How to Start Global Routing Projects using OMNeT++
To create a Global Routing project in OMNeT++ has includes the execute or using a previous routing strategy in which the routing decisions are terms on the global view for the network topology. This method is general in Link-State Routing protocols such as OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), where every node computes the minimum path using a complete map of the network.
Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Steps to Start Global Routing Projects using OMNeT++
- Understand Global Routing
Key Features
- The nodes have assigns to global network data, like as:
- Link costs such as delay, bandwidth, or hop count.
- Network topology.
- The routing tables are calculated using technique such as Dijkstra’s Algorithm.
- General in centralized or hierarchical networks.
- Sample involves the OSPF, MPLS, or SDN-based routing.
- Set Up the Environment
Install OMNeT++
- Download OMNeT++ from the official website.
- Follow the installation steps and validation the configure through process for sample replication.
Install INET Framework
- Download the INET framework compatible through the OMNeT++ version.
- Create the framework:
make makefiles
The INET offers the designs for routing, mobility, and network layers vital for global routing.
- Plan the Simulation
Define Objectives
- Execute or alter the global routing protocol.
- Estimate the performance metrics such as:
- Path optimality.
- Convergence time.
- Routing overhead.
Choose a Topology
- Used the topology for static or dynamic topologies such as grid, tree, or random.
- State the connection costs according to parameter such as bandwidth, delay, or hop count.
- Create a New OMNeT++ Project
- Open OMNeT++ IDE.
- Go to File > New > OMNeT++ Project.
- Name the project for instance GlobalRouting and click Finish.
- Implement Global Routing Logic
Use or Extend INET’s Link-State Routing
The INET helps the link-state routing protocols such as OSPF. we can modify or use them as-is.
Custom Global Routing Module
Build a new .cc file for the global routing logic for sample
Example: Global Routing Logic Using Dijkstra’s Algorithm
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
using namespace omnetpp;
class GlobalRouting : public cSimpleModule {
struct Link {
int dest;
double cost;
std::map<int, std::vector<Link>> networkTopology; // Node-to-links mapping
std::map<int, int> routingTable; // Destination to next hop
int nodeId;
virtual void initialize() override {
nodeId = getId();
if (nodeId == 0) {
// Example: Initialize the global network topology
networkTopology = {
{0, {{1, 1.0}, {2, 2.0}}},
{1, {{0, 1.0}, {2, 1.0}, {3, 3.0}}},
{2, {{0, 2.0}, {1, 1.0}, {3, 1.0}}},
{3, {{1, 3.0}, {2, 1.0}}}
void computeRoutingTable() {
std::map<int, double> distances;
std::map<int, int> previous;
std::priority_queue<std::pair<double, int>, std::vector<std::pair<double, int>>, std::greater<>> pq;
// Initialize distances
for (const auto& [node, _] : networkTopology) {
distances[node] = (node == nodeId) ? 0 : INFINITY;
pq.push({0, nodeId});
while (!pq.empty()) {
double currentDistance =;
int currentNode =;
if (currentDistance > distances[currentNode]) continue;
for (const auto& link : networkTopology[currentNode]) {
double newDistance = distances[currentNode] + link.cost;
if (newDistance < distances[link.dest]) {
distances[link.dest] = newDistance;
previous[link.dest] = currentNode;
pq.push({newDistance, link.dest});
// Build routing table
for (const auto& [dest, _] : networkTopology) {
if (dest != nodeId) {
int nextHop = dest;
while (previous[nextHop] != nodeId) {
nextHop = previous[nextHop];
routingTable[dest] = nextHop;
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override {
auto packet = check_and_cast<cMessage *>(msg);
int dest = packet->par(“dest”);
if (routingTable.find(dest) != routingTable.end()) {
int nextHop = routingTable[dest];
send(packet, “out”, nextHop);
} else {
EV << “No route to destination.\n”;
delete packet;
- Define Network Topology
Create a .ned File
Describe the network topology by global routing:
network GlobalNetwork {
node[4]: StandardHost {
routingProtocol = “GlobalRouting”;
node[0].pppg++ <–> { delay = 10ms; datarate = 1Gbps; } <–> node[1].pppg++;
node[1].pppg++ <–> { delay = 15ms; datarate = 1Gbps; } <–> node[2].pppg++;
node[2].pppg++ <–> { delay = 5ms; datarate = 1Gbps; } <–> node[3].pppg++;
node[3].pppg++ <–> { delay = 10ms; datarate = 1Gbps; } <–> node[0].pppg++;
- Configure Simulation
Edit omnetpp.ini
Configure the simulation with global routing parameters:
[Config GlobalRoutingSimulation]
network = GlobalNetwork
**.node[*].routingProtocol = “GlobalRouting”
simulation.timeLimit = 100s
- Run the Simulation
- Use Tkenv or Cmdenv in OMNeT++ we process the replication.
- Observe:
- The routing table computation at every node.
- The packet forwarding by the network.
- Analyze Results
Metrics to Evaluate
- Path Optimality:
- Associates the calculated paths by theoretical minimum paths.
- Convergence Time:
- Time taken for all nodes we calculate the routing tables.
- Routing Overhead:
- Number of control messages modified the routing overhead.
- Used the visualize for the OMNeT++’s tools we monitor the packet flows and routing table bring up-to-date.
- Distribute the outcomes for complete examine using the tools such as MATLAB or Python.
- Extend and Optimize
Dynamic Scenarios
- Replicate the connection failures or topology variations.
- Execute the mechanisms to recompute routes dynamically.
Comparison with Other Protocols
- Replicate and associates the global routing by distributed routing protocols such as RIP or GPSR.
We had gathered the information; you can explore Global routing project which will be simulated and evaluated in the OMNeT++ environment. If needed, we will deliver the detailed structured for entire execution process in another manual.
Come be a part of our team! You can relax and not stress over the challenging research and writing tasks because we’ve got that covered for you. Simply send us the details of your Global Routing Project, and we at will provide you with top-notch support. We specialize in Link-State Routing protocols like OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), so let us handle your project and ensure it performs at its best.