How to Start Bellman Ford Routing Projects Using NS3

To start a Bellman-Ford routing project using NS3, we follow below given procedure, so if you have any project requirements we will give you with detailed explanation :

Steps to Start Bellman-Ford Routing Projects in NS3

  1. Understand Bellman-Ford Algorithm
  • Bellman-Ford is a shortest-path algorithm, which determines the paths by way of iteratively reducing the edges within a network.
  • Disparate Dijkstra, it can be managed the graphs including negative weights.
  • Make acquainted with their functioning to know how it can execute within NS3 tool.
  1. Set Up NS3
  • We should download and install NS3 on the system:
    • We adhere to the official installation instruction for NS3.
    • Make sure that all necessary dependencies such as gcc, Python, and g++ are installed.
  • Experiment the installation by executing an example program like ./waf –run scratch/example.
  1. Familiarize with NS3 Basics
  • We should know how to make nodes, configure links, and utilise helper classes for networking.
  • Focus on the NS3 examples that particularly utilised for routing protocols such as AODV or OLSR, which may contain some concepts related to Bellman-Ford.
  1. Plan Your Bellman-Ford Implementation
  • Key Requirements:
    • Network Topology: Nodes associated with links including weights like delays, costs.
    • Routing Table: Depends on the Bellman-Ford logic, every single node would sustain a table updated.
    • Edge Relaxation: We should iterate via every edge determining the shortest paths.
  • Choose if we will:
    • Alter an existing protocol like DSDV or AODV.
    • We execute a new routing module from scratch within NS3.
  1. Develop the Code
  • Step 1: Define a New Protocol
    • We make a directory in src/ for protocol.
    • Describe headers (.h) and implementation files (.cc).
    • Configure the classes for nodes, routing tables, and the algorithm.
  • Step 2: Implement Bellman-Ford
    • We should make functions to:
      • Set routing tables.
      • Iteratively execute the edge relaxation.
      • When new routes are determined then modernize routing tables.
  • Step 3: Integrate with NS3 Framework
    • Manage the packet forwarding to utilize socket APIs of NS3.
    • Describe the routing logic using the Ipv4RoutingProtocol interface.
  1. Simulate the Protocol
  • Create a Topology:
    • We make a script within the scratch/ directory, describing nodes and connections.
    • Allocate weights to links using pointToPoint.SetChannelAttribute().
  • Attach the Protocol:
    • In the simulation script, we connect Bellman-Ford protocol to the nodes.
  • Run the Simulation:
    • To make and run the simulation to utilize the. /waf command.
  1. Analyze Results
  • Accumulate the performance parameters like:
    • End-to-end delay.
    • Number of control packets.
    • Convergence time.
  • With the support of NS3’s FlowMonitor or custom tracing mechanisms for analysis.
  1. Validate the Algorithm
  • Now, we equate the outcomes versus Bellman-Ford algorithm’s expected results.
  • We can utilize small topologies for debugging.
  1. Extend and Optimize
  • Discover extensions:
    • We can incorporate aspects such as QoS or energy-awareness.
    • Adjust Bellman-Ford for dynamic or wireless networks.
  • Optimize:
    • To minimize the convergence time.
    • Manage scalability issues.

Sample Code Structure


class BellmanFordRouting : public Ipv4RoutingProtocol {

// Define members like routing table, timers, and Bellman-Ford methods


void BellmanFordRouting::InitializeRoutingTable() {

// Initialize routing table logic


void BellmanFordRouting::RelaxEdges() {

// Bellman-Ford edge relaxation logic


int main() {

NodeContainer nodes;


PointToPointHelper p2p;

p2p.SetDeviceAttribute(“DataRate”, StringValue(“10Mbps”));

p2p.SetChannelAttribute(“Delay”, StringValue(“5ms”));

// Create and configure network

InternetStackHelper internet;


// Attach Bellman-Ford protocol

Ptr<BellmanFordRouting> bf = CreateObject<BellmanFordRouting>();




return 0;


In conclusion, we entirely demonstrated the basic approach to implement and simulate the Bellman Ford Routing projects through NS3 simulation tool. We can provide the additional information through another manual