How to Start ABR Protocol Projects Using NS3

To start Associative-Based Routing (ABR) in NS3, it is an on-demand and link-state routing protocol frequently utilized within mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). According to the links stability among nodes ABR launches routes to depend on association stability instead of traditional parameters such as distance or hop count. NS3 environment does not support a built-in ABR execution however we can estimate the ABR-like behavior by executing custom routing logic.

Below is a simple guide demonstrates how to estimate ABR functionality by utilising existing routing helpers, custom functions, computing the link stability, and to set up an on-demand routing environment using NS3.

Steps to Simulate ABR-like Behavior in NS3

  1. Configure a simple ad hoc network in which nodes can be interacted through wireless links.
  2. We execute custom logic, monitoring the connection stability like duration of connections among nodes.
  3. Depends on stability to replicate route selection in which more stable links are selected.

Step 1: Create a New Script for ABR Simulation

In the NS3’s scratch directory, we can save the below code like This script replicates the ABR-like behavior by monitoring link stability and relies on link connection duration choosing stable routes.

Example Code for

#include “ns3/core-module.h”

#include “ns3/network-module.h”

#include “ns3/internet-module.h”

#include “ns3/mobility-module.h”

#include “ns3/wifi-module.h”

#include “ns3/applications-module.h”

#include <map>

#include <set>

using namespace ns3;


// Custom data structure to track link stability

std::map<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>, Time> linkStability;

// Function to record link stability (time of association)

void RecordLinkStability(uint32_t node1, uint32_t node2, Time associationTime) {

auto link = std::make_pair(std::min(node1, node2), std::max(node1, node2));

if (linkStability.find(link) == linkStability.end()) {

linkStability[link] = associationTime;

NS_LOG_INFO(“Recording stability for link: ” << node1 << ” – ” << node2 << ” with association time ” << associationTime.GetSeconds());



// Function to select the most stable next hop towards the destination

Ptr<Node> SelectStableNextHop(Ptr<Node> source, Ptr<Node> destination) {

Ptr<Node> bestNextHop = source;

Time bestStability = Seconds(0);

for (uint32_t i = 0; i < source->GetNDevices(); ++i) {

Ptr<NetDevice> device = source->GetDevice(i);

Ptr<Channel> channel = device->GetChannel();

for (uint32_t j = 0; j < channel->GetNDevices(); ++j) {

Ptr<Node> neighbor = channel->GetDevice(j)->GetNode();

if (neighbor == source || neighbor == destination) continue;


auto link = std::make_pair(std::min(source->GetId(), neighbor->GetId()), std::max(source->GetId(), neighbor->GetId()));

if (linkStability.find(link) != linkStability.end()) {

Time stability = linkStability[link];

if (stability > bestStability) {

bestNextHop = neighbor;

bestStability = stability;





NS_LOG_INFO(“Selected next hop for stability: Node ” << bestNextHop->GetId() << ” with stability time ” << bestStability.GetSeconds());

return bestNextHop;


void SendDataPacket(Ptr<Node> source, Ptr<Node> destination) {

// Select the next hop based on link stability

Ptr<Node> nextHop = SelectStableNextHop(source, destination);

if (nextHop != source) {

NS_LOG_INFO(“Node ” << source->GetId() << ” forwards packet to Node ” << nextHop->GetId() << ” towards destination Node ” << destination->GetId());

} else {

NS_LOG_INFO(“No stable route found from Node ” << source->GetId() << ” to Node ” << destination->GetId());



int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

LogComponentEnable(“AbrSimulation”, LOG_LEVEL_INFO);

// Create nodes in an ad hoc network

NodeContainer nodes;

nodes.Create(5); // Example with 5 nodes

// Configure WiFi in ad hoc mode

WifiHelper wifi;


YansWifiPhyHelper wifiPhy = YansWifiPhyHelper::Default();

YansWifiChannelHelper wifiChannel = YansWifiChannelHelper::Default();


WifiMacHelper wifiMac;


NetDeviceContainer devices = wifi.Install(wifiPhy, wifiMac, nodes);

// Install Internet stack on nodes

InternetStackHelper internet;


// Configure mobility

MobilityHelper mobility;


“MinX”, DoubleValue(0.0),

“MinY”, DoubleValue(0.0),

“DeltaX”, DoubleValue(50.0),

“DeltaY”, DoubleValue(50.0),

“GridWidth”, UintegerValue(3),

“LayoutType”, StringValue(“RowFirst”));



// Record initial link associations for stability tracking

for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nodes.GetN(); ++i) {

for (uint32_t j = i + 1; j < nodes.GetN(); ++j) {

RecordLinkStability(nodes.Get(i)->GetId(), nodes.Get(j)->GetId(), Simulator::Now());



// Schedule data packet sending based on ABR-like routing selection

Simulator::Schedule(Seconds(1.0), &SendDataPacket, nodes.Get(0), nodes.Get(4));



return 0;


Explanation of the Code

  • Link Stability Tracking:
    • RecordLinkStability logs the first connection time for every single link among the nodes. This information signifies the “stability” of each link depends on how long it has been present.
    • In linkStability, stability data is saved a map, which takes association times for each link among the sets of nodes.
  • Selecting the Most Stable Next Hop:
    • Utilize SelectStableNextHop the link stability data choosing the most stable next hop to the destination. The function estimates the nearby nodes and then selects the one including the lengthiest stable connection.
  • Data Packet Forwarding:
    • We can use SendDataPacket to choose the optimal next hop according to the link stability and records the forwarding decision.
  • Ad Hoc Network Configuration:
    • We can configure WiFi in ad hoc mode, permitting direct interaction among the nodes.
  • Mobility:
    • We need to utilize RandomWaypointMobilityModel to replicate the movement that will modify link associations actively over time.

Step 2: Build and Run the Simulation

  1. In the scratch directory, we can save
  2. Go to a terminal, pass through to NS3 directory, and then make the script:

./ns3 build

  1. Run the simulation:

./ns3 run scratch/abr_simulation

Above code will run the simulation to indicate log messages, which display link stability monitoring and next-hop selection depends on the association duration.

Further Experimentation Ideas

To discover further ABR-like behavior, we can deliberate:

  • Dynamic Link Stability Updates: Change RecordLinkStability to modernize link stability periodically depends on the real-time connection durations.
  • Simulate Route Failures and Recovery: Launch link breaks, replicating the route failures and then estimate the recovery performance of protocol.
  • Energy Models: In NS3, combine the EnergyModule to monitor and handle the energy consumption since ABR targets to save energy by choosing the stable routes.
  • Increase Node Count: Append additional nodes to experiment the protocol’s scalability particularly in larger and more dynamic networks.

Through this manual, we grasp more knowledge about how to configure and simulate the ABR Protocol projects using the tool NS3 environment. More specific details about this project will also be offered.

If you’re aiming for excellence in your projects, let our team take care of it for you. Reach out to us for more guidance. We specialize in ABR Protocol Projects using the NS3 tool, providing scholars with tailored and impeccable paperwork. Our team handles routing helpers, custom functions, and link stability computations, ensuring you receive the best results along with thorough explanations. Rest assured, our prices are budget-friendly, and we deliver high-quality work on time. Trust our experts to get the job done for you.