How to Start a Distance Routing Project Using NS2
To stimulate the Distance Routing typically mentions to routing protocols which create the routing decisions according to the distance such as or cost to the destination. The maximum general distance-based routing protocol is Distance Vector Routing, in which the ever router modify the data about the cost of reaching its neighbours and bring up-to-date its routing table accordingly. A sample of this is RIP (Routing Information Protocol), that used the number of hops we establish the minimum path.
In NS2, we can replicate the distance-based routing through using routing protocols such as Distance Vector (DV) or Link State Routing (LSR) and regulating the distance parameter metrices to reflect the network’s cost such as hop count, link delay, bandwidth.
Steps to Start a Distance Routing Project in NS2:
- Install NS2
First, enable which NS2 is installed on your system. If not, install the NS2 through following these steps:
- For Linux (Ubuntu/Debian-based):
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ns2
sudo apt install nam
- For Windows: we will require to use a virtual machine or Cygwin as NS2 is not handled natively on Windows.
Once installed, verify by running:
- Understand the Basics of Distance Routing
Distance Routing is typically used in protocols which regulate the optimal path according to the “distance” for the destination. Generally, distance mentions to the number of hops, nevertheless it can also be according to other parameter metrices such as delay, bandwidth, or connection cost.
For sample:
- Distance Vector Routing (e.g., RIP): Every node has handled a table with the minimum distance to all other nodes. Nodes has periodically modify the distance vectors such as routing information with neighbours.
- Link State Routing: Every node has completed the knowledge for the network topology and measure the optimize path using procedures such as Dijkstra’s algorithm.
In NS2, distance-based routing can be replicated using the DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) or AODV (Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector) routing protocol.
- Set Up Your NS2 Simulation Environment
For a distance-based routing project, you’ll need to:
- State the network topology.
- Configure the routing protocol such as DSR, AODV.
- Describe the congestion flows for sample UDP, TCP.
- Setting and observe the routing decisions terms on the distance.
- Create a TCL Script for Distance Routing
Let’s walk by a basic replication in which the routing decision is according to the distance.
Example TCL Script: Distance-Based Routing Using AODV
Here is a simple NS2 script using AODV such as which is a distance vector protocol that works by calculating the best route based on hops in a small network:
# Create a new simulator object
set ns [new Simulator]
# Create nodes (e.g., 5 nodes in the network)
set n0 [$ns node] ;# Source node
set n1 [$ns node] ;# Intermediate node 1
set n2 [$ns node] ;# Intermediate node 2
set n3 [$ns node] ;# Intermediate node 3
set n4 [$ns node] ;# Destination node
# Create links between nodes (link bandwidth and delay)
$ns duplex-link $n0 $n1 10Mb 20ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $n1 $n2 10Mb 20ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $n2 $n3 10Mb 20ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $n3 $n4 10Mb 20ms DropTail
# Define the AODV routing protocol
$ns node-config -routing-protocol AODV
# Set up a traffic flow (UDP from n0 to n4)
set udp1 [new Agent/UDP]
set sink1 [new Agent/Null]
$sink1 attach-agent $n4
$udp1 attach-agent $n0
set cbr1 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
$cbr1 set packetSize_ 512
$cbr1 set interval_ 0.1 ;# Set rate for CBR traffic
$cbr1 attach-agent $n0
$ns connect $udp1 $sink1
# Set up the start and stop times for traffic
$ns at 1.0 “$cbr1 start”
$ns at 5.0 “$cbr1 stop”
# Enable trace output to monitor packet flow and routing decisions
$ns trace-all “”
$ns namtrace-all “distance_routing_output.nam”
# Run the simulation
$ns run
- Key Components in the Script
- Nodes and Links: The network is described through five nodes such as n0 to n4 and connection among them. Every connection has a bandwidth such as10Mb and delay like as 20ms, and the connection are setting with a DropTail queue.
- Routing Protocol: The AODV (Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector) routing protocol is used in this sample, that is a distance-vector routing protocol which detects the minimum path according to the hop count.
- Traffic Flow: The script has setting a constant bit rate (CBR) traffic flow from the node n0 for sample source to node n4 for instance destination. This is a typical kind of congestion in NS2 replication.
- Tracing: Tracing is ensuring the follow for packet movement and routing decisions. The trace file such as records the replication specifics, and the NAM trace like as distance_routing_output.nam builds an animation to envision the routing paths.
- Simulate and Analyze the Distance Routing
Next process to the script, we can study the outcomes:
- NAM: Envision the packet flow in the network using NAM (Network Animator). Run:
nam distance_routing_output.nam
This will show the network topology, node movements such as if mobile, and packet flows, helping you follow on how the packets are routed based on hop count.
- Trace Analysis: We can study the suggestion file we view the routing decisions create with the protocol. Use the commands such as awk or other tools to parse the .tr trace file:
awk ‘{print $1, $2, $3, $4, $5}’
This will give we the data about on how the packets were routed, has includes the number of hops for every route and path taken through the packets.
- Extending the Distance Routing Project
We can encompass the basic project through further advanced features:
- Simulate Multiple Flows: Build a several flows through various kinds of congestion such as TCP, UDP, CBR and follow on how the distance-based routing handles them.
- Used the multiple flows for Agent/TCP for TCP flows and Agent/UDP for UDP flows.
- Dynamic Network Conditions: Enhance the network dynamics such as connection failures, traffic, or mobility we show on how well the routing protocol adapts to this detection.
- Used the Agent/TCPSink or Agent/UDP we replicate the traffic or failure.
- Compare with Other Protocols: Associate the AODV through other distance-based protocols such as RIP or OLSR we display on how they maintain the routing differently.
- Used the various routing protocols in NS2 such as -routing-protocol RIP for RIP, or -routing-protocol OLSR for Optimized Link State Routing.
- Advanced Metrics: As a replacement for just using the hop count, we can alter the routing protocol we reflect the further parameter metrics such as delay, link quality, or throughput. This needs the alter a protocol’s for routing decision methods.
- Mobile Networks: If we are replicating the mobile network, used the Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) setting and protocols such as AODV or DSR we replicate the distance-based routing in mobile environments.
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