How to Start 6G Networks Projects Using NS2

To start a 6G Network project in Network Simulator 2 (NS2) presents both challenges and opportunities. While 6G, the sixth-generation wireless networks, remains in its research phase, NS2 is an older mainly suited for 3G and 4G networks can still be adapted for foundational 6G simulations. Aspects like massive machine-type communications (mMTC), extremely low latency (like ultra-reliable low latency communications – URLLC), or advanced AI/ML-based protocols.

But, NS2 is very helpful to replicate and design the 6G network’s features which is particularly used for research purposes and basic knowledge of how these technologies could develop. We will need to replicate the core aspects of 6G like millimeter-wave communications, massive MIMO, and AI-driven networks can be explored with some adjustments.

Steps to Start a 6G Network Project in NS2

Step 1: Understand 6G Concepts

Familiarize with core 6G networks concepts:

  • Ultra-Low Latency (URLLC): Sub-1 ms latency for applications such as autonomous vehicles and real-time communication.
  • Massive Machine-Type Communication (mMTC): It offers a massive volume of devices that needs effective network resources usage in a small area.
  • AI/ML-Driven Network: Networks will depend on the AI network models enhancing intelligent traffic management, self-optimization, and anomaly detection.
  • THz Band Communications: Enabling faster data rates and resource segmentation to utilise terahertz frequencies.
  • Integrated Network: 6G network will be allowed flawless integration of satellite, aerial networks (drones), and terrestrial networks.
  • Network Slicing: To tailor the network resources for encountering various application requests.

While NS2 doesn’t directly support for all these 6G aspects then it is flexible sufficient for replicating diverse modules.

Step 2: Install NS2

Install NS2 on Linux, Windows (via Cygwin), or macOS through Cygwin.

Verify installation using the below command line:


It could introduce the NS2 prompt.

Step 3: Define Your 6G Simulation Scenario

For a basic 6G Network simulation, plan a basic scenario incorporating:

  1. Massive MIMO: Replicate an environment including massive volume of antennas such as massive MIMO arrays in base stations.
  2. THz Band Communication: Execute the high-frequency interaction to utilise appropriate frequency ranges.
  3. Network Slicing: Split the network resources for offering services in diverse kinds of devices.
  4. Low Latency: Test with low-latency protocols.
  5. AI-Driven Networks: We can design AI-based traffic management systems for more advanced configurations.

Step 4: Set Up a Basic NS2 Simulation for 6G Networks

To make a simple NS2 scenario for a 6G network. For simplicity, observe the massive MIMO, low-latency communication, and a basic AI-based decision-making model for traffic conntrol.

Example: Basic 6G Network Simulation Scenario

This simulation scenario needs to contain a basic massive MIMO configuration in which a base station including several antennas communicates with user equipment (UE).

# Create the simulator object

set ns [new Simulator]


# Create nodes for Base Station (BS) and User Equipment (UE)

set BS_node [$ns node]        ;# Base Station node (Massive MIMO)

set UE1_node [$ns node]       ;# User Equipment 1 (UE1)

set UE2_node [$ns node]       ;# User Equipment 2 (UE2)

# Set up the network links (Base Station to UEs)

$ns duplex-link $BS_node $UE1_node 100Mb 10ms DropTail

$ns duplex-link $BS_node $UE2_node 100Mb 10ms DropTail

# Mobility Model – Set mobility model for nodes (users and base station)

# For simplicity, set a random walk model for users and a fixed position for the base station

$ns node-config -motion “random” -speed 10 -x 500 -y 500 -z 0  ;# UE mobility

$ns node-config -motion “fixed” -x 0 -y 0 -z 50                 ;# BS (fixed)

# Set up communication: Use UDP agents to simulate communication

set udp_UE1 [new Agent/UDP]

set udp_UE2 [new Agent/UDP]

set null_UE1 [new Agent/Null]

set null_UE2 [new Agent/Null]

# Attach the UDP agents to the user nodes

$ns attach-agent $UE1_node $udp_UE1

$ns attach-agent $UE2_node $udp_UE2

$ns attach-agent $BS_node $null_UE1

$ns attach-agent $BS_node $null_UE2

# Simulate AI-driven traffic management (example of flow control and congestion management)

# This can be achieved by programming custom traffic management functions or using a basic scheduler

# Create traffic applications: Simulate traffic between users and base station (e.g., constant bit rate – CBR)

set cbr_UE1 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]

$cbr_UE1 attach-agent $udp_UE1

$cbr_UE1 set packetSize_ 512

$cbr_UE1 set interval_ 0.1

$cbr_UE1 set random_ 1

set cbr_UE2 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]

$cbr_UE2 attach-agent $udp_UE2

$cbr_UE2 set packetSize_ 512

$cbr_UE2 set interval_ 0.1

$cbr_UE2 set random_ 1

# Set the time for starting and stopping traffic generation

$ns at 1.0 “$cbr_UE1 start”

$ns at 4.0 “$cbr_UE1 stop”

$ns at 1.0 “$cbr_UE2 start”

$ns at 4.0 “$cbr_UE2 stop”

# Set simulation duration and finish procedure

$ns at 5.0 “finish”

proc finish {} {

global ns

$ns flush-trace

exit 0


# Run the simulation

$ns run

Explanation of the Script:

  1. Simulator Setup:
    • set ns [new Simulator]: It makes the NS2 simulator entity.
  2. Node Creation:
    • set BS_node [$ns node]: It helps to make the base station (BS) node.
    • set UE1_node [$ns node]: Creates User Equipment 1 (UE1).
    • set UE2_node [$ns node]: Generates User Equipment 2 (UE2).
  3. Network Links:
    • It makes duplex links among the base station and each user equipment (UE) including a 100Mbps data rate and 10 ms delay.
  4. Mobility Models:
    • Users (UEs) arbitrarily transfer while base station is set at 0,0,50.
  5. Traffic Management:
    • Users make a simple CBR (Constant Bit Rate) traffic for replicating data interaction.
  6. AI-Driven Traffic Management (simplified):
    • In advanced 6G configurations, traffic management and congestion control might be designed with the support of AI-based algorithms, however for simplicity; it has been left out in the basic example.
  7. Simulation Duration:
    • Traffic begins at time 1.0 and ends at 4.0 in simulation.

Step 5: Run and Analyze the Results

  1. We can store the simulation script like 6G_network_simulation.tcl.
  2. Now, we execute the simulation using below command:

ns 6G_network_simulation.tcl

  1. When simulation is executed then NS2 will make a trace file (*.tr) with all the events and interactions.
    • We obtain the key data to utilise AWK:

awk ‘{ if ($1 == “r”) print $0 }’ > received_packets.txt

  1. Envision the trace data with the help of Xgraph for better insights:


Step 6: Further Exploration

When basic simulation is executing then we need to discover the below aspects for allocating the simulation in 6G network:

  • Massive MIMO: Replicate the use of massive amount of antenna arrays for maximizing the throughput and network capacity in the base station.
  • THz Communications: Mimic high-frequency links such as 100 GHz to 1 THz for high-speed interactions.
  • AI/ML Algorithms: Improve custom components or scripts for mimicking AI-based network optimization or traffic scheduling.
  • Network Slicing: Make several virtual networks (slices) including diverse quality of service (QoS) needs.
  • Low Latency: Observe how to minimize the latency to adapt routing and traffic management algorithms.
  • Satellite and Aerial Networks: For extended network coverage, incorporate the satellite nodes and drone nodes toward the replication.

Step 7: Documentation and Reporting

It offers clear outline for any research or academic project:

  • Topology Diagram: Envision how the base station, UE, and other modules are linked in simulation topology.
  • Protocol Description: Record the traffic protocols such as UDP, CBR and its role within the simulation configurations.
  • Results and Analysis: Examine the crucial performance parameters like throughput, latency, and packet loss.


While NS2 lacks native 6G support, it serves as a flexible platform for simulating key 6G concepts like 6G networks such as massive MIMO, low latency, and network slicing. With carful customization, researchers can effectively model and analyse the aspects of 6G networks within the NS2 capabilities.

In this project, we clearly demonstrated the complete simulation process for replicating and analyzing the 6G Networks Projects in NS2 environment. If you want further refinements, we will be offered it too.