How to Start Content Centric Network Projects Using OMNeT++

To start a Content-Centric Networking (CCN) project in OMNeT++ which has encompasses to know the CCN’s basics, set up the OMNeT++ environment, and then execute a network architecture in which content is get into depends on their name instead its position. Below is a detailed technique to get started:

Steps to Start Content-Centric Networking Projects in OMNeT++

  1. Understand Content-Centric Networking
  • Concept:
    • CCN is a paradigm, according to their name rather than its source IP address where network recoveries the data.
    • It concentrates on effective content distribution, caching, and name-based routing.
  • Key Features:
    • Content Naming: Unique names for information.
    • In-Network Caching: Content is stored on routers for fast access.
    • Interest Packets: It transmits through consumers to demand the content.
    • Data Packets: Transmit requested content again to the consumer.
  1. Prepare the OMNeT++ Environment
  • Install OMNeT++:
    • Go to the official OMNeT++ webpage to download and configure it on the system.
  • Install INET Framework:
    • The INET framework offers models for network protocols that can be prolonged for CCN functionality.
    • Copy the INET repository from
    • Execute and experiment with sample simulations.
  • Add CCN-Specific Modules (Optional):
    • Try to find existing CCN-related extensions like Named Data Networking (NDN) executions for OMNeT++.
  1. Research and Plan
  • Define Objectives:
    • Describe the project’s goals such as caching strategies, content dissemination, or name-based routing efficiency.
  • Select Metrics:
    • We can choose the performance parameters like latency, cache hit ratio, bandwidth utilization, and content retrieval time.
  • Use Cases:
    • Distributed content delivery systems.
    • Video streaming.
    • IoT data distribution.
  1. Design the CCN Architecture
  • Network Topology:
    • Make a network topology including routers, producers, and consumers.
    • Describe the links and interaction channels for CCN.
  • Content Naming:
    • For content like /videos/movie1, we can utilize the hierarchical names to name it based on the locations.
  • Caching:
    • Execute the caching on intermediate routers.
    • Select the caching strategies like LRU, LFU, and FIFO.
  • Routing:
    • Routing is frequently utilizing name-based forwarding policies.
  1. Implement CCN in OMNeT++
  • Modify INET Framework:
    • We may prolong the existing modules including CCN functionality for changing the INET.
    • We can make custom applications to create and handle the Interest and Data packets.
  • Develop New Modules:
    • Consumer: It makes Interest packets.
    • Producer: It offers information for demanded content.
    • Router: Routers transmits the Interest packets and stores Data packets.
  • Simulation Scenarios:
    • From several consumers to replicate the demanded content.
    • We should measure various caching strategies or routing protocols.
  1. Run Simulations
  • Set Up Configuration Files:
    • For topology definition, we need to utilize .ned files.
    • Make use of .ini files for simulation metrics such as node count, cache size, and packet size.
  • Execute Simulations:
    • Execute the simulations scenarios with the help of OMNeT++ IDE.
    • Observe the flow of Interest and Data packets via network.
  1. Analyze Results
  • Metrics to Evaluate:
    • Cache hit ratio: Estimate the rate of requests that are functioned from caches.
    • Bandwidth utilization: Compute the effectiveness of data transmission.
    • Latency: Calculate the duration to recover the data.
  • Visualization Tools:
    • Examine the simulation outcomes to utilize the built-in tools of OMNeT++.
    • Transfer information into external analysis tools like Python or MATLAB for visualization.
  1. Optimize and Extend
  • Optimization:
    • Experiment various caching policies or routing procedures.
    • We should launch the load balancing methods for optimization.
  • Extensions:
    • Combine with emerging technologies such as edge computing or 5G for extension.
    • Focus on the effect of mobility within CCN for vehicular networks.

By following these steps, you can simulate and estimate the Content Centric Network Projects using OMNeT++ environment and INET framework. We aim to offer further information on this subject in upcoming manual.

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