How to Start Address Protocol Projects Using OMNeT++

To start an address protocols using OMNeT++, which normally contains to model and execute the protocols in networks that handle or use addressing schemes like IP addressing. Following is a sequential method to get started:

Steps to Start Address Protocol Projects in OMNeT++

  1. Understand the Scope of Address Protocol
  • Address protocols have:
    • Address Assignment: DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), Auto-IP assignment.
    • Address Resolution: NDP (Neighbor Discovery Protocol) for IPv6 or ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) for IPv4.
    • Address Management: To manage the unique addressing within dynamic or large-scale networks.
  • Describe the objective like:
    • To execute a custom addressing procedure.
    • In IPv4/IPv6, replicating address resolution.
    • Address reassignment within mobile or dynamic networks.
  1. Set Up OMNeT++
  • Download and Install OMNeT++:
    • Download the OMNeT++ environment on the system.
    • Install and confirm the environment including sample simulations.
  • Install INET Framework:
    • Utilise its GitHub repository to download INET framework.
    • Execute INET and combine it to OMNeT++.
    •  INET framework offers to support for IP-based addressing and related protocols such as ARP and DHCP.
  1. Create a New OMNeT++ Project
  • Go to OMNeT++ IDE.
  • Make a new project:
    • Click File > New > OMNeT++ Project.
    • Name it to the project like AddressProtocolProject.
  • Connect the project to the INET framework:
    • Choose Properties > Project References right-clicking on the project and confirming the INET framework.
  1. Define the Network
  • In a .ned file, describe a network topology with address management:
    • Example for a small network to utilise IP-based nodes:

network AddressProtocolNetwork {


router: Router {



host1: StandardHost {



host2: StandardHost {



connections allowunconnected:

host1.pppg++ <–> router.pppg++;

host2.pppg++ <–> router.pppg++;


  1. Enable Address Protocols
  • In the network, set the nodes using addressing protocols:
    • Allocate the static or dynamic IP addresses to nodes using omnetpp.ini:

network = AddressProtocolNetwork

sim-time-limit = 100s

*.host1.ipv4.address = “”

*.host2.ipv4.address = “”

*.router.ipv4.address = “”

    • For dynamic address assignment, allow DHCP:

*.host1.networkConfigurator.hasStaticAddress = false

*.host2.networkConfigurator.hasStaticAddress = false

  1. Implement Custom Address Protocol
  • In INET prolong the existing modules for custom addressing logic:
    • Make a new protocol module:
      • Example: Execute a basic address resolution approach.
    • Change the INET routing or addressing components.
  1. Simulate and Test
  • Execute the simulation:
    • Make use of static or dynamic configurations to experiment the addresses assignment.
    • Monitor the address resolution protocols such as ARP or NDP functioning.
  • Debug using logging:

*.host*.ipv4.debug = true

*.router.ipv4.debug = true

  1. Analyze Performance
  • We need to estimate the performance parameters like:
    • Success rate of address resolution.
    • ARP/NDP traffic overhead.
    • Address assignment latency.
  • Transfer outcomes into external OMNeT++’s tools for analysis.
  1. Extend the Project
  • Integrate the further aspects like:
    • Mobile IP: It manages the address changes since nodes travel among the networks.
    • IPv6: Experiment both IPv6 addressing and Neighbor Discovery Protocol.
    • Fault Tolerance: Model mechanisms for duplicate address detection or retrieval.
  1. Document and Present
  • It provides details of simulation configuration, protocol design, and outcomes.
  • To utilise graphs and animations, envision network activity and parameters for visualization.


  • INET Framework Documentation: INET Framework
  • OMNeT++ Tutorials: Tutorials for implementing and configuring the networks.
  • Protocol Standards: Signify RFCs for protocol standards like ARP, DHCP, IPv4, and IPv6.

By using a stepwise method in OMNeT++, we have efficiently performed simulations for Address Protocol projects. Expect more innovative insights and concepts about coding, debugging, and implementing a certain aspect to be shared later.

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