Dissertation Writing Services UAE

Scholars find difficult to meet the expected standards so don’t risk in your dissertation as we are experts and trained professionals who have 19 years of experience. Basically, various main elements are included in the process of writing a dissertation. In that, drafting the phases like literature survey and research methodology is important. The following is a common direction that we provide you to outlook these chapters in an efficient way:

Literature Survey


  • The goal of the literature survey phase is to offer an extensive summary of previous study which is relevant to your chosen dissertation topic.
  • In the on-going insights, this section finds spaces which your investigation intends to occupy.


  1. Introduction: The introduction part initially presents your wider topic in a short format and in what manner your study aligns with it.
  2. Thematic Arrangement: According to your topic, split the literature into classifications and genres here.
  3. Critical Analysis: Explain how the sources are relevant to your study with its effectiveness and challenges. It is necessary to analyze them carefully and then they should be paraphrased.
  4. Identifying Gaps: Within the previous study, you need to showcase the other unsolved spaces or fields.
  5. Conclusion: This chapter paraphrases in what manner the results prepare the way for your study and explains the major outcomes with clarity.


  • Wide Range of Sources: Journal articles, conference papers, reports and text books are the different types of sources that you can access for the exploration.
  • Up-to-date Information: Confirm that you have obtained significant and recent sources.
  • Citations: By applying a coherent referencing format, all your sources must be cited appropriately.

Research Methodology


  • The objective of the methodology phase is to explain in what your investigation is organized by you.
  • To repeat your research, offer sufficient details in this section.


  1. Introduction: In this chapter, you should overview the entire goals and procedures of the research method.
  2. Research Design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed techniques are the kinds of research, in that mention your chosen technique and detail the reason that makes it adaptable for the exploration.
  3. Data Collection:
  • Sources: Describe from which sources like tests, interviews, repositories and surveys and in what way you gathered the data.
  • Sampling: Explain your sample size and the sampling technique clearly.
  1. Data Analysis:
  • Discuss the methods such as thematic analysis or statistical analysis that you employed to recognize the data.
  • All the implemented software during the analysis task should be specified here.
  1. Ethical Considerations:
  • Regarding the study, solve all moral issues and describe in what way you reduced them.
  1. Limitations: Based on your method, accept all challenges and explain in this part.
  2. Conclusion: The conclusion section often outlines your technique and its significance to your study goals.


  • Clarity and Precision: In the explanations, you must be accurate and transparent.
  • Justification: Explain your alternatives of tools and algorithms.
  • Replicability: For imitating your project in future by another investigator, it is essential to offer more information.
  • Consistency with Objectives: Confirm that the research goals and queries reflect on your novel method.

Overall Hints for Dissertation Writing

  • Consistency: Across your entire dissertation, keep a coherent story and debate.
  • Academic Tone: Your writing language should not be informal or slang, it must be educational and official.
  • Proofreading: To assure consistency and clearness, proofread your work frequently.
  • Feedback: From the teammates or mentors, get reviews on your progress.

What are some unique research topics in the field of Cyber security?

Cybersecurity acts as a vital domain in research and includes various famous topics. In this area, deciding an appropriate topic for research is usually crucial. The following are some specific and modern research topics that we consider in cybersecurity:

  1. AI and Machine Learning in Cyber Defense:
  • Exploring the effects of harmful AI and providing directions to resist them. For identifying attacks, forecasting and response, this topic creates AI-oriented results.
  1. Quantum Cryptography and Post-Quantum Cybersecurity:
  • To prevent quantum computing attacks, we investigate cryptographic models and for post-quantum cryptography, apply their conversion.
  1. Blockchain for Enhanced Cybersecurity:
  • In personality handling, securing IoT networks and protecting online transactions, we discover the application of blockchain technology.
  1. Privacy-preserving Technologies:
  • For securing user confidentiality, this study explores methods and techniques like homomorphic encryption and differential privacy.
  1. Cybersecurity in IoT and Smart Devices:
  • Aiming at protecting interconnected gadgets in digital cities, homes and companies and overcoming the difficulties on privacy at Internet of Things (IoT) platforms.
  1. 5G Network Security:
  • To secure 5G networks, we research the specific safety concerns that are demonstrated by 5G technology and construct ideas.
  1. Cloud Computing Security:
  • This investigation mainly concentrates on security, permission control and data morality in cloud computing platforms and for cloud services, it designs the latest safety protocols.
  1. Forensic Methods for Cybercrime Investigation:
  • In cybercrime explorations, the latest techniques and instruments for digital forensics are being created.
  1. Behavioral Analytics for Cybersecurity:
  • We identify possible privacy attacks and abnormalities by implementing user activity analytics.
  1. Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing:
  • To detect and solve network sensitivities, research the advanced penetration testing and ethical hacking methods.
  1. Cyber-Physical Systems Security:
  • Targeting the safety of models like commercial control systems in which a system is managed or supervised by computer-related approaches.
  1. Cybersecurity Policy and Law:
  • Observing the improvement of legal structures and the influence of global and local cybersecurity rights and agreements.
  1. Social Engineering and Human-centered Threats:
  • In cybersecurity susceptibilities, this research explores human aspects and social engineering strategies.
  1. Zero Trust Security Architectures:
  • For increased protection, we investigate the utilization of zero trust frameworks in both government and private networks.
  1. Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC):
  • To include safety at each level of software development, discover techniques and best experiments.

Dissertation Writing Assistance UAE

Dissertation Writing Services Dubai

If you are a student from Dubai and struggling to get proper list of research ideas based on your area, we phdprojects.org are providing best Dissertation Writing Services Dubai. All your dissertation work will be free from errors get plagiarism and AI free report, all your work will be done from scratch. Below some of the recent  dissertation ideas are shared read it and contact our team to gain victory.

  1. Enhanced Adaptive Geographic Opportunistic Routing with Interference Avoidance Assisted with Mobile Sinks for Underwater Wireless Sensor Network
  2. Decision Fusion Mechanism of Oceanic Sensor Networks Based on Fading Acoustic Communication Channel
  3. FlagLoc: Localization Using a Flag for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks with Measurement Errors
  4. Light-Sync: A low overhead synchronization algorithm for underwater acoustic networks
  5. Flow Sensing-Based Underwater Target Detection Using Distributed Mobile Sensors
  6. Performance evaluation of random and handshake-based channel access in collaborative mobile underwater networks
  7. Packet scheduling for underwater acoustic sensor network localization
  8. GEDAR: Geographic and opportunistic routing protocol with Depth Adjustment for mobile underwater sensor networks
  9. Modelling and Synchronization of Pulse-Coupled Non-identical Oscillators for Wireless Sensor Networks
  10. Effect of signal strength on different parameters of cross-correlation function in underwater network cardinality estimation
  11. Energy-Aware Multilevel Clustering Scheme for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
  12. Optimal Sensor Placement for Acoustic Underwater Target Positioning With Range-Only Measurements
  13. PADP: Prediction assisted dynamic surface gateway placement for mobile underwater networks
  14. A parametric performance evaluation of SMDBRP and AEDGRP routing protocols in underwater wireless sensor network for data transmission
  15. Avoiding Energy Holes in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks with Balanced Load Distribution
  16. Multirobot Exploration While Building Power-Efficient Sensor Networks in Three Dimensions
  17. Network Optimization for Lightweight Stochastic Scheduling in Underwater Sensor Networks
  18. Joint power optimization and connectivity control problem over underwater random sensor networks
  19. ACARP: An Adaptive Channel-Aware Routing Protocol for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
  20. Interference-aware spatio-temporal link scheduling for long delay underwater sensor networks