How to Remove Plagiarism from Thesis

Using the ideas or words of some other authors without giving them credit is known as plagiarism. It may also happen accidently also because of the carelessness of user but sometimes some may do it intentionally. When you are using information or data from some others paper for your work, you should give credit the source in your text to avoid plagiarism.

You have to avoid plagiarism to escape from the issues it can cause. Lot of people have faces serious problems because of it over years. There is no space for duplication of content in the field of research, so you should be very careful about it. This article will guide you to know about avoiding plagiarism in your thesis.

Why should you avoid plagiarism?

Submitting a plagiarized work is considered as ethical issue. If you do it that will be portrayed like you are doing a theft in order to get benefit from that. It is the same whether you do it in a school exam to get good grades or a writer doing it to make money out of it.

Plagiarism can decrease your integrity and uniqueness, so avoiding it is pivotal. You will lose respect from your peers or mentors by doing it also it will damage your professional values and your career. If you are a school student following plagiarism then you may not be getting any leadership roles and lose in financial aid.

If your work case any profit loss for the original content creator because of plagiarism then it can push you to face legal actions.

How to Avoid Plagiarism for Thesis

The steps to be followed to avoid plagiarism are listed below:

>> Make sure to follow the source from where you collected data.

>> If you are using any paragraph or quote from others work frame it using your own words on your paper by using any paraphrasing tool also.

>> Giving credits to the original author in citation and reference section of your text.

>> Before submitting your paper, do a plagiarism check using any plagiarism checker.

>> Use any AI tool to check the output of your paper.

Plagiarism should be removed in every research paper in order to maintain credibility of your work no matter whether you are a professional or student. The plagiarism which may happen accidentally can also cause serious issues, so you have to make sure to check every source you added in your paper.

  1. Keeping Track of your Sources

You have to keep track on every sources you collect, because it is the one of the major reason for plagiarism that people could not remember from where they got a specific idea and leave it un-credited while using it on their paper. You can avoid it by noting down the source for citation.

Highlight the statements which did not come from your own idea and which need citation. Make sure to put the quotes inside a quotation mark which you directly copied from a text.

You have to note down every source which you consult for your work. You can use a citation generator to manage your sources. The sources not only include journal articles or books also it have magazine articles, videos and websites. This will help you do proper citation for the sources you used. Using citation generator can also save your time by managing a reference from starting of your work itself.

  1. Avoid Plagiarism when Quoting

Copying a text from a source as it is in your paper is referred to as quoting. The text you copy should be rearrange in your own words and put within a quotation mark and giving proper credit to the author will help you avoid plagiarism.

>> You can use quotes when:

>> You want to use the same definition given by any author

>> You couldn’t reframe a sentence from original information without changing the meaning

>> You want to use the same language from original information

>> You are in need of the same style and authority of original text

If the quotes are long then format them as blocks, and for long blocks it is better format them as paragraph.

  1. Avoid Plagiarism when Paraphrasing

>> It is defined as using your own words to explain the information which you collected from some other source.

>> It is not just changing some words from the original sentence. It is to change the whole format without changing the meaning from original text given by the author.

  1. Citing your Sources Correctly

When you are doing paraphrasing or quoting you must remember to cite it in the bottom or footnote from which the real author should be identified. Those citations should be mentioned separately in the reference list chapter of your paper.

By giving credits to the original authors through acknowledgement in your paper, you can escape from plagiarism and also can help your readers to know the exact location of the information to know more about it.

You should use one particular citation style for reference in your entire paper that you can choose or get advice from your instructor. The common citation styles are MLA, Chicago and APA. Remember when you do quotation for more than one source in single sentence, cite them individually.

  1. Using a Plagiarism Checker

The commonly used plagiarism checker in most of the universities is Turnitin. Read further to know about the working principle of plagiarism checker. They will first scan the document and compare it with a set of publications and webpages, after which they with show the content which is similar to the already existing one by highlighting it.

Make sure to recheck your paper for plagiarism using a plagiarism checker before submitting it, this will help you to find any accidental mistakes like:

>> Misplaced or Forgotten citations

>> Forgotten quotation marks

>> Text which is similar to the original one after paraphrasing also

  1. Using AI Tools Responsibly

You can use the AI tools such as ChatGPT to help you with research and writing process, but also push you in producing a plagiarized result, either knowingly or unknowingly. Make sure to avoid the below mentions when you are using any AI tools:

>> AI-assisted plagiarism: Using the exact text from the tool like it was written from your own knowledge. (For instance homework assignments and research papers).

>> Plagiarism: Using tools for doing paraphrasing the original text and using it like it was written from your own knowledge.

>> Self-Plagiarism: Making use of AI tools to rewrite a paper which was already submitted by you.

Be very careful while using AI tools because the result from AI generator can be detected from AI detector.

Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism

  1. If you use a source cite it: The best way for avoiding plagiarism is to give credits to the original author by citing them in your text.
  2. Use quotations mark when necessary: In some cases you can have situation like using the exact words from the original content at that time put the quotes inside a quotation mark.
  3. Don’t just change a few words: You should not just simply changes words from the original text you have to entirely change the structure of content from the original one.
  4. Synthesize the information: You can avoid plagiarism by making your own sentence from your knowledge.