimization


To decrease expenses and optimize capability, utilize big data to develop supply chain functions.

Area of Focus:

  • Data analytics
  • Optimization methods
  • Supply chain management


  1. Data Collection: Encompassing the retailers, producers and providers, we need to collect data from diverse perspectives in the supply chain.
  2. Data Synthesization: From various sources, synthesize and evaluate data by using a big data environment.
  3. Data Analysis: In supply chain functions, detect patterns and directions by evaluating data.
  4. Optimization Models: To enhance stock accessibility, production plans and logistics, use methods such as machine learning or linear programming through creating efficient models.
  5. Visualization: For exhibiting the optimization findings and supply chain metrics, we have to design dashboards.
  6. Execution: Considering the supply chain management, decision-making should be improved by executing the frameworks.
  7. Customer Behavior Analysis Using Big Data


Interpret activity patterns and enhance business tactics through evaluating extensive customer data.

Area of Focus:

  • Data mining
  • Customer analytics
  • Business intelligence


  1. Data Collection: Specifically from diverse consumer interactions like social media, sales transactions and website communications, we must accumulate data.
  2. Data Cleaning: In order to manage missing values and eliminate disruptions, the data has to be cleaned and preprocessed.
  3. Data Analysis: Regarding the consumer activities, detect the patterns and directions by using methods of data mining.
  4. Predictive Modeling: Forecast the consumer behaviors like reliability, churn and purchasing activities through modeling efficient systems.
  5. Visualization: To exhibit perspectives and direct industry-based decisions, develop visualizations.
  6. Execution: Enhance user participation, available products and marketing tactics; implement the results of our study.

What are some good thesis topics combining economics and computer science especially in the development and or data science for an economist who is interested in IT?

For assisting the economist who is enthusiastic about IT, some of the best and intriguing topics are offered by us that effectively synthesizes the developing and promising area of economics and computer science or data science:

  1. Predictive Modeling for Economic Indicators
  • Key Goals: Especially for the purpose of anticipating jobless rates, augmentation and GDP development, use big data analytics to design productive frameworks.
  • Significant Areas: Time series analysis, machine learning and econometrics.
  • Execution: To predict economic patterns, we can acquire datasets from national statistics offices and implement methods of machine learning like regression models, LSTM and ARIMA.
  1. Impact of AI and Automation on Labor Markets
  • Key Goals: On the basis of income disparity and job transition, we should evaluate the impacts of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and automation.
  • Significant Areas: Data analysis, machine learning and labor economics.
  • Execution: Among AI utilization and modifications in working patterns, evaluate the relationship by gathering data on job markets and implement regression and clustering algorithms.
  1. Blockchain and Its Impact on Financial Markets
  • Key Goals: This research mainly focuses on safety, market visibility and transaction costs. The impacts of blockchain mechanisms on financial markets are extensively explored here.
  • Significant Areas: Data analytics, financial economics and blockchain mechanisms.
  • Execution: Depending on market capability, design the implications of blockchain usage through evaluating the data from blockchain networks and financial transactions
  1. Economic Impacts of Big Data on Consumer Behavior
  • Key Goals: It is required to examine big data analytics, in what way it affects the economic conditions and purchasing activities of customers.
  • Significant Areas: Data science, consumer analytics and behavioral analysis.
  • Execution: To assess buying patterns, make use of e-commerce datasets. According to data-based perspectives, forecast the modifications in consumer activities by implementing machine learning models.
  1. Digital Economies and Cryptocurrency Valuation
  • Key Goals: Determinants which impact the evaluation of cryptocurrencies ought to be explored. On global financial applications, assess their crucial implications.
  • Significant Areas: Financial modeling, data science and cryptocurrency analysis.
  • Execution: From cryptocurrency transactions, we can gather data. To detect the critical factors of economic conditions and cryptocurrency prices, acquire the benefit of econometric frameworks.
  1. Predictive Analytics for Economic Policy Making
  • Key Goals: In predicting the economic issues and developing actionable strategies, we have to support policymakers by designing predictive models.
  • Significant Areas: Economic prediction, machine learning and public policy.
  • Execution: Past economic data are supposed to be evaluated. Regarding diverse policy decisions, predict the probable result by implementing predictive analytics.
  1. Economic Implications of Data Privacy Regulations
  • Key Goals: Depending on industries and customer support, carry out a detailed research on implications of data privacy measures.
  • Significant Areas: Analysis of regulatory implications, data privacy and law and economics.
  • Execution: On customer activities and trading practices, we should evaluate the economic impacts of data privacy measures by gathering data from industries and control agencies.
  1. Machine Learning for Credit Risk Assessment
  • Key Goals: Particularly in finance companies, decrease the risk phrases and enhance credit risk evaluation through modeling effective machine learning frameworks.
  • Significant Areas: Handling the financial susceptibilities, machine learning and credit economics.
  • Execution: Considering the loan applications and deficiencies, financial data must be gathered. In order to anticipate credit vulnerabilities and enhance borrowing policies, machine learning techniques have to be executed.
  1. Economic Impact of Digital Platforms on Traditional Industries
  • Key Goals: This project intends to investigate the digital environments such as gig economy and e-commerce environments on how it implicates market rivalries and conventional sectors.
  • Significant Areas: Data analytics, industrial firms and digital economics.
  • Execution: As regards development of digital platforms, evaluate the productive challenges and ecological impacts through evaluating data from digital and conventional markets.
  1. Data-Driven Analysis of Income Inequality
  • Key Goals: Among various areas and populations, we should explore the income discrepancies and its factors with the help of big data analytics.
  • Significant Areas: Socio-economic reviews, data science and economic distribution.
  • Execution: From sociological surveys and government, we should gather data. To evaluate the determinants which influence the income discrepancies, utilize models of statistical and machine learning.
  1. Economic Forecasting Using Social Media Data
  • Key Goals: In predicting the economic pointers and directions, examine the social media data on how it can be adopted.
  • Significant Areas: Economic prediction, behavioral analysis and social media analytics.
  • Execution: Social media data needs to be accumulated. For anticipating economic patterns, execute sentiment analysis. Against conventional economic pointers, contrast these anticipations.
  1. Big Data Analytics for Market Regulation
  • Key Goals: To identify restrictive activities and optimize industry governance, we have to evaluate the applications of big data.
  • Significant Areas: Data science, economic policy and industry governance.
  • Execution: From control agencies and industries, collect the data. For detecting the patterns of restrictive activities and interpret control measures, design effective frameworks.
  1. Smart Contracts and Economic Transactions
  • Key Goals: While enhancing and automating the capability of financial transactions, the capabilities of smart contracts are required to be investigated.
  • Significant Areas: Economic capability, blockchain and transaction cost theory.
  • Execution: Prototypes for smart contracts are meant to be created. From economic concept frameworks and blockchain transactions, use data to evaluate the economic impacts.
  1. The Role of Big Data in Urban Economic Planning
  • Key Goals: It aims to explore the big data intensely; in what way it improves policy development and city economic planning.
  • Significant Areas: Public policy, urban development and data science.
  • Execution: In order to update urban scheduling and policy choices, construct efficient frameworks through investigating data from economic actions and urban sensors.
  1. Economic Analysis of Cybersecurity Investments
  • Key Goals: The ecological advantages of investing in cybersecurity ought to be analyzed. Based on the performance of the industry, assess its implications.
  • Significant Areas: Data analytics, risk mitigation and cybersecurity aspects.
  • Execution: According to cybersecurity investments and performance metrics of industries, we must collect the data. In cybersecurity, evaluate the payoffs by using

Big Data Master Thesis Topics & Ideas

Big Data Master Thesis Ideas, Topics and Writing are carried on by us , where we cover main focus, research areas and execution process. In the past few years “Big Data Analytics” has often become the most prevalent area due to its meaningful impacts. To guide you in implementing a big data project, we propose diverse topics along with a detailed execution process as well as compelling topics of integrating economics and computer science. Share us all your research enquires  we will give you prompt reply with brief discussion.

  • Research on Emergency Management Information System Model Based on Big Data
  • Big Data service engine (BISE): Integration of Big Data technologies for human centric wellness data
  • Query Answering On Uncertain Big RDF Data Using Apache Spark Framework
  • Big-data-driven anomaly detection in industry (4.0): An approach and a case study
  • Research on the Application of Big Data in the Informatization of Higher Education Management Mode
  • Detecting Paralysis of Stroke Symptom in Video: Transfer Learning with Gated Recurrent Unit using Public Big Data of Facial Images
  • Fragmenting Big Data to Boost the Performance of MapReduce in Geographical Computing Contexts
  • Toward an API-Driven Infinite Cyber-Screen for Custom Real-Time Display of Big Data Streams
  • Classification of E-commerce Big Data Based on Iterative Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm
  • Research and Application of performance Evaluation Model of Rural Preschool Teachers based on big data Algorithm
  • Research on Application of Distributed Server Architecture for Virtual Reality Scenarios in Big Data Environment
  • Big Data Testing Framework for Recommendation Systems in e-Science and e-Commerce Domains
  • Towards a Multi-engine Query Optimizer for Complex SQL Queries on Big Data
  • Philosophy of Big Data: Expanding the Human-Data Relation with Big Data Science Services
  • Big data machine learning and graph analytics: Current state and future challenges
  • Risk Assessment of Mountainous Roadside Slopes Under Typhoon Disaster Based on Big Data Analysis
  • Study on Library Individualized Information Security Under the Background of Big Data
  • A simple analysis of revolution and innovation of marketing mix theory from big data perspective
  • The Real-time Big Data Processing Method Based on LSTM for the Intelligent Workshop Production Process
  • Research on network attention of Wuxi 5A scenic spots based on Internet big data: Take Baidu Index as an example