Biometric Recognition Research Topics

Biometric Recognition research topics are a set of collected biometric characters. It is used in various applications for the use of verification and identification. In below we provide some applications, techniques and the uses of Biometric Template:

  1. Define Biometric Recognition

At the initial stage first we see the definition of Biometric Recognition, it is a digital representation of distinct behavioral or physical attributes of a unique which is utilized for biometric findings or authentication uses. It is generally originated from the biometric data seized throughout the registration procedure, where separate biometric features are noted and changed into a regular format for comparison and storage.

  1. What is Biometric Recognition?

Next to the definition of Biometric Recognition we will see the thorough explanations of Biometric Template.  It is a group of saved biometric characters. To construct a template we require some biometric sample through a seizure device, for example a finger print scanner or camera. Then the seizure biometric sample is changed to a mathematical file. Therefore the template is a biometric sample on the basis of digital representation gathered in a biometric database. The process of contrasting templates associated with the database to the acquired samples is known as biometric authorization or biometric identification.

  1. Where Biometric Recognition used?

After the thorough explanations of Biometric Recognition we converse about where to utilize this. It is utilized in various applications for the intend of verification and findings. It is basically a digital representation of person’s behavioral or physical features namely iris patterns, voice prints, fingerprints, even gait or facial features. These templates are originated from the biometric data gathered throughout the registration procedure and this act as a reference during succeeding contrasting.

  1. Why Biometric Recognition technology proposed? , previous technology issues

Biometric Recognition is the storage of biometric data found in the database. Here we propose the biometric template and prepared to overcome some issues and drawbacks linked with the existing identification and verification technologies. Some of the main issues with the existing technologies are:

  • Password and PIN Vulnerabilities: Traditional authentication techniques like passwords and Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) are deficiency to different attacks, like password guessing, brute force attacks and phishing. Some the terms that weaken the security are the reason for selecting weak passwords, reuse them across multiple accounts, or write them down.
  • Identity Theft and Fraud: It is one of the important issue that cause when the increase of digital services and the internet. Thieves easily pretends individual by gaining or predicting the passwords or PINs, causing financial loses and data violation.
  • Multiple Authentication Factors: Most of the secure applications and systems need multi-factor authentication to improve security. Biometrics offers a natural and suitable way to combine multiple factors into the authentication process.   
  1. Algorithms / protocols

We propose a Biometric Recognition in this research and this overcomes some previous technology issues. Here we provide some algorithms/protocols for Biometric Template are Blockchain for biometrics, Bio Crypt, Fuzzy Vault, Cancellable Biometrics, Homomorphic Encryption and Biohashing.

  1. Comparative study / Analysis

In this the proposed work is compared with various metrics to obtain the best findings. We compare the metrics like Precision, Accuracy, False Rejection Rate, Recall and False Acceptance Rate.

  1. Simulation results / Parameters

Here we provide some simulation for previous works. Several existing works are simulated by MATLAB. Node.js is a JavaScript run-time setting that involves the entire requirement to be programmed in JavaScript.

  1. Dataset LINKS / Important URL

Below we provided are some of the important links that give several descriptions of Biometric Template we utilize it to get some ideas:

  1. Biometric Recognition Applications

Now we see the applications for Biometric Recognition, some of the significant applications are Smart Homes and IoT devices, Access Control, Time and Attendance Tracking, Mobile Device Security, Identity Verification Services, Healthcare, Border Control and Immigration and Financial Services.

  1. Topology for Biometric Recognition

The topology that utilized for the Biometric Recognition are Mesh Topology, Edge Computing Topology, Centralized Topology, Cloud-Based Topology, Hybrid Topology and Distributed Topology are some of the topologies for Biometric Template.

  1. Environment in Biometric Recognition

Environment that needed for the Biometric Recognition are Maintenance and Support, Integration, Physical Environment, Security, Hardware and Software Scalability and Infrastructure are some of the environments that employed for Biometric Template.

  1. Simulation tools

The Biometric Recognition is proposed in this research and the software requirements that it required are mentioned below. This can be implemented by utilizing the language Python 3.11.4 software. And then it operated by the operating system Windows 10[64bit] software.

  1. Results

In this research we propose the Biometric Recognition and it overcomes several previous technology issues. It is a template that stores the previous biometric data safely and protectively. We compared various metrics and methods to obtain the correct findings to this research.

Biometric Recognition Research Ideas:

The following are the Biometric Recognition based research topics which provide lot of information and we utilize this to clarify the doubts and these are helpful when we gothrough the explanations or descriptions:

  1. Attacks and Improvement of Unlinkability of Biometric Template Protection Scheme Based on Bloom Filters
  2. Framework on Enhancing Biometric Template Protection Transformation Scheme Using Residue Number System
  3. Biometric Template Protection for Neural-Network-Based Face Recognition Systems: A Survey of Methods and Evaluation Techniques
  4. Measuring Linkability of Protected Biometric Templates Using Maximal Leakage
  5. A Biometric Signature Scheme with Template Protection and Authenticated Sample Recoverability
  6. A Secure and Efficient Biometric Template Protection Scheme for Palmprint Recognition System
  7. A Survey on Homomorphic Encryption for Biometrics Template Security Based on Machine Learning Models
  8. Deep Hashing based Cancelable Multi-biometric Template Protection
  9. Reconstruction Attacks in Template-Based ECG Biometric Recognition Systems
  10. CanBiPT: Cancelable biometrics with physical template
  11. The reversibility of cancelable biometric templates based on iterative perturbation stochastic approximation strategy
  12. A novel technique for fingerprint template security in biometric authentication systems
  13. Utilization of adaptive filtering for biometric template masking
  14. Analysis on Encrypted Biometric Template Protection Schemes
  15. A Secure Biometric Template Protection Mechanism Against Similarity-based Attack
  16. Hybrid Protection of Biometric Templates by Combining Homomorphic Encryption and Cancelable Biometrics
  17. A Framework for Multimodal Biometric Authentication Systems With Template Protection
  18. Cancellable Template Design for Privacy-Preserving EEG Biometric Authentication Systems
  19. HEFT: Homomorphically Encrypted Fusion of Biometric Templates
  20. OTB-morph: One-Time Biometrics via Morphing applied to Face Templates
  21. MT-PRO: Multibiometric Template Protection Based On Homomorphic Transciphering
  22. Repetition and Template Generalisability for Instance-Based Keystroke Biometric Systems
  23. Securing multimodal biometric template using local random projection and homomorphic encryption
  24. Template Protection in Multimodal Biometric System Using Watermarking Approach
  25. Updating the Biometric Template by Assessing the Quality of the Original Data
  26. CBRW: a novel approach for cancelable biometric template generation based on 1-D random walk
  27. Performance analysis of a parameterized minutiae-based approach for securing fingerprint templates in biometric authentication systems
  28. CBRC: a novel approach for cancelable biometric template generation using random permutation and Chinese Remainder Theorem
  29. Multi-modal Biometrics’ Template Preservation and Individual Identification
  30. Hybrid Encryption Algorithm for Storing Unimodal Biometric Templates in Cloud
  31. Block – XOR based cancellable template protection scheme for multi-instance iris biometric system
  32. A Novel Method of Template Protection and Two-Factor Authentication Protocol Based on Biometric and PUF
  33. Non-invertible Cancellable Template for Fingerprint Biometric
  34. Algorithm of Palm Vein Image Selection for Biometric Authentication Systems Based on Multidimensional Markov Chain
  35. Remote Cancelable Biometric System for Verification and Identification Applications
  36. Deep learning based cancelable biometric system
  37. Joint Biological ID : A Secure and Efficient Lightweight Biometric Authentication Scheme
  38. Enhanced Biometric Cryptosystem Using Ear & Iris Modality Based On Binary Robust Independent Elementary Feature
  39. IoT-Enabled Multimodal Biometric Recognition System in Secure Environment
  40. Unlinkable Zero-Leakage Biometric Cryptosystem: Theoretical Evaluation and Experimental Validation
  41. Privacy-Preserving Preselection for Protected Biometric Identification Using Public-Key Encryption With Keyword Search
  42. Cancellable Biometric Authentication System by Image Style Transfer
  43. Biometric Recognition Based on 3D Ultrasound Wrist Vascular Patterns
  44. Cancelable Biometric System Based on the Quaternion Implementation of Double Random Phase Encoding
  45. Attacks and Countermeasures on Privacy-Preserving Biometric Authentication Schemes
  46. A Fingerprint Based Novel Cancelable Biometric Authentication Technique
  47. PolyCosGraph: A Privacy-Preserving Cancelable EEG Biometric System
  48. Quantum Biometric Fingerprint Encryption Based on Confusion and Feistel Algorithm
  49. Biometric Cryptosystem with Deep Learning: A New Frontier in Security
  50. A Review on Protection and Cancelable Techniques in Biometric Systems