Disease Classification Using Machine Learning

Disease categorization using Machine Learning (ML) includes classifying a disease depending on given input properties like medical tests, patient history and imaging data. Now a days many research work are carried under Disease categorization using Machine Learning we have achieved success in all our tasks for two decades. You can trust on us to get brain storming ideas on Disease categorization. All types of research issues are sort out by us we serve as an one point solution for all your research needs. on ML.

Here is a structured method that we implement to design a disease classification system using ML:

  1. Define Our Objective:
  • Choose the diseases we need to classify. Is it a binary classification like diseased or not and multi-class like classifying several kinds of a disease or various diseases altogether?
  1. Gather Data:
  • Medical Datasets: We collect data from hospitals, clinics and medical databases which consist of blood test results, patient history, symptoms and others.
  • Imaging Datasets: When we deal with diseases that are detectable by imaging such as tumors in radiographs then we gather labeled images.
  • Security: Making sure that our data collection respects privacy rules and patient’s private data is hidden.
  1. Data Pre-processing:
  • Handle Missing Values: Clinical datasets always include the lost values so we decide on recommending plans.
  • Standardization/Normalization: To ensure that numerical features are on comparative measure we normalize the data.
  • Data Augmentation: For artificially growing the size of the training dataset we design an altered versions of images in the dataset
  1. Feature Engineering:
  • Feature selection/Extraction: We utilize domain skills and techniques to choose the most specific features because all the features are not similar.
  • Imaging Data: To retrieve features for imaging data we implement existing image processing methods and deep learning frameworks.
  • Temporal Features: When data involves time series like patient vitality over duration we examine extracting features such as directions, seasonality, etc.
  1. Framework Choosing & Training:
  • Model Selection: Based on the state and volume of data we select adaptable techniques. For structured data, we begin with techniques such as Decision Trees, Random Forests, SVMs and for imaging data, we always prefer Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs).
  • Training & Validation: We divide the dataset into training, evaluation and validation sets to instruct and check the model’s efficiency.
  1. Evaluation:
  • Metrics: For performance validation we employ metrics such as Accuracy, Precision, Recall and F1-Score.
  • Confusion Matrix: It is useful to visualize the efficiency of the approach on single classes.
  1. Deployment:
  • After our model shows fulfilled performance, we apply it in a similar setting like a hospital’s diagnostic system, a mobile app and a web service.
  • For healthcare experts and follows identical standards we ensure our system is user-friendly.
  1. Feedback & Iteration:
  • We consistently acquire reviews from users like doctors and track the system’s real-time efficiency.
  • To make sure the model’s relevancy and accuracy we periodically update it.


  • Imbalance Data: There are specific diseases that diminished in our dataset. We solve this by methods such as SMOTE, oversampling and undersampling.
  • Understandability: For clinical applications we interpret why a framework made essentially significant detection. We incorporate frameworks and methods which provide better understanding into their decision-making.
  • Data Quality: We make sure that the data is accurate and dependable because mislabeled and low-quality data which particularly delay the performance of our model.


  • Multimodal Data Combination: For a more literate framework we integrate structured data like blood test results with unstructured data like X-rays.
  • Transfer Learning: When we get insufficient imaging data we utilize transfer learning with CNNs that are pre-trained on huge datasets.

It is essential to consult with field professionals like researchers. Because we offer better analytics into necessary features, understand outcomes and we make sure our framework match with medical skills. We overcome all challenges in ML field and prepare the best research proposal and guide scholars by offering complete explanation if any modifications needed to be done our editing department are ready to do so.

Disease Classification Research Topics using Machine Learning

Disease Classification Using Machine Learning Thesi Ideas

Finding the best thesis ideas and topics that matches your areas of interest in ML is hard. But we are being expertise and have more team 200+ PhD professionals to assist you so we guarantee success in your research endeavor. Trending technologies, leading tools and proper methodologies and simulation  are used by our team so that scholars gain a high rank and impress the readers.

  1. Skin Disease Classification using Machine Learning based Proposed Ensemble Model


Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machines, Skin Disease, Acne, Ensemble method, Max Voting Scheme, Classification

A major aim of our article is to categorize various skin diseases utilizing ML approaches. Different data mining approaches such as support vector machine (SVM), k-nearest neighbor (KNN), random forest (RF) and, naive bayes (NB) techniques are employed to demonstrate a new methodology. We also suggested an ensemble approach for skin disease categorization that is an integration of above-mentioned data mining techniques utilizing voting scheme.

  1. Multiclass Classification of Liver Diseases using Optimized Machine Learning Classifiers


Hepatitis C Virus, Liver Diseases, Multiclass Classification, Machine Learning (ML), MRMR, Prediction, SMOTE

Our paper suggested a framework for multiclass categorization of liver diseases. Minimum Redundancy and Maximum Relevance (MRMR) technique is utilized for feature selection procedure. Class imbalance issue is addressed by employing SMOTE approach. By utilizing accuracy and ROC, the efficiency of our framework is examined. Results showed that, optimizable KNN provides better outcomes than others.

  1. Analysis for Determining Best Machine Learning Algorithm for Classification of Heart Diseases


XGBoost, Heart disease, Data mining

A main objective of our study is to determine an optimal technique that must be suitable for the prediction of cardiac disease. This framework’s findings give the possibility of having heart disease in percentage. A data mining categorization technique is employed in our study. By utilizing various methods like NB, LR, RF, KNN, XGBoost, DT and SVM, ML approach with integrated classifiers and neural network, the datas are evaluated.

  1. Plant Disease Classification Using Machine Learning


Neural Network (NN), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

By utilizing various ML methods and CNN, a disease forecasting model is constructed and executed in our research. Diseases that occurred in plants have to be reduced by using various novel methodologies is the major goal of this approach. Various ML methods like NN, SVM and NB and image processing techniques are also used to analyze and classify the leaves as healthy or unhealthy. As a result, neural network provides greater efficiency than others.

  1. Exploring Classification of Rice Leaf Diseases using Machine Learning and Deep Learning


Deep Learning, Ensemble Learning, Transfer Learning

The ultimate aim of our research is to suggest an efficient and suitable framework for the categorization of rice leaf disease by employing deep learning methods. At first, categorization procedure is carried out by utilizing ML and ensemble classifiers. A comparative analysis is done by comparing our findings with CNN and transfer learning. In that, transfer learning achieved best results than ML techniques.

  1. Development of Intelligent Skin Disease Classification system using Machine Learning


Principal Component Analysis, Dimensionality reduction

To accurately categorize the skin lesions, our study recommended an automated framework. It is an integration of various categorization methods such as SVM, KNN, RF, DT, NB, LR, and Gradient Boosting Classifier with dimensionality minimization method PCA. By utilizing clustering method related to PCA, feature extraction dimension is minimized. We conclude that, this integrated approach performs better than the individual framework efficiency.

  1. A novel machine learning based technique for classification of early-stage Alzheimer’s disease using brain images


Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), Early stage-Alzheimer’s Disease (EAD), Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DNN), VGG-16, DenseNet, Random Forest (RF), Late MCI (LMCI)

Our research suggested a best feature extraction framework named Deep Neural Network (DNN). We utilized the idea of dense block to input the maximal features to the network by considering VGG-19 as a base model. After that, PCA is employed for feature selection procedure. To categorize EAD, CN, and AD, Random Forest (RF) method is utilized. As a result, our suggested framework offers best outcomes than other existing approaches.

  1. Detection and classification of lung diseases for pneumonia and Covid-19 using machine and deep learning techniques


Covid-19, Lung disease prediction, soft computing

A new system is suggested for prediction of lung disease such as pneumonia and Covid-19 through the chest X-ray images. To enhance the quality of images, median filtering and histogram equalization methods are employed. A modified region growing method is utilized for ROI extraction. For categorization, we utilized soft computing methods like ANN, SVM, KNN, ensemble and DL classifiers. RNN with LSTM is utilized for lung diseases identification.

  1. A Hybrid Approach based on Metaheuristics and Machine Learning for Tomato Plant Leaf Disease Classification


Metaheuristic, image processing, feature selection, Plant Village, disease classification, tomato leaf disease

To identify and categorize the tomato plant leaf disease, an innovative approach is recommended in our study by utilizing Metaheuristic-optimized ML model and also offers appropriate information for proper maintenance of plant. Supervised Ml is compared with image processing to demonstrate the optimal categorization technique. Results showed that, Equilibrium optimizer integrated with RF method provides better outcomes in classification.

  1. Framework for Alzheimer Diseases Classification using Machine Learning Algorithms


Parameters, Model Evaluation

Various Machine learning approaches are utilized in our system for the categorization of Alzheimer disease. Preprocessing of data is also carried out in our paper. A comparative analysis of several approaches like Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, Decision Tree and Gradient Boosting Classifier also takes place utilizing different performance metrics.