How to Start Flooding Routing Projects using OMNeT++

To stimulate the Flooding routing is a simple yet essential concept in networking, in which each node transmits the received packets to overall the neighbours excepting the source. Estimate a Flooding Routing project in OMNeT++ has been involves the generating a network replication in which this routing strategy is applied. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Steps to Start Flooding Routing Projects using OMNeT++

  1. Set Up the Environment

Install OMNeT++

  • Download OMNeT++ from the official website and install it.
  • Assure the installation is working through process the sample replication.

Install INET Framework

  • Download the INET framework compatible through your OMNeT++ version.
  • Create the framework:

make makefiles


  1. Understand Flooding Routing
  • Basic Idea:
    • The node broadcasts for packet to the neighbours.
    • Every neighbour more broadcasts to their neighbours, assuring the overall nodes receive the packet.
    • Mechanisms such as sequence numbers or TTL (Time-To-Live) are used to avoid the infinite loops and duplicate transmissions.
  • Applications:
    • Network discovery.
    • Propagating control messages.
  1. Plan the Simulation

Define Objectives

  • Replicate a flooding routing mechanism.
  • Calculate the performance metrics such as:
    • Number of duplicate packets.
    • Network overhead.
    • Time to deliver packets to overall nodes.

Network Topology

  • Select a topology for sample grid, ring, or random.
  • Describe the number of nodes and connected the links.
  1. Create a New OMNeT++ Project
  1. Open OMNeT++ IDE.
  2. Go to File > New > OMNeT++ Project.
  3. Name your project for sample FloodingRouting and click Finish.
  1. Implement Flooding Routing

Define the Network Topology

  • Build a .ned file we describe the network structure.
  • Example:

network FloodingNetwork



node[10]: StandardHost {





node[*].pppg++ <–> node[*].pppg++;


Create a Custom Routing Module

  • Estimate a new flooding routing module through encompass the INET’s base classes.
  • Sample code for flooding logic:

class FloodingRouting : public cSimpleModule {


std::set<int> receivedMessages; // To track processed messages


virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {

auto packet = check_and_cast<Packet *>(msg);

// Prevent duplicate processing

int messageId = packet->getId();

if (receivedMessages.find(messageId) != receivedMessages.end()) {

delete packet;




// Forward the packet to all neighbors

for (int i = 0; i < gateSize(“out”); i++) {

if (packet->getArrivalGate() == gate(“in”, i)) continue; // Avoid sending back to the source

auto copy = packet->dup();

send(copy, “out”, i);



// Process locally if needed



virtual void processPacket(Packet *packet) {

// Logic for processing packets locally



Integrate the Module

  • Enhance the new routing module to the nodes in your .ned file:

node[*]: StandardHost {


routingProtocol = “FloodingRouting”;


  1. Configure Simulation Parameters
  • Add configurations in the omnetpp.ini file:

[Config FloodingRoutingSimulation]

network = FloodingNetwork

**.app[0].typename = “FloodingApp”

**.app[0].startTime = 1s

**.ttl = 10

  • Describe the parameters such as TTL to find the packet propagation depth.
  1. Run the Simulation
  • Open Tkenv or Cmdenv in OMNeT++ we process the replication.
  • Observe:
    • Packet flow with the network.
    • The number of duplicate packets.
  1. Analyze Results

Metrics to Evaluate

  • Delivery Ratio: How many nodes received the packet in a delivery ratio.
  • Overhead: Number of duplicate packets transfer the overhead.
  • Latency: Time to reach overall nodes.


  • Used the visualize for OMNeT++’s built-in tools we display the packet flows and node communications.
  • Distribute the outcomes to tools such as MATLAB or Python for more analysis.
  1. Extend and Optimize

Introduce Improvements

  • Enhance the sequence numbers of packets we prevent the duplicates.
  • Execute the TTL to detect the packet propagation.
  • Used the selective flooding and we find the particular network regions.

Compare with Other Protocols

  • Estimate the flooding against further protocols such as OSPF or AODV.

Dynamic Topologies

  • Replicate the environment through connection failures or mobile nodes.

In this presented manual elaborately provide the complete procedures to help you to simulate the Flooding Routing over the network using the tool of OMNeT++. A dedicated manual will be shared to handle further queries about this project

If you want a hassle-free experience, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Just send us the details of your Flooding Routing Project at, and we’ll provide you with the best support. Work with us, and you can relax knowing that we’ll handle the challenging research and writing tasks for you.