Ethereum Block chain Research Topics

Ethereum Blockchain Research Topics is one of the most crucial topics and it is a popular blockchain technology. In this we provide some research ideas relevant to the ROS-EB technology.

  1. Define Robot Operating System based Ethereum blockchain (ROS-EB)

Initially we begin with the definition of ROS-EB. ROS is a freely accessible middleware system employed in robotics to interact among elements of a robot system, while Ethereum is a decentralized blockchain platform which allows the creation of decentralized applications by utilizing smart contracts. Since both the platforms provide different divisions, there is recently no extensively-known execution or recognized phrase for a combination among ROS and Ethereum.

  1. What is ROS-EB?

Subsequent to the definition we look over the deep understanding of ROS-EB. ROS is a free access interface layer model that is incorporated in robotics to interact among different elements of a robot system, while Ethereum is a decentralized blockchain technique which permits the enhancement of decentralized applications by utilizing the smart contract. This technology helps in different objectives, and there are no open connections or common vocabularies for merged applications of ROS-EB at the time.

  1. Where ROS-EB used?

Thereafter the deep understandings we discuss where to employ this technology. The connection of ROS and Ethereum is a common blockchain network. Simply the ROS Ethereum permits the users to call up the contract while we deal with blockchain – that reduces and protects the transaction. Along with Ethereum technology, ROS-Ethereum is constructed on the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) interaction mechanism and the SM method family.

  1. Why ROS-EB technology proposed? , Previous technology issues

The proposed technology overcomes some issues in the previous technology. We are impacted by different problems that were tackled in the previous study. The existing technology issues are Poor QoS, Lack of security and ineffective authentication.

  1. Algorithms / Protocols

Here we overcome the previous technology issues by addressing the novel methods. The methods or algorithms that we utilized are “Improved Cuckoo Optimization and Support Vector Machine (ICO-SVM) algorithm, Enhanced Elliptic Curve Digital Signature (EECDS), Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) and Gated Recurrent Unit and Residual Neural Network (GRU-ResNet)”.

  1. Comparative study / Analysis

In this research we compared different techniques or methods to obtain the best outcome. The methods that we compared are as follows:

  • For decreasing increased complexity, “documentation authority” is done through the “registration contract” and its significance is operated by EECDS and this enhances the safe and secret interaction among the edge-gateway, Users and IoT devices.
  • ANFIS is utilized to judge contracts and role-based accessibility.
  • We employ GRU-ResNet and ICO-SVM methods to increase the protection of our facilities in “ROS-EB” and to identify the cruel and insecure users, to decrease the insecure usage in smart homes.
  1. Simulation results / Parameters

Our proposed research is compared with the different parameters or performance metrics to obtain the best findings for this research. The metrics that we compared are No of attacks with detection time, register contract and access contract with Time and Energy Consumed with Communication devices and the Communication delay with No of attackers.

  1. Dataset LINKS / Important URL

We proposed a ROS-EB technology that is one of the popular blockchain technologies and this reduces and saves the transaction. The subsequent links are used to go through the process in this proposed research.

  1. ROS-EB Applications

Now we see the applications to be used for this research, the possible applications of such combination are enormous, containing the localized robotic networks, tokenized incentives for combined robotics, autonomous economic agents and safe data sharing in robotics, where there is no a majorstream execution or extensively-executed scenarios on time.

  1. Topology for ROS-EB

Let’s look for the topology to be utilized in this proposed research. The topology utilized for this research is the 5G network.

  1. Environment in ROS-EB

Environment that is used by our proposed research is as follows. 5G network, authentication server, User nodes, authentication server and the vulnerable user are the environment that incorporates our proposed ROS-EB technique.

  1. Simulation Tools

For this research, the software requirements that we required for this research is as follows. The developmental tool that was used for this research is Network Simulator NS 3.26. Then the operating system here we used for this proposed technique is Ubuntu 14.04 to implement the research.

  1. Results

The ROS-EB technology is proposed in this research and it has some existing technology issues that are overcome by using the novel methods. Then the research is compared with some of the performance metrics with existing technologies and then validates that our proposed research gives the best outcome.

Ethereum Blockchain Research Ideas

Below we provided are the research topics that are relevant to our proposed technique. These topics give assistance when we have to overview the concepts or any other additional details about it.

  1. Voting Based CrowdFunding Using Ethereum Blockchain
  2. A Systematic Examination of Decentralized Ledger Applications using Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric Models in a Blockchain Network
  3. Digital Health Data Supervision using Blockchain in Ethereum Testnet
  4. Optimizing the KYC Verification System using Ethereum Blockchain
  5. An EOA Identity Tracing System (AITS) on Ethereum Blockchain
  6. An analysis of the Oracles used in Ethereum’s blockchain
  7. Gas Cost Analysis of Fractional NFT on the Ethereum Blockchain
  8. Secure Storage of Land Records and Implementation of Land Registration using Ethereum Blockchain
  9. Detection of Ethereum Smart Contracts Vulnerabilities Over Blockchain
  10. A Transparent and Privacy-Preserving Job Search Platform Built on the Ethereum Blockchain Framework
  11. Psychological Information Sharing Using Ethereum Blockchain and Smart Contracts
  12. ECC: Enhancing Smart Grid Communication with Ethereum Blockchain, Asymmetric Cryptography, and Cloud Services
  13. Service Level Agreement Violation Detection in Multi-cloud Environment using Ethereum Blockchain
  14. Price Prediction of Ethereum Using Blockchain Historical and Exchange Data by Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms
  15. An Implementation and Analysis of Zero Knowledge Based E-Voting Solution With Proof of Vote on Public Ethereum Blockchain
  16. Design and Implementation of Electronic Health Records using Ethereum Blockchain
  17. Ethereum Blockchain Wallets: A Kotlin-based Implementation Perspective
  18. Educational Certification on Ethereum blockchain: Analysis on How BCert and UZHBC differ
  19. Exploring Heterogeneous Decentralized Markets in DeFi and NFT on Ethereum Blockchain
  20. A Survey On Medical Health Record Management using Ethereum Blockchain Technology
  21. Feature Extraction of Network Traffic in Ethereum Blockchain Network Layer for Eclipse Attack Detection
  22. Secure Land Registration Management via Ethereum Blockchain
  23. A Secure and Efficient Charitable Donation System Based on Ethereum Blockchain and Searchable Encryption
  24. A Solid Waste Management System Using Smart Bins in a Decentralized Manner in Ethereum Blockchain Network for Incentivization
  25. Self-Sovereign Identity in Semi-Permissioned Blockchain Networks Leveraging Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric
  26. Applying Ethereum blockchain and IPFS to construct a multi-party used-car trading and management system
  27. Classifying Transactional Addresses using Supervised Learning Approaches over Ethereum Blockchain
  28. The real estate time-stamping and registration system based on Ethereum blockchain
  29. The Decentralized Smart Contract Certificate System Utilizing Ethereum Blockchain Technology
  30. What makes Ethereum blockchain transactions be processed fast or slow? An empirical study
  31. Calling relationship investigation and application on Ethereum Blockchain System
  32. Generalized Ethereum Blockchain-based recommender system framework
  33. Multi-level caching and data verification based on ethereum blockchain
  34. Detecting Fraudulent Wallets in Ethereum Blockchain Combining Supervised and Unsupervised Techniques – Using Autoencoders and XGboost
  35. A Dynamic Load Balancing Scheme Based on Network Sharding in Private Ethereum Blockchain
  36. Implementation of an E-voting Prototype using Ethereum Blockchain in Ganache Network
  37. Comparison of Hyperledger Fabric and Ethereum Blockchain
  38. Energy consumption monitoring using private blockchain network based on Ethereum smart contracts
  39. Online Storage, Retrieval & Authentication of Healthcare Documents using Ethereum Blockchain
  40. Decentralized finance (DeFi): The Future of Finance and Defi Application for Ethereum blockchain based Finance Market
  41. Decentralize Application for Storing Personal Health Record using Ethereum Blockchain and Interplanetary File System
  42. Implementation of IoT Sensored Data Integrity for Irrigation in Precision Agriculture Using Blockchain Ethereum
  43. A Decentralized Crowdfunding Solution on top of the Ethereum Blockchain
  44. Mining the Ethereum Blockchain Platform: Best Practices and Pitfalls (MSR 2022 Tutorial)
  45. Experimentation for Decentralized Resource-based Multi-pool Mining in Ethereum Blockchain
  46. Graph Analysis of the Ethereum Blockchain Data: A Survey of Datasets, Methods, and Future Work
  47. A Preliminary Study for the Ethereum Blockchain-Based Smart Home Systems
  48. Privacy Preserving Contact Tracing using Ethereum Blockchain Network
  49. An Investigation of Decentralized Ledger Applications Using Ethereum in a Blockchain Network
  50. A Comprehensive Study on Ethereum Blockchain-based Digital Marketplace using NFT Smart Contract Infrastructure