How to Start Birthday Attack Projects Using NS2
To start a Birthday Attack project using NS2 (Network Simulator 2), we can execute and know the cryptographic vulnerabilities. A Birthday Attack utilizes the birthday paradox in hashing mechanisms for determining the hash collisions, creating it theoretical security vulnerability instead of a direct network attack. Below is a sequential structure on how we can start:
Steps to Start Birthday Attack Projects in NS2
- Understand the Birthday Attack
- Birthday Attack:
- It aims hash functions to determine to diverse inputs, which provides the similar hash (collision).
- It is frequently utilized according to the cryptographic hashes like digital signatures, message integrity checks within network security protocols.
- Application in Networking:
- Illustrate faults within hash-based authentication approaches such as HMAC, digital signatures.
- Replicate a scenario in which attackers counterfeit a message by utilising a hash collision.
- Plan Your Simulation
- We can describe the project’s goals:
- Demonstrate how a malicious node can be used hash collisions.
- Replicate a security protocol including a weak hash function.
- Use cases:
- Message authentication to utilize a weak hash.
- It is leveraged file authentication within distributed networks.
- Set Up N
- Install NS2: Make sure that we have installed NS2 and properly functioning.
- Confirm installation with a basic example TCL simulation script:
ns example.tcl
- Implement the Birthday Attack
NS2 is a robust network simulator and it is not a cryptographic tool, but we can simulate the hash behavior in application or agent code.
Step 4.1: Modify Application Code
- Replicate the hashing and collision exploitation to utilize an application layer protocol.
Example Birthday Attack Implementation
- Make a new application layer for hash-based verification:
#include <string>
#include <map>
class BirthdayAttack : public Application {
std::map<std::string, std::string> hash_table; // Hash function storage
void sendMessage(std::string message) {
std::string hash = weakHash(message);
if (hash_table.find(hash) != hash_table.end()) {
printf(“Collision found: %s and %s\n”, message.c_str(), hash_table[hash].c_str());
} else {
hash_table[hash] = message;
std::string weakHash(std::string input) {
// Simple hash function (not cryptographically secure)
int hash = 0;
for (char c : input) hash += c;
return std::to_string(hash % 256); // Weak hash with collisions
Step 4.2: Integrate with NS2
- We need to incorporate the new application as to the NS2 source files.
- Update the Makefile:
- In the Makefile, integrate birthday_attack.o to the OBJ_CC list.
- Recompile NS2:
make clean
- Write the Simulation Script
We can make a TCL simulation script for replicating network behavior including hash-based authentication and a malicious node using a collision.
Step 5.1: Set Up Nodes
- Describe the nodes like sender, receiver, and attacker nodes.
set ns [new Simulator]
set tracefile [open w]
$ns trace-all $tracefile
# Create nodes
set sender [$ns node]
set receiver [$ns node]
set attacker [$ns node]
Step 5.2: Configure Traffic
- Mimic traffic message exchange including hash-based verification:
set app [new Application/BirthdayAttack]
$ns attach-app $sender $app
# Send messages
$ns at 1.0 “$sender sendMessage \”HelloWorld\””
$ns at 2.0 “$sender sendMessage \”CollisionTest\””
Step 5.3: Malicious Node Behavior
- Replicate the attacker to counterfeit a message with the support of hash collision:
$ns at 3.0 “$attacker sendMessage \”ForgedMessage\””
Step 5.4: Run the Simulation
- We will want to store the tcl simulation script as birthday_attack.tcl and then run the simulation in NS2:
ns birthday_attack.tcl
- Analyze Results
- Trace File Analysis:
- Inspect the trace file that are generated for evidence of hash collisions and used vulnerabilities.
- Below is an instance of trace entry for collision:
Collision found: HelloWorld and CollisionTest
- Visualize with NAM:
- Monitor message exchanges and malicious behavior utilising Network Animator (NAM) for visualization.
- Validate with Countermeasures
- Execute and experiment the defenses:
- Substitute the weak hash function including a stronger one like SHA-256.
- Launch salting for avoiding collisions.
- Document the Project
This project offers comprehensive insights that contain:
- Objective: Focus on the intention of replicating a Birthday Attack.
- Simulation Details: Define the configuration, protocols, and hashing approach.
- Results: Deliver performance parameters for instance collision rate, attack success rate.
- Countermeasures: Confer how to moderate the attack in countermeasures.
- Additional Resources
- NS2 Documentation: Discover the application-layer coding in NS2.
- Cryptography Libraries: For stronger hash function simulations, we can utilize OpenSSL libraries.
- Books:
- For your reference, it offers Cryptography and Network Security by William Stallings.
In this manual, we clearly demonstrated the brief approach on how to set up NS2, implement the Birthday Attack and simulate it using NS2 environment. If you want to learn more about this project then we will provide more insights.