Cyber Security Research Topics

In the fast growing of technology, there is also increase in online frauds because of it. The Cyber Security is a technique which is used to protect the online data from being misused by any attacker. To know more about this in detail, you have to go through this research paper.

  1. Define Cyber Security

It is an act of keeping people safe and protected from not getting affected by any unauthorized or criminal use of personal data which is stored as electronic data.

  1. What is Cyber Security?

This is a kind of practice which keeps the sensitive data and critical systems protected from any type of digital attacks.

  1. Where Cyber Security is used?

In this section we are going to discuss about the uses of cyber security system. This is mainly used for defending servers, computers, electronic systems, data, mobile devices and networks from any king of serious attacks.

  1. Why Cyber Security is proposed? Previous Technology Issues

Moving on to the next section, here we are going to discuss about the challenges faced by this Cyber Security technology. This is mainly used in areas where security is more important. By using the latest technology of Cyber Security an organization can improve its security in order to reduce the risk of any attack.

The issues faced by this technology previously are: Issues related to cloud computing, Ransomware and “Distributed denial-of-service” (DDoS).

  1. Algorithms / Protocols

After knowing about the technology, uses of it and the issues faced by them in the earlier stage, now we are going to learn about the algorithms used for this technology. The algorithms provided for Cyber Security to overcome the previous issues faced by it are: “Principle component analysis”, “Elliptic Curve cryptography” and “Gray box optimization-Multi-Layer Perceptron”.

  1. Comparative study / Analysis
  • For increasing security with Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud computing, use double gate authentication along with “Elliptic Curve Cryptography” (ECC). This can produce two layer protections.
  • Make use of BOT-IoT DATASET, this will be further divided into different protocols like Dos, DDoS, OS, data exfiltration, service scanning and keylogging.
  • To handle any missing values and also to include linear regression is a crucial part in preparing data.
  • When you want to preserve some crucial information and to decrease the dimension of some data, then you can use “Principal Component Analysis” (PCA) and “t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE)”.
  • For identifying a cyber-attack happening in a cloud computing system based on IoT and to classify it accordingly, you can make use of “Multi-Layer Perceptron” (MLP) model along with “gray box optimization” technique.
  1. Simulation results / Parameters

The approaches which were proposed to overcome the issues faced by Cyber Security in the above section are tested using different methodologies to analyze its performance. The comparison is done by using metrics like Accuracy, Precision, Specificity, Sensitivity and F1-Score.

  1. Dataset LINKS / Important URL

Here are some of the links provided for you below to gain more knowledge about Cyber Security which can be useful for you:

  1. Cyber Security Applications

In this next section we are going to discuss about the applications of Cyber Security technology for Anomaly detection. This technology has been employed in many industries, from which some of them are listed here: DDOs Security, Antimalware and Antivirus, Threat management system and Bots.

  1. Topology

Here you are going to learn about the different choices of topologies which can be used in Cyber Security. The topology here describes the arrangement and link between cloud resources, devices and sensors within the ecosystem of IoT. By integrating cloud services with IoT device, it is easy to store, analyze and process data.

  1. Environment

The environment in which Cyber threat attacks happening is the online space conducted by the attackers. These environments which can be noticed by any cyber threat attacker include devices, networks and all other processes which are connected to internet.

  1. Simulation Tools

Here we provide some simulation software for Cyber Security, which is established with the usage of tools like Python along with Network simulator version 3.26 or above.

  1. Results

When you complete reading this paper you are now more familiar with the technology of Cyber Security, what it actually does, algorithms used in this paper to enhance is operation, the places in which it is used also about the issues faced by this system.

Cyber Security Research Ideas

  1. Cyber Security for Industrial Control System using Deep Neural Network Model
  2. Secure Electronic Banking Transaction using Double Sanction Security Algorithm in Cyber Security
  3. P1711.1/D09, May 2023 – IEEE Draft Standard for a Cryptographic Protocol for Cyber Security of Substation Serial Links: Substation Serial Protection Protocol
  4. towards developing a formal model for tracking Cyber-Security Investments in Jamaica
  5. Advancements in Cyber Security and Information Systems in Healthcare from 2004 to 2022: A Bibliometric Analysis
  6. Investment Decisions Reasoning to Increase the Organization’s Cyber Security using Simulation Models
  7. Cyber Security Intrusion Detection Using Deep Learning Approaches, Datasets, Bot-IOT Dataset
  8. A Multi-Objective Hyper-Heuristic Improved Configuration of Svm Based on Particle Swarm Optimization for Big Data Cyber Security
  9. Detection and Classification of Malware for Cyber Security using Machine Learning Algorithms
  10. Identifying the Features of the Various Cyber Dataset for Ensuring Cyber Security using Hybrid Optimization Techniques and Machine Learning (ML)
  11. IoT Implementation in Various Applications: A Detailed Review of Cyber Security Issues and Challenges
  12. Collaborative Robots and Cyber Security in Industry 5.0
  13. E-Commerce Supply Chains with Considerations of Cyber-Security
  14. Cyber Security Flood Attacks and Risk Assessment for Internet of Things (IoT) Distributed Systems
  15. Deep Learning-Based PMU Cyber Security Scheme against Data Manipulation Attacks with WADC Application
  16. Cyber security in technical education
  17. Design & Development of Virtual Reality Empowered Cyber-Security Training Testbed for IoT Systems
  18. A Human-Centric Cyber Security Training Tool for Prioritizing MSNAs
  19. A Comprehensive Investigation of Blockchain Technology’s Role in Cyber Security
  20. Cyber Security Issues and Challenges Related to Generative AI and ChatGPT
  21. An Experimental Analysis into Blockchain Cyber Security Attacks
  22. A Review of Cyber Security in Cryptography: Services, Attacks, and Key Approach
  23. MAD: One-Shot Machine Activity Detector for Physics-Based Cyber Security
  24. Necessity and Role of Blockchain Technology in the Domain of Cyber Security and Data Science
  25. Analysis of Cyber Security Threats in Payment Gateway Technology
  26. Cyber-Security Assessment of Power System Digital Components in the Conditions of Hostilities
  27. Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: Review, Cyber Security Considerations, Potential Impacts, Countermeasures and Future Trends
  28. Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Security Goals
  29. Cyber security of an industrial IoT gateway device – a threat model view and security aspects
  30. Analyzing Cyber Security Vulnerabilities using Click Jacking and Hotheaded Injection
  31. Blockchain Implementation in Financial Sector and Cyber Security System
  32. A Review of use of Artificial Intelligence on Cyber Security and the Fifth-Generation Cyber-attacks and its analysis
  33. Utilizing Bio Metric System for Enhancing Cyber Security in Banking Sector: A Systematic Analysis
  34. Modern Cyber Security Attacks, Detection Strategies, and Countermeasures Procedures
  35. Robustness Assessment of Wind Power Prediction under Cyber Security Attacks and Impacts on Power System Operations
  36. Cyber Security Enhancement with an Intelligent Android Prototype
  37. Cloud Computing For Effective Cyber Security Attack Detection in Smart Cities
  38. A Smart Network Intrusion Detection System for Cyber Security of Industrial IoT
  39. Biometric in Cyber Security: A Mini Review
  40. Vulnerability of Cyber Security in Cloud Computing Environment
  41. Wiegand vs. OSDP in Cyber Security
  42. Enhanced capsule generative adversarial network with Blockchain fostered Intrusion Detection System for Enhancing Cyber security in Cloud
  43. Quantifying the Financial Impact of Cyber Security Attacks on Banks: A Big Data Analytics Approach
  44. Computer Networks Cyber Security via an Intrusion Detection System
  45. A Scalable Cyber Security Framework for the Experimentation of DDoS Attacks of Things
  46. Generative Adversarial Networks for Anomaly Detection in Cyber Security: A Review
  47. A cyber-security testbed for the dynamic operation of transmission power systems
  48. Cyber Security Architecture for Safe Data Storage and Retrieval for Smart City Applications
  49. A Cyber-Security Framework for ST-MPC of State and Input Constrained CPS under False Data Injection Attacks
  50. Internal and External Threats in Cyber Security and Methods for Their Prevention